This is from an EFT site and is wonderful advice for all the situations we get ourselves into today !

When we’re willing to give up our “drama”
our lives will change for the better and
abundance will start flowing!

Why? Because being embroiled in emotional drama interrupts the energetic signals about success and abundance you have been trying to communicate to the Universe!

Yes, it’s time to drop our drama. This “invitation” shocks many people. Drama? Who, Me? I don’t have any drama in my life… Yes, we all have a certain amount of drama in our lives that we rely upon or stir up for a variety of reasons.

If you could drop your drama, your vibration would improve, and when your vibration improves, you can attract more abundance!

But if we’re attached to our drama,
letting it go feels unsafe!

Yes, this is true. Being attached to drama automatically means it will be challenging to let it go. Some of you reading this have already had a “no, thanks” reaction. Why do we get “attached” to drama? Because it’s frequent, familiar and distracting. In other words, it “works” so we keep it in our lives.

Here’s what I know…
People who “drop their drama”
attract more success!

But dropping our drama can feel threatening in so many ways, that’s the bad news. We hold on to it for so many reasons – it’s familiar, it’s a crutch, it’s comfortable and has value as a distraction from what we need to (“should”) address. The good news is that all these conflicts we have about dropping our drama can be handled and collapsed with EFT/ Meridian Tapping.

So it’s time for the “yes, but” section of my newsletter :-) Here are some typical “yes, buts” I find in myself and workshop participants when I suggest that we drop the drama from daily life:

(1) Yes, but… I’m afraid to drop the drama from my life because it’s so familiar!

Drama can indeed become familiar to us, so familiar that we almost have withdrawal symptoms when we let it go! When a pattern is comfortable and familiar, we tend to ignore whether it is good for us or not, because it is too uncomfortable to live without it. Engaging in drama on a regular basis makes it feel “necessary” even if it blocks your success.

(2) Yes, but… I don’t know who I’ll be without all the exciting drama in my life!

As usual, our identity issues come up when we try to “let go” of something in our lives. It’s actually a good question to ask yourself, “who will I be without my drama?” This fear of being someone different or changing too much is a tappable issue with EFT.

(3) Yes, but… What if I don’t feel safe without all the drama in my life?

Ask yourself how the drama makes you feel safe? How does it protect you? What buffer does it offer you? These are excellent questions so you can identify what you actually need to tap on. And what do you mean, “safe”? “Even though the drama makes me feel safe from….”

(4) Yes, but… My drama distracts me from problems I’m afraid to face.

Yes, it certainly does, which is why so many of us are reluctant to drop it from our lives! When we are constantly putting out fires (as the expression goes…) we don’t make time for simple issues or larger issues we need to face such as our kids, our marriage, or our health. Sometimes these problems become the “elephant in the living room” that we continuously walk around and ignore. The drama helps us do this… “Even though I’m afraid to face what’s underneath the drama…”

(5) Yes, but what if my life is boring without drama?

When you are accustomed to adrenaline running through your body 24/7, you’re right, the difference might feel a little boring, but in time, I believe you will come to appreciate, love and even crave this kind of peace of mind and tranquility. And besides, you can have excitement, passion and fulfillment without having drama. “Even though my life might be boring without all the drama…”

(6) Yes, but… They always bring their drama to me, it’s not my fault!

If it’s in your life, you’ve been a part of the cycle that attracts it energetically. And even if you blame them for bringing it to you, and are afraid they’ll be mad if you don’t “accept” their drama anymore, you can tap on it: “Even though I’m afraid they’ll be mad at me if I don’t engage in their drama anymore…”

I am sure that at least one of the above reasons for holding onto your drama resonates with you. Are you holding yourself back in your life because of any of these “yes, buts” or layers of resistance? If so, the “yes, buts” are all tappable issues with EFT/Meridian Tapping.

The question I invite you to ask yourself is:

Why are you still fighting to keep
the drama in your life…?

When we fight to hold onto something, there is usually a “safety” issue underneath the conflict.

Sometimes it is challenging to read the above statements and uncover your blocks, so see if any of the questions below help you uncover what’s blocking you from releasing emotional drama from your life.

(1) What’s the “downside” to dropping the drama from your life?

(2) Does it feel “unsafe” to be still and quiet?

(3) Are you more comfortable/ familiar with a life full of drama?

(4) Are you afraid of the success you might have without drama?

(5) What is the “upside” of keeping the drama in your life?

(6) What problem might you be forced to face without the drama to distract you?

