A Defense Of Vlad Dracul III (a.k.a. Dracula):

he didn't Suck, he was just A misunderstood Romanian Prince who wanted revenge against certain people In the worst ways possible (as well as protect the Catholic Church from those gosh-darn Ottoman Muslims who wanted 10,000 gold pieces paid as tribute (annually) to stay out of Eastern Europe).

The Real Dracula

By John Fasulo

Who is the real Dracula? When the name “Dracula” is mentioned, should we refer to the undead blood-sucking vampire who sleeps in coffins and transforms into a bat, or should we reflect upon a fifteenth century Romanian prince with an obsession for impalement? Such questions lead us to realize that folklore offers us one Dracula, while history offers us another. We can thank Bram Stoker for stealing Dracula’s name and replacing it with a mythical villain who cannot even endure sunlight, and for leaving us to piece together the truth of a forgotten man. When the myth finally dies, and the fables are at last put to bed, the name of Dracula will remain unchanged in our history books – as it has for over half a millennia. Then we will find that the true history of Dracula, in fact, is far more fascinating than any vampire fairy tale.Raymond McNally and Radu Florescu (a descendant of Dracula’s younger brother) dedicated their lives to finding the truth about the historical Dracula, and translated hundreds of Romanian, Russian, and German accounts in their book, In Search of Dracula. In order to detail the life of Dracula, this paper will place a heavy emphasis on McNally and Florescu’s book, as do nearly all other writings concerning the historical Dracula.The real Dracula, Vlad Tepes III Dracula, was born during the winter months of 1431 in the Transylvanian fortress of Sighisoara, located in Romania. Dracula’s father, Vlad II, had three sons: the eldest, Mircea; Vlad, who kept his namesake; and Radu, who would come to be known as “The Handsome.” The early childhoods of Dracula and Radu were typical for sons of the nobility. Dracula’s first steps in becoming a monster were taken on at the age of five, when he began a formal apprenticeship for knighthood. Dracula learned the art of warfare, and the skills of combat deemed necessary for a Christian knight living in turbulent Europe.

Contrary to the popular romantic legends of the Draculas living in Transylvania, they resided just southeast, in the Romanian independent province of Wallachia. Wallachia, a principality, was often found caught in the middle of the constant power struggle between its stronger neighbors, Hungary and Turkey. At that time, Vlad II was living in Transylvania attempting to gather support for his intended effort to seize the Wallachian throne from a pro-Turkish puppet prince. The same year Dracula was born, Vlad II joined a group of Slavic rulers and warlords who swore to uphold the Christian faith by fighting off the advancing Ottoman Empire. The group was known as the Order of the Dragon. It gained Vlad II the Holy Roman Emperor’s pledge to support his claim to the throne of Wallachia.

The Order of the Dragon was created by the Emperor Sigismund to defend the Cross and to war against its enemies, principally the Turks. It was comprised of noble princes and vassals that Sigismund considered useful for both political and military alliances. Dracula’s father was included in this Order, which used the mythical dragon as their emblem. From his induction on, Vlad II had the dragon symbol of the Order displayed on his coinage. True to the modern image of vampires, he also had it embroidered on a black cape over a silk red garment.

Vlad II fell so deeply in love with the idea of being part of the cliquey Order that he adopted the dragon to his name, using the word “Dracul,” which means “The Dragon” in Romanian. His son Vlad III used the sobriquet “Dracula” in the context of “The Son of Dracul” or “The son of he who was a member of the Order of the Dragon.” However, it was only a matter of time until young Vlad Dracula would cause the name to take on a second meaning. Dracula would give his enemies and superstitious peasants good reason to refer to members of the Dracul family as “Devils.” Dracula grew to be so deeply feared and associated with the diabolical, he was even depicted martyring St. Andrew in paintings of the day. Regardless of his devil image, Dracula’s father killed his pro-Turkish rival in 1436, and became the Voevod (Warlord–Prince) of Wallachia with the help of the Order.

