(NaturalNews) Junk food advertising has reached a new low with the recent Doritos "Crash the Super Bowl" ads which portray Doritos consumers as violent murderers who will kill fellow human beings to get a bag of Doritos.These commercial videos below are on Youtube if you want to watch them. Type in Superbowl Dorito commmercials.One Doritos ad portrays a man backing out of a parking lot when his car strikes an innocent person who drops a bag of Doritos and falls to the ground behind the car. Rather than trying to help the innocent victim, this man throws his car into reverse and drives over the victim, killing him with the vehicle and stealing the bag of Doritos.The message? Doritos are so valuable that it's okay to kill people just to score a bag.A second Doritos ad shows two loser-looking gym bums being attacked by an insane junk food ninja who uses Doritos chips as throwing stars to murder the guy who stole his bag of Doritos. The message here? Doritos are so valuable that it's okay to kill others to defend them.A third Doritos ad shows one elderly man attacking a young man with a stun gun in order to buy the last bag of Doritos from a vending machine. Same gratuitous violence. Same message: Committing violent acts against others is perfectly acceptable when you're pursuing a bag of Doritos.Yet another Doritos ad shows two grown men smacking each other in the face to decide which loser has to go buy more Doritos. The loser ends up with a black eye after being punched so hard he flies through the air and lands on a coffee table, shattering it. Gee, why not just use the women in this role and make it a wife-beating commercial?A common theme: Violence against innocent peopleWhat's the common theme of all these Doritos television commercials? Acts of senseless violence committed against fellow human beings.Doritos marketing executives apparently think these commercials showing gratuitous acts of violence and murder are going to help them sell more Doritos. Maybe they've been eating too much of their own product and their brain function has been suppressed by all the MSG found in Doritos... because these ads aren't funny, they're sick!"Demented" might be a better term. It's hard to see the humor when there's so much realistic violence in the way. And yet somehow Frito-Lay executives gave these ads the big thumbs up. Let's use violence to sell junk foods!It sort of makes sense, actually: Junk food consumption is correlated with violent crime. Virtually all the criminals in prison across the country are nutritionally imbalanced due to their consumption of processed junk foods and their lack of sufficient nutritional supplementation. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if a study revealed that fried snack foods like Doritos are a favorite food among violent criminals. These are, after all, the kind of people depicted in some Doritos advertisements.In my view, the violent Doritos commercials accurately reflect the senseless, violent behavior that typifies people (younger males, mostly) who consume large quantities of processed junk foods, sugary soft drinks and gimmicky "sports drinks." These are the people who end up being put on antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs, after which they sometimes end up in a school shooting rampage.It might make a good Doritos commercial, actually: A kid grows up on junk food and diet soda laced with aspartame. He's drugged up on Ritalin and Prozac. One day he brings a semiautomatic rifle to school, barges into a classroom and opens fire on his classmates, shooting and screaming, "I WANT MY F*@!KING DORITOS!"Hilarious, huh? Some people think so. The Frito-Lay executives apparently think this kind of violence is appropriate for mainstream television. This is the kind of imagery they're using to try to convince people to buy their products! How sick is that?Doritos contain MSGDoritos are, of course, a processed junk food made with mosodium glutamate -- a taste-enhancing chemical that experts like Dr. Russell Blaylock link to obesity, food addictions, headaches and neurological damage. MSG is an excitotoxin that's used along with huge amounts of processed salt to enhance the flavor of dead foods like Doritos.Read more about the dangers of MSG here: http://www.naturalnews.com/msg.htmlBeing a fried snack food, Doritos also contain acrylamides -- toxic substances formed when carbohydrates are cooked a high temperatures. Acrylamides are linked to cancer and other serious diseases. (http://www.naturalnews.com/acrylami...)One study shows that eating acrylamides increases the risk of kidney cancer by 59 percent (http://www.naturalnews.com/024585_c...).PepsiCo, the parent company that makes Doritos, claims that its product isn't made with genetically modified corn, but tests conducted by GreenPeace proved that Doritos sold in India actually did contain GM corn varieties MON 863 and NK 603 (http://indiatoday.intoday.in/site/S...).So eating a bag of Doritos involves not only the ingestion of MSG and cancer-causing acrylamides; it may also expose you to genetically modified corn that has been scientifically linked to internal organ damage. (See books by Jeffrey Smith for loads of research on that...)So now all the violence actually starts to make sense: People who eat Doritos might be brain damaged from the chemicals in the product. And because they're brain damaged, they have lost the higher brain functions of critical thinking or expressing human compassion. They are operating from their lower "reptilian" brain stem functions which respond to two things: Sex and violence.No wonder the Doritos ads are focused on sex and violence.

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  • Yes the flavour can really hit you lol....
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    • I agree with you Robert that this kind of advertizing is NOT ok by any means and that critizing the commercials is ok too. I think commercials of this kind is an indication of the conditions in the world, which is very off. The people who write these commercials knows what sells stuff, because they know what would catch the interest of the viewers, shock value. So they are doing their jobs, which is to produce something that sells. If it were me I would not want to have anything to do with this kind of commercials, but I guess the commercial writers just make their living and do the best they can. I guess that probably they sleep ok at night but I would not, but that is just me. It is not right, a lot of the violence programming and commercials, it is a sign of a sick society loud and clearly.

      Not that I think that kids will actually go out and do the stuff in the commercials, but these kind of sick commercials certainly so desensitize people from being dismayed by violence which can lead to senseless violence, just like a lot of cartoons are violence packed, and the kids eat them up like candy. I have a 5 year old grandson and have watched him watching his cartoons. I believe that watching this stuff makes them more aggressive. I have seen it in my grandson, although when I talk to his parents they just laugh at me and tell me to chill.... It is so wrong, all the stuff geared at kids now. The messages that the media are giving are just twisted. So it is no wonder sometimes when youths do such violent things. Society and what it permits is completely to blame for a lot of horrible things that happen. And junk food like Doritos certainly does not help.
  • The advertisment bussines in the USA is kind of strange to me, in Belgium you are not alowed to deminize by brand name your competitors. Like here they can say Toyota is not as good as Ford. And the comercials here are all about bigger better faster stronger than all the rest, it is all about winners and losers. I dislike advertisment here also because it is the only thing you see here on tv, every 10 minutes there they are. They should do like other countrys before the movie in the midlle of the movie and after the movie,the later it becomes in the night the less they show them. I do apriciate Swedish comercials they tend to have a whole lot of humor. And last but not least i can not stand the smell of those Doritos ... :((..One barely knows what to eat anymore, there is shit in all the food,even food you might want to grow in your back yard. They did a survey once on litlle farm houses people have in Belgium where they grow their own vegetables and found them more poluted than the ones in the supermarket....the same with farmers that grow their stuff biologicaly...the rain comes from the same sky than the neighbour and so does the gass from cars and others,reminds me of the disaster in Chernobil when the french newschanneld told the french people the radioactive cloud came to the borders and then turned around never getting into France...lol...I really start to believe more and more that this planet is going nuts...
    • Wow our minds think alike. I wrote to them to tell them what I thought of their commercials and told them I would never buy their products again and am spreading the word and telling everyone I know.....
      • Good on ya, Marique!...Let's be grateful to Mike Adams for this; and yes, let us all spread the word. With hope, we might still be able to save the remaining Indigo children and future humans uncorrupted by these weapons of genocide...
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