These are all powerful questions that I recommend you answer as best you are able… once we know the “upside” of keeping drama, we can make healthier changes and choices. So try and figure out,

How does keeping drama
in your life ”serve” you?

Maybe you don’t believe that staying “the same” is serving you, but it must be, or else you would be committed, even inspired to change.

It’s your choice… Choose to
drop the drama from your life,
and enjoy the vibration of abundance!

In my newsletters, I like to include the benefits I have found to what I am proposing to my readers. Below are my favorite benefits of dropping the drama in your life:

(1) Dropping your drama will create energetic space in your life to have more creative ideas, personally and professionally.

(2) Dropping your drama will reduce the physiological stress response that continues to exhaust you.

(3) Dropping your drama will allow you to “hear” your internal “yes” or “no” so you can make the best decisions for you.

(4) Dropping your drama will invite you to address remaining blocks to abundance… you’ll have so much extra time now!

(5) Dropping your drama will instantly improve your vibration.

(6) Dropping your drama will “show” the Universe that you’re willing to receive abundance the easy way… without drama!

As Law of Attraction teachers say — it’s all energy. So change your energy by being inspired to live a quieter, more peaceful life without all the emotional drama that makes us feel as if we are riding a roller coaster. It will automatically invite the Universe to help you create more abundance right now.

Raise your vibration by choosing to
let go of the drama in your life and watch
the Universe join your efforts to succeed!

Remember, the Law of Attraction sends you situations that have the same energy of the vibration you are putting out… so when you are intending to value yourself by not getting embroiled in other people’s (and your own) drama, the Universe will bring you more calming and satisfying experiences.

Below you will find EFT/ Meridian Tapping setup phrases to help you drop the drama from your daily life.

When you change your vibration,
you will change your life.

Drop your drama now!


The EFT SETUP Phrases for this topic are as follows:

While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).

“Even though I’m afraid to drop the drama in my life, I accept my feelings and who I am.”

“Even though I have a conflict about letting go of the drama in my life, I accept how I feel and who I am.”

“Even though it doesn’t feel safe to drop my drama, I accept all of me now.”

I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat the positive round more than once if you wish. (Those of you who are new to EFT may view a chart of the spots on my web site under the EFT pages.)

***Now for the phrases that focus on the problem***

Eyebrow: “I’m afraid to drop my drama.”
Side of Eye: “A part of me is afraid to let go of all this drama.”
Under Eye: “I feel the need to be a part of all this drama.”
Nose: “I wouldn’t know what to do without all the drama.”
Chin: “I’m not convinced that drama is bad for me…”
Collarbone: “A part of me is afraid to focus just on me.”
Under Arm: “I wonder why I am so resistant to letting go…”
Head: “Sometimes it’s easier to be involved in high emotional drama.”

***Now for the positive focus on the solution***

Eyebrow: “What if I dropped the drama from my life?”
Side of Eye: “I wonder how much extra time I would have?”
Under Eye: “I don’t know why I don’t want to let go of all this drama.”
Nose: “Maybe I could feel safe letting some of it go.”
Chin: “I don’t know who I’ll be without the drama.”
Collarbone: “Maybe it would be fun to be more peaceful and calm.”
Under Arm: “I am considering dropping all this emotional drama from my life.”
Head: “I choose to drop my drama right now!”

Access more positive vibrations with the Law of Attraction by repeating the following phrases (while tapping or not):

Thank You, Universe for showing me “how” to drop the drama from my daily life.

Thank You, Universe for allowing me to know how much better my life will be without all this drama.

Thank You, Universe for bringing me inspiring ways to replace the drama with abundance.

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  • Yes you did explain yourself right and I agree with many points of everyones views here the Drama we don't want is that which causes anyone harm or is hurtful to their soul...Thing is these days many people are so easily offended...forget to think before speaking;to restrain the careless word and the useless criticism;manefestations of ones own interpretations of things,misunderstandings to forgo the pleasure of a laugh when it would fall a ridicule on sensitive ears....passed of as arrogent or confrountational when none was intended...Then,too,even more admitable still,it seems to me,is the resolve; 'Nor be easily offended'..One of the most expensive luxuries of life,and the least profitable as an investment for happiness,is the friend who is 'easily offended' and to whom you are for ever apologising for slights you did not know you had given,until they were forced upon your unwilling attention,More frequently,however,this fault is associated with selfish and the vain,who find no happiness unless given the centre of life's stage,and with the full force of the light thrown upon them. And if one individual in the audience looks at any other for a brief moment,than they are 'offended' and want to resign from the role and compel the curtain to ring down.Oh my...
    Difficult,indeed,is life with such people;and therefor the motto which bids us to 'be not easily offended' should be written in letters of light and hung where all may read.In this site even.. - This website is for sale! - read Resources and Information.
    This website is for sale! is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. From general topics to more of what yo…
  • Life, is a "drama" to a certain degree, and we are actors on the stage of Life...