However, the political situation in Wallachia remained unstable after Vlad Dracul seized the throne. In 1442, Vlad II decided to keep his principality neutral during Turkey’s invasion of Transylvania. The prince of Wallachia was a vassal of King John Hunyadi of Hungary, but at the same time had been forced to pay steep tributes to Sultan Mehemet. After Hunyadi (leader of the Order of the Dragon) successfully repelled the invasion, Vlad II was driven out of Wallachia as punishment for his neutrality. Vlad II regained his Wallachian throne via the Sultan in 1443 by swearing loyalty to him – not the Order of the Dragon, and by promising to pay steep tributes. Just to prove his goodwill to the Sultan, Vlad II topped it off by sending Vlad III and Radu to Istanbul as hostages. His two youngest sons were sent in 1444; Dracula would stay there until 1448, while Radu would remain until 1462. It was in a cell where young Vlad Dracula grew into a striking figure, with a chalky complexion, long nose, large mouth, and piercing green eyes. He was considered good looking for his day, sporting a lengthy mustache and wearing his hair long.

It would be preposterous to explain how Dracula eventually turned so batty; however, his Turkish captivity surely must have played an important role in his upbringing. It was during this time that Dracula developed his pessimistic and sadistic outlook on life. The years of imprisonment taught Dracula the Turkish language and trained him in Byzantine cynicism, which the Turks had merely inherited from the Greeks. Life became cheap for Dracula from this point on; after all, his own life was constantly threatened, hinging on the good behavior of his father. Any hint of morality that remained in Dracula was swallowed by suspicion and revengefulness. Dracula was known for his insubordination, while the younger Radu was much more malleable.

Sultan Mehemet quickly indoctrinated and converted Radu to Islam, but had trouble with the wiser, more stubborn Dracula. The Sultan’s goal was to make allies of the two Romanians, and to use their claim to the future Wallachian throne to his own advantage. The Sultan’s idea of imprisoning Dracula for twelve years proved to be the wrong way to win over the young Romanian’s heart, and resulted in Dracula developing a permanent hatred for the Turks. Regardless, the Sultan’s plans for Dracula to gain the Wallachian throne eventually came to pass in 1448. Just before Dracula was seated on the Wallachian throne, the Sultan decided to slip him some information: his father and older brother were tortured and buried alive by the Hungarians. Their murders were traced to rival Christian warrior, John Hunyadi, which only added another name to the list of Dracula’s enemies.

Earlier in 1444, Hunyadi launched a campaign to drive the Turks out of Europe. Hunyadi demanded that Vlad II fulfill his oath as a member of the Order of the Dragon and join the crusade against the Turks. Either way Vlad II looked at the situation, he was going to enrage one of his more powerful neighbors. He tried his best to walk a tightrope between them. Vlad II did not join the Christian forces, but instead sent Mircea in hopes that the Sultan would spare his two younger sons. Vlad Dracul and Mircea criticized Hunyadi’s idea of a campaign in the first place, and after the Christian forces were utterly destroyed by the Turks, they accused John Hunyadi of being solely responsible for the debacle. Hunyadi became bitterly hostile toward Vlad II and Mircea, and hired assassins to kill them. After their brutal deaths, Hunyadi placed his own candidate on the throne of Wallachia.

Mehemet loathed the idea of a Hungarian puppet ruling Wallachia, so he released the seventeen year-old Dracula, and helped him seize the Wallachian throne by 1448. Within two months however, Dracula was forced by Hunyadi to surrender the throne, whereby he fled north to Moldavia. Dracula hated the fact that he was just a puppet prince for the Turkish Sultan, so Hunyadi’s threats in fact provided him the opportunity to leave. However, Turkish advances made Moldavia unsafe as well, and by 1451, Dracula was forced to flee back to Transylvania.

Meanwhile, the fact that Radu willingly remained with the Sultan greatly troubled Dracula. He came to believe the only way to both oust the Turks that brainwashed his brother and become the true prince of Wallachia was to seek the help of fellow-Christian John Hunyadi. Dracula temporarily put aside the humiliating murders of his father and older brother, swallowed his pride, and crawled to Hunyadi in an attempt to gain back his throne. The timing bade well for Dracula, since Hunyadi's puppet on the Wallachian throne had recently instituted a series of pro-Turkish policies. To the luck of Dracula, Hunyadi
saw him as more reliable, and accepted the allegiance of his old enemy's son. Dracula became Hunyadi’s vassal, received his father’s old Transylvanian duchies, and remained under Hunyadi’s protection.

