Hello everyone!! I am glad to be here, and i would love to share a dream i had apx 1 yr ago, I welcome any and all feedback, I have had many dreams that stay with me , but this one is quite specific in terms of symbols
Ok on to the dream...... I and my step son ( he is 35) are in the upper room, there is no light except the light coming from off of our heads, the light is a golden hue around our heads, He and I are childlike in heart and mind, but adult in body, We are sitting on our knees, My step son says to me "Rene, want to see what I made"? I reply in an excited voice ,"Yes"!! He then hands me a miniature that he made, it was exactly 3 inches long, consisting of 3 objects, each object was exactly 1 in in size, I don't know how i know the exact size , i just know it... Th 3 objects were 1) An Eagle with its wings stretced outward. 2) A sphynx 3) A pyramid..... He then asks me if i want to hold it, , and to hold out my hand , he hands it to me, and we both were in awe and this miniature that he made.... as i recieve it the sand of the pyramid slowly filters through my fingers, we both were like WoW!!
I wake up !!! any thoughts
..i dont know the meaning.. but it looks a good dream to me.. all 3 objects are powerful objects, and i guess, this is something positive... its a good thing also that they were all well made...
it involves too much Egypt also... are u attracted to ancient Egypt???
Hello Vagelis, Well it is interesting, and when I was a little girl I always wanted to go to Egypt and see the pyramids
this of course never transpired, or did my want of being an Archeologist, lol. I guess this dream is a reminder of my childhood dreams, and I guess you could say the specifics in the math ( sizes of the pbjects) would probably play a role in terms of the Egyptians too , it was a very exciting dream, and i couldn't wait to tell my step son about it after I had the dream
thankyou for your comments, if anything more comes of the dream I will do a follow up