    I think it's what you do with your "drama" that matters, how you touch people's lives, and how you allow them to touch yours...

    Drama will always exist, we just need to become more intelligent Actors.  It's our intent that matters a lot and how we treat people as well!!!!! :)
  • Or how about this for drama. Our own human story. We have been enslaved for thousands of years, we have touched the depths of darkness, we were on the path of total enslavement, not just physically, but of our very souls. As we moved into 20th century, the NWO plan for global enslavement was thisclose! I mean, we were on the precipice! And just at the last minute, we start waking up. The light starts growing on the Earth, countering the darkness, foiling the plans of the dark side, they were right at the end, they could taste victory, and we woke up and snatched it out of their hands! Not only that, but we are now here, on the verge of first contact, on the verge of Ascension into the Golden Age, ready to take our place in the galactic community!

    As a race that was once so lost, the greatest example of a race that will become the greatest example of unity, power and love! We have been one of the lowliest races there ever was, and we will take our place as one of the greatest races there is! This is our destiny! That is why the different ET races out there consider us royalty, that is why there is so much interest in us, and that is Gods divine plan for us! It is Gods plan for our story, the human story, which will go down as one of the greatest stories to ever be told!

  • Well to be honest, I like a little bit of drama in life lol Call me what you will, but I do. And I think God too, has a little flare for drama, or God would not have created this fantastic drama that is the human story. God would not have created this great story called life.

    Of course it depends on your definition of drama. If you're thinking of drama as, bickering and squabbling...then yes, we should seek to not be so dramatic. But, if you think of dramatic the way I do, as in..something that makes you go wow, something that gets your heart moving, your mind thinking, something that brings life to life....something like...St. Germaine walking through the wall to enter a meeting, without anyone expecting that is dramatic! I would love to do that!

    Or how about this, when the Founding Fathers were debating about whether they should sign the Declaration of Independence, and were going back and forth and squabbling, now that kind of drama, yea, that isn't ideal. But then, when St. Germaine appeared out of nowhere, on the top balcony, and gave a 20 minute oration on what the signing of this document would mean, not just for Americans, but the whole world...and everyone was so moved, they rushed to sign that is dramatic! That is magic! And it's this type of magical drama that makes life great!

  • Now say that I am retired and on a small pension and that pension barely pays my rent and not enough for food or basic living needs (like the internet lol) so my drama is "where do I find more income?" I become fixated on this because it is a necessity in order to survive, now how do I drop that drama and just allow myself to go hungry or have to live in a cardboard box. A bit of a conundrum wouldn't you say!
    • Nah not really you have three options 1. Work real fast on making your merkaba light ship and beam out of here into another dimension real fast then you wont have to ever worry again about skimping for your rent money or anything, or..... 2. if your not up to that or feel its beyond your capabilities, you can always put a low deposit down payment on the latest hybrid motorbike...... there rather cheap from command station headquarters base unit 78653934526-TFGD for the low deposit price of $4.50 that entitles you to your first tin of baked beans free to get you I'd be selling up all your belongings now to finance the other 500 tins of Baked beans to get you to hyperspeed and out of here..Take a look at this beauty its got all the right bells n whistles..and the types can be altered also.... you can have spoked inflatables or stainless steel solid rimmed mags up to you.....



      or... 3. the other last option is get yourself down to the local street corner kick a few of those long legged tooty ladies off their spot and start showing a bit of leg never know who might take a fancy and then you have free accomodation under squaters rights...Fly high brother...
  • Awesome post and makes absolute sense to me.  Going to find out more about tapping and EFT.  Sounds like a very good thing to learn.  My life up till recently has been one long agonizing drama, and I am happy that most of the drama has left the arena....I made it happen to some extent but still have things to work on. Thanks for sharing this and the link, which I am off to check out right now.
  • Instantaneous Enlightenment,Instantaneous Answers to Instantaneous Questions and where do questions come from? Where did this question come from that i am asking you?Ask your SELF this question!
This reply was deleted.

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