In 1453, the Christian world was shocked by the final fall of Constantinople to Islam. As a result, John Hunyadi immediately began planning another campaign against the Turks, while Dracula continued waiting for an opportunity to regain his throne. In 1456, Hunyadi invaded Turkish Serbia while Dracula simultaneously invaded Wallachia with the help of Hungarian forces. Hunyadi was defeated and killed, while Dracula succeeded in taking back the Wallachian throne.

Dracula’s second term as the Prince of Wallachia proved to be his longest and most renowned. His leadership united the Wallachian people like never before, and protected them from any hostile foreign influences. It was during this reign that Dracula initiated his campaign against the Turks. His skill as a Voevod and his infamous acts of cruelty made him a dreaded enemy. There are numerous accounts concerning his atrocities, and it is estimated that anywhere from 40,000 to 100,000 people were executed throughout his reigns. Most of the carnage associated with Dracula's name took place during the years of his second reign.

Dracula, not known to procrastinate, began his reign of terror as soon as he was inaugurated. His first significant act of brutality was one of vengeance, which targeted any possible suspects in the murder of his father and older brother. Dracula held a feast at his capital in Tirgoviste for his boyars (nobles) to celebrate his recent coming to power. He knew many of these boyars ousted numerous Wallachian princes in the past, and felt without a doubt they were part of the conspired plot against his father. The boyars were naïve to Dracula’s tactics, and saw the invitation as another opportunity to gorge and drink. During the feast, Dracula asked his noble guests how many princes had ruled during their lifetimes. The answers varied from at least fifty princes, to no less than seven. Dracula felt his point was made, and immediately extended all five hundred of his guests the hospitality of being impaled on the spot.

Dracula worked relentlessly and methodically in eradicating Wallachia’s old boyar class, who were responsible for the undermining and violent overthrowing of previous princes.  Dracula was paranoid about any internal threats, and made sure his power would be secure at least within his own principality. He replaced the slaughtered nobles with men from the peasantry and middle class, who proved to be loyal only to their prince. Dracula's acts of cruelty can be interpreted as efforts to secure and strengthen the central government, or they can be seen as the acts of a madman pure and simple. In any case, they were nothing less than atrocities. In reference to the extreme methods used throughout his second reign, Dracula defended himself saying:

"My sacred mission is to bring order to Romania. If someone lies or commits any injustice, he is not likely to stay alive, whether nobleman, priest, or common man. There must be security for all in my land. If they say I am a vindictive man, they fear me. And that is well. When a prince is powerful at home, he will be able to do as he wills. If I am feared by the right people, Romania will be strong." - Vlad III Dracul

Dracula’s terror tactics indeed united his people, who essentially had little choice whether they wanted to be united or not. He gave his people the ultimatum to either be united, or be impaled until you rot in the sun. Not surprisingly, the choice to be united became popular.

Here's Another View Of Vlad III Dracul (a.k.a. Dracula): Not Only Did he Drink Blood In Front Of Impaled Persons (while they were alive, so they could see this demonic act (that goes back to Babylon)), He Was An Occult-Driven Ritualistic  Monster Who Killed Ten's Of Thousands Of People, Including Local Women Who Lost Their Virginity Prior To Marriage, Merchants Who Changed Their Prices Due To Market Demand, And Even Local Non-Muslims Deemed "lazy" For Taking Excessive Breaks While Working. Dracula Murdered These People In Symbolic Rituals That Involved The Most Painful And Slowest Method (Impalement) In Order  To Feed Off Their Energy While Also Dining Off Of Food (and the victim's blood) In Front of These Victims Prior To Death. This Is Supposedly The Hallmark Of A Certain (not all) Reptilian Bloodline Who Actually Believe That This Level of Evil (and "vampirism") Inflicted On Other Human Beings Qualifies One As "royalty," And Thus "qualifies" One To Rule Over Such People Who Do Not Have This Same Reptilian DNA, This Same Ritualistic Personality, And This Blatant Lack Of Empathy Displayed By Themselves And Their Ancestors Deemed As Defining "royalty."

There has been a lot of speculation, especially by British author David Icke, concerning a real connection between non-terrestrial reptilian species and vampire beings. Some feel that this is simply a conspiracy theory or used as an allegory in order to sell books. But both elements, in my opinion, offer some insight into a hypothesis that may help explain some of the mysteries of why we are on Earth.

