Dear Lightworkers,
This current event in the Gulf of Mexico was planned by the Light and the dark, eons ago, to be the moment of conclusion…a victory one way orthe other….for the dark to maintain control over humanity using another“911″ mobilisation for obedience and perpetual war…OR,
for the Light to glean a victory for truth, balance and freedom, byinstigating a massive wakeup call to the many who have not woken up yet,to the evils of corporate hegemony (BP, Halliburton, etc) over thelives of innocent people…who’s health and prosperity is threatened bythe environmental catastrophy and crass stupidity of the corporateworld…
The Galactic Federation of Light will not directly intervene on this occasion, because if we were to do so, then Humanity would be denied aGOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO RIGHT MUCH THAT IS WRONG…WITH RESPONSIBLE ACTION.
An opportunity has been presented for Earth Humans, to heal mother Earth’s open wounds…..demonstrating good will in action..
There are conventional centrifuge technologies that can seperate oilfrom water, which can be utilised to good effect, with the public’spressure placed upon Obama to put a limit on BP and Halliburton’sskullduggery, and replace their role in the clean-up exercise, withthose who are ernest and truthful, such as Kevin Costner’s company..
Also, a golden opportunity to place pressure on the politicians in your demands for a new energy, to replace fossil fuels….Namely
zero point, or aetheric energy….
Not only will this prevent the need to recklessly drill for oil and gas, but it will also offer technologies that can cause definedpollutants, such as oil, to be removed from the outer environment,instantly, and teleported back were it is needed, inside the crust….Itis Mother Earth’s life blood…a lubricant for this planet…
Suppressed exotic technologies can also dematerialise any undesiredpollutant, such as benzine and return it to the higher aethers, where itcan be made harmless…
So, more pressure can be placed in demand of an end of the fossil fuel economy and those who were formly dark will hear the clarion callfor change, more readily, thanks to this current blessing…..Yes ablessing in disguise, my friends…So, zazuma..! (Sirian for thank you.!)
Selamat gajun akanowai dajoie..!!
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