Draconian Aliens and Dracula...is there a connection?

This is where part of the symbolism in the story of Dracula originates. It was written by the Irish author Bram Stoker and published in 1897. Stoker knew the vampire legends after years of research...there is no part of the world and no era of history that does not have its myths and legends about vampires who feed off other people's energy and blood. Observe the main elements of that tale.

His name is Dracula (the Draco constellation is the alleged home of the royal reptilian bloodlines). He is called "Count" Dracula (symbolic of the way these Draco bloodlines have been carried by "human" royalty and aristocracy). Dracula is a vampire (symbolic of the need of the Draco reptilians to drink human blood and feed off human energy). Dracula shape-shifts, appears and disappears (symbolic of the reptilian shape-shifters). He cannot stand direct sunlight (what some say of the reptilians and greys). He comes in through "windows" (symbolic of the interdimensional portals through which reptilian entities enter our world).

Stoker's character was largely based on a man called Dracula or Vlad the Impaler, (in Romanian - Vlad Tepes) the 15th-century ruler of a country called Wallachia, not far from the Black Sea in what is now Romania (Rom = reptilian bloodlines). This was the same region that was once called Transylvania, the home of the most famous vampire legends, and the Danube River valley, which runs from Germany to Romania and into the Black Sea, is a name that comes up very often in the history of the bloodlines.

Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia, slaughtered tens of thousands of people and impaled many of them on stakes. He would sit down to eat amid this forest of dead bodies, dipping his bread in their blood. He usually had a horse attached to each of the victim's legs and a sharpened stake was gradually forced into the body. The end of the stake was usually oiled and care was taken that the stake not be too sharp; he didn't want the victim dying too quickly from shock. Infants were often impaled on the stake forced through their mothers' chests. The records indicate that victims were sometimes impaled so that they hung upside down on the stake. Death by impalement was slow and painful. Victims sometimes endured for hours or days. Dracula had the stakes arranged in various geometric patterns and the most common was a ring of concentric circles. The height of the spear indicated the rank of the victim, an excellent indication of the ritual-obsessed reptilian mind.

The decaying corpses were often left there for months. It was once reported that an invading Turkish army turned back in fright when it encountered thousands of rotting corpses impaled on the banks of the Danube. In 1461 Mohammed II, the conqueror of Constantinople, a man not noted for his squeamishness, was sickened by the sight of twenty thousand impaled corpses rotting outside of Dracula's capital of Tirgoviste. The warrior sultan turned over command of the campaign against Dracula to subordinates and returned to Constantinople. Ten thousand were impaled in the Transylvanian city of Sibiu, where Dracula had once lived. On St. Bartholomew's Day, 1459, Dracula had thirty thousand merchants and others impaled in the Transylvanian city of Brasov. One of the most famous woodcuts of the period shows Dracula feasting amongst a forest of stakes and their grisly burdens outside Brasov while a nearby executioner cuts apart other victims.
Impalement was Dracula's favorite technique, but by no means his only method of inflicting unimaginable horror. The list of tortures employed by this deeply sick man included nails in heads, cutting off limbs, blinding, strangulation, burning, cutting off noses and ears, mutilation of sexual organs (especially in the case of women), scalping, skinning, exposure to the elements or wild animals, and boiling alive. No one was immune to Dracula's attentions. His victims included women and children, peasants and great lords, ambassadors from foreign powers and merchants.

Vlad III was the son of Vlad Dracul, who was initiated into the ancient Order of the Dragon by the Holy Roman emperor in 1431. It's emblem was a dragon, wings extended, hanging on a cross. Vlad II wore this emblem and his coinage bore the dragon symbol. All the members of the order had a dragon on their coat of arms and he was nicknamed Dracul (the Devil or the Dragon). Son Vlad signed his name Draculea or Draculya or the "Devil's son" and this later became Dracula, a name that translates as something like "son of him who had the Order of the Dragon". This is the same Dragon Order that is today promoted by the British "Holy Grail" author, Sir Laurence Gardner. By the way, Queen Mary or Mary of Teck, the mother of King George VI and therefore grandmother to the present Elizabeth II, was descended from the bloodline of the Order of The Dragon. 

The possibility of Vlad III being a reptilian (with an attitude problem) seems incredibly real to me considering that certain reptilians are reportedly trying to enslave non-reptilian DNA-types on this planet... The way Vlad III looks at humanity is the same as way the current reptilians currently look at us according to David Icke; I'm sure that many wish they could come out and rule openly once again... Now for the information:



Vlad Dracul (Vlad the Dragon) but more importantly his son, Vlad the Impaler (Vlad II and III of Wallachia) are the source of the legend of Dracula, the most famous vampire.

Dracu - u + o = Draco

Lets start with a little on Vlad II. He ruled over Wallachia from 1436-1447. In 1431, he joined The Order of The Dragon. A society with ties to the catholic church, and dedicated to the defense of Christianity, from the Ottomans in particular.

The original order of the dragon was founded by Milos Obilic, famous for assassinating the Ottoman Sultan, Murad I (a muslim). The organization was then called The Sacred Order of the Dragon of Saint George. Saint George was a famous Catholic knight, known for slaying a great dragon, which was terrorizing a kingdom.

In the story, the people have to make regular sacrifices to the dragon, so it wont kill them all, eventually the king's daughter drew the lot that said she was to be sacrificed. Luckily, Saint George comes along, and saves her from her peril, he tells the people that he will slay the dragon if they simply CONVERT TO CHRISTIANITY. They all do, and the dragon is slain, and George goes down in history as a great hero of the people, great slayer of the dragon.

But what did he really do? Told the people he could make the dragon go away if they just go along with the current corrupt Illuminati rule, the catholic church. 

Vlad III loved seeing weaknesses in his fellow man and would to anything to exploit it even more. One day Dracula decided to clean up his Kingdom and rid it of all people that were handicapped, poor, lazy, born with an illness, or somebody he simply did not like (a.k.a. forced advanced directives). He invited all these people to a hall so they could have a magnificent feast of food and wine. Dracula was there and asked his guest if they would like to know what it would be like to never be hungry again or to never feel pain, and of course his guests said yes. Minutes later Dracula had the hall boarded up, sealed, and lit on fire. There were no survivors.

On another equally disturbing occasion Dracula had 30,000 merchants impaled for disobeying his trade laws. He left their bodies up in his city rotting so other merchants would think twice before disobeying him. Impaling a person was Dracula's favorite way to kill someone. What he would do is take a large stake and have it stuck in the ground pointy side up. Then he would place his victim on it through the anus or if it was a woman through the vagina, and their body would slowly slide down until death ensuring the victim a painful and slow torture.

If any of Dracula's mistresses were though to be pregnant he would disembowel them and then impale them so the stake could clearly be seen going through. It was during this time period that rumors were circulating around that Dracula ate his victims flesh and drank their blood. The rumors were true. He seemed to gain amusement in all sorts of macabre situations. He would decapitate, boil, skin, hang, dismember, and burn people for fun or to prove a point.

In another incident Turkish ambassadors refused to remove their Phrygian caps in front of Dracula and insulted him. When he asked them why they did not take them off they said it was their custom to have them on at all times, so he had their caps nailed to their heads never to be taken off again. In 1461 Dracula was attacked and captured by the Turks and imprisoned in Hungary. He lost his ruling and his kingdom, but didn't lose his love for terror. While in prison he was given special privileges since he was a Prince and continued his atrocities on his fellow inmates. Those inmates that were sick soon were eaten and had their blood drank by Dracula. When no human were around for him he would often impale small animals or insects to satisfy his urges for killing.

He even got married to the King's cousin while in prison, Countess Ilona Szilgay, with whom he had two children. When finally let out of prison Dracula once again formed an army and returned to Romania to regain his throne. It's interesting to note that his favorite method of killing, impaling, was sanctioned by the Vatican, as he was, after all, impaling the foes of the Catholic Church in the name of God. Once again he fought another battle and won, but victory would be short lived. Soon Dracula would die in another battle when he was attacked by the Turks and the Sultan Mehmad.


In summary, Vlad III is well known in history for his brutal and twisted treatment of his enemies. His favorite method of torture and death was to drive long stakes into people, impaling them. Then arranging the stakes in different patterns on his land; always in certain patterns. This obsession with ritual patterns was definitely a reptilian trait defined by Icke and others. It would have been even better if reports about his eyes changing into reptilian form were reported.

Vlad III killed tens of thousands of people, and the stories of his horrible deeds traveled all throughout the land. He killed many muslim Ottomans, as well as the people who murdered his father, and their families, and many, many, many more. Vlad was even known to keep buckets of blood from his victims around him as he ate, to dip his bread in.

There is a story widely spread that one day one of his men (loyal to him) couldn't bear the smell of the bodies. So Vlad had him impaled higher than the rest, so he wouldn't have to smell them anymore. I guess this soldier didn't have reptilian DNA, or Vlad needed to "thin the herd" of "bad" DNA.

Vlad III was one of the most cruelest and sadistic characters in all of history. But he sure kept those gosh-darn muslims away.

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  • Agree for sure that Christs message has been abused. As well as that of the divine mother. But to move into the Age of Aquarius and the Golden Age, both aspects must be reunited. Its only in doing so that true divine love can be manifested, and God "complete" manifested into the world of form.


  • Indeed Hellen agree, many are returning to such old ways and traditions.. Blessings..

  • Wonder what this fish represented?..


    • The Pisces Fish; the Age of Pisces; the Age of Christ; Sacrifice. When abused, it's using others desire for sacrifice and service to one's own advantage via deception. That's the big problem now, and that is a sign that the Age of Pisces is now coming to an end. It doesn't define an end of the message of Christ, t's just a sign that his message of love has been overused and abused for the advantage of others (i.e. the banks, landowners, money addicts) and that it's time to move on to another age.

  • Interesting Malcolm ... i have also came across this information, which is interesting as well ... http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_dragon...

    maybe i should make a post or something ... lol ... but then again there are to many "sharks' in the water ... ;)

    • OUTSTANDING! I particularly like "the history of the Dragon Families" and the discussion per mitochondrial DNA from the mother and the RH(-) factor of blood. But again, I think there is something more since Dracula's brother Radu was raised and tortured alongside him by the same Turks holding him hostage (from early adolescence to young adulthood) and the only difference is that Dracula got exposed to teachings of the Order of The Dragon when he retuned to Romania (and became a monster) and Radu was introduced to liberal Islamic circles and became known as "Radu The Handsome" (and reportedly became bisexual). I like the astrology angle still, and if interested, here's my researched interpretation of Dracula (I've been doing this for 28 years):

      HOROSCOPE OF VLAD THE IMPALER (A.K.A. Dracula, Vlad III, Reptilian  Extraordinaire) Family Tree With The Royal Family And Bush Clan, LOTS OF HUMOR,  And Easy-To-Read Interpretations Highlighed In Yellow

      THE ASTROLOGY WORK AND INTERPRETATIONS ARE BELOW  "Dracula's Family Tree" AND "Dracula Humor" IN THE SECTION LABELED  "Astrology."My personal interpretations are written out and highlighted in  yellow, if you desire to "cut to the chase." IF YOU WANT TO TRY TO LEARN SOME  ASTROLOGY CONCEPTS, I STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU PRINT THE FIRST TWO ASTROLOGY  CHARTS OF THE SERIES (labeled "Vlad Dracul III" in the upper left-hand corner)  and use these charts to follow with the interpretations. This was a major  research project, and I welcome any criticism. Thanks for reading.    Malcolm

                                                             Dracula's Family  Tree

      Here's a 1-minute youtube video of Prince Charles  admitting that he's related to Dracula:   

         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_ikR49Q-fk&feature=player_detailpage          And here's the family tree, which  includes John Kerry and George W. Bush:      8110631067?profile=original                                                                                                     Dracula Humor

      To qualify to be placed on a U.S. Postage Stamp,  you must be certified to be dead. Bela Lugosi is dead, and was reportedly buried  with a huge cross on top of his body when they closed the coffin: 8110631254?profile=original     Here's a 3-minute  section of Bugs Bunny confroning Dracula and fighting him with magic! If  you've never seen this particular cartoon, watch it and try not to  laugh.


      More Dracula humor: here's a 5 minute section from  Mel Brooks' "Dracula Dead And Loving It," with Dracula (Leslie Nielson)  confronting Mel Brooks (Von Helsing) and explaining himself and his deeds.  Again, if you've never seen this, try not to laugh:  


      Finally, myself and some aspiring musicians in Atlanta actually  discussed forming a metal punk band and calling it "Dracula Was Gay." The  name originated from the Dead Kennedy's lead singer Jello Biafra, and the  idea was that the act would open with "Dracula" breaking up a make-out  session between a band member and his girlfriend (and the band member kissing  his girlfriend would have a giant cucumber in his pants pocket). Dracula would  then raise his hand, the girlfriend would faint, and Dracula would look at the  boyfriends pants pocket, look at his eyes, look at his pants pocket, and then  look at his eyes and say "I vant to suck your.... let me think for a  minute."

      Oh well, it was just an idea anyway.


      There is no doubt in my mind that Dracula had  Pisces rising as his Ascendant. The fish-like eyes, the willingness to "serve,"  and his willingness to swallow his pride (SO THAT HE COULD DECEIVE  IMPORTANT PEOPLE AND REGAIN THE THRONE FROM THE MURDERER OF HIS FATHER) are  tell-tale signs of Pisces rising. But I really suspect this is his rising sign  due to those "fish eyes." Just take a look at those fish eyes below the  following definition of Pisces Rising: Pisces  rising has  a narrow/longish face, sometimes v-shaped, but curved.

        Their energy is subtle, not normally direct, mysterious, but not necessarily   secretive, visionary, intuitive. The voice is soft, easy and gentle, in  direct contrast to the pace and sharpness of Aries.

        The skin often has a clear appearance that is luminescent. This is much like   their personalities, which are the most humble, transparent and sacrificial  in the zodiac. The eyes are often large and round or bulging. They tend to  be dark or of mixed color, but can be bright. They are generally inquisitive  and can be great listeners, giving you their full attention. There is  mystery about them that makes many of them very alluring. Their sensitivity  comes out at times when they speak to empathize with or defend others,  especially who are not there to defend themselves.


      The conjunction  between Mars and Saturn (in the 11th house) forming a sextile to the Sun (in the  eighth house) really sticks out in this chart. Note that Alex Jones has Sun  Square Mars on his chart, and he seems to enjoy conflict. Mars Conjunct Saturn  has a lot to do with death and murder (Adolph Hitler had a similar strong  placement between Mars and Saturn on his chart), and it is fair to say that  Dracula probably enjoyed killing others. It was reported that while he was in  jail, he traded gemstones for live small animals (brought to him by the guards)  and impaled them with his silverware while in his cell. He was that  monsterous.












      Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/forum/topics/horoscope-of-vlad-the... Follow us: AshtarCommandCrew on Facebook

      • thanks Malcolm ... but this is to complex for my mind ... lol ... but still - very interesting ;)

  • I agree. But keep in mind that both Dracula and his brother Radu were raised in the exact same environment, both were allowed to be taken hostage at the same time (in early adolesence) to solidify a bargain with the Turks, and both were allowed "to keep their Jesus" while held hostage (as well as learn Islam). There was something more, and I think this has to do with occult leanings and occult experiences once Dracula was released by the Ottomans to return to Romania via a "game of battlefield chess" being played between the Ottoman Sultan and the King of Wallachia. 

    Dracula became a member of the order of Dracul on his return, and there is no telling what kind of experiences he had in learning about the occult, and how it affected him psychologically. David Berkowitz (the "Son of Sam" serial killer) was reportedly heavy into satanism, and it affected him in the worst ways imaginable. I was initiated into O.T.O. at one time, and while I have no desire to hurt anyone (I'm an RN),  I still don't like to talk about what I experienced while I was a member and resident astrologer with O.T.O., but the experiences in learning about occult rituals were nevertheless powerful.  

  • That depends on what you define as sick. I remember (a long time ago) being told that girls who liked the Beatles were "sick" due to the haircuts and style of music they had. But they brought harmony to others, and were caffeine-free. Not to sound like a broken-record, but money addiction (and not admitting to oneself that one has a problem) is also a part of the problem with "mental illness," in addition to very negative influences. 

  • It's more complicated than that. I worked psychiatric for six years, and I see one common denominator: people who are damaged goods due to other people who are damaged goods trying to prove to such people (who are not damaged yet) and themselves  that they are not damaged goods. Society and government needs to focus on health and the root of similar social problems that create psychotic people, instead of trying to figure out how to rescue ponzi schemes called Wall Street and the Federal Reserve.

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