The Star Visitors will be continuing their escalating series of displays-of-presence in the skies over the United States.
One of the displays planned up ahead involves the appearance of a very large Star Nations vessel, what we call a Mothership. This dramatic appearance will be accompanied by other starcraft making their appearances as well.
The Star Visitors aboard those craft will begin telepathic communication with various Humans below, along the general lines of reassuring them that the Star Visitors are peaceful and wish only friendship.
This Mothership will make its dramatic presence obvious, and it is foreseen that a number of knee-jerk generals and admirals in the Pentagon will assume the worst (i.e., "alien invasion imminent"), and will forcefully pressure the White House to declare nation-wide Martial Law.
This nationwide Martial Law is foreseen to cause a disruption in the regional and interstate supply chains that businesses and grocery stores depend on. In view of this, it is suggested that people should stockpile necessary supplies because normal delivery routes may be slowed/interdicted for a while.
My associate Fran also recommends that bar codes on packages should be removed/obliterated, so that they cannot be remotely scanned by passing or overhead government patrols and so that the government won't discover that a person has hoarded a supplies stockpile, and where it is located.
As for the duration of Martial Law, and the consequent disruption of the supply chain, six months is the absolute longest period foreseen as "possible", and it is more probable that the period will be shorter because of the factors of the military stopping their panic as it becomes obvious that the craft overhead are not going to attack, and thus President Obama lifts Martial Law, and so then supplies are free to be delivered without restriction once again.
(The Star Visitors are foreseen to then take advantage of the relaxed atmosphere to walk among humans in a matter-of-fact relaxed way. Star Nations will have neutralized the military's weapons so that no Star Visitors can get hurt/shot.)
It seems to me like 1 to 2 months is the longest that the U.S. Administration could continue Martial Law with a straight face, before the people rise up and demand a return to normalcy and no more obstructing of the delivery of supplies, given that no "alien invasion" has taken place, and people are sick and tired of inconveniences and shortages.
It seems to me like 1 to 2 months is the longest that the U.S. Administration could continue Martial Law with a straight face, before the people rise up and demand a return to normalcy and no more obstructing of the delivery of supplies, given that no "alien invasion" has taken place, and people are sick and tired of inconveniences and shortages.
Remember: all the inconveniences which ensue from the appearance of the Mothership are the responsibility of paranoid and panicky generals, not the Mothership. and to the generals' forcing the President to declare Martial Law.
Fran feels that events will have calmed way before any six months, and that dragging on Martial Law for such a length of time is unlikely.
The decision whether to lay in some supplies is yours.
in service to Source,
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., Councillor of Earth
I said something silly on the chat recently about ´us potential abductees´, for no appearent reason , out of the blue just like that and talked about ´the Proposal´and stuff. When I saw that I was attempting to predict how aliens behave , I saw I had projected something out of my unconscious mind in a way to attempt to predict their behavioral skills.
It´d be naturally impossible for me to do something like that. It´d be as difficult as it would be for me to explain to a left brainer how art and creativity work.
Many Blessings to you
Like I mentioned in my previous post on Boylan, he seems to have predicted the mass sighting in Pennsylvania/Delaware, although it happened a day earlier. No one else has done that, and I don’t believe in coincidences. In any case, next week should be very interesting to see what manifests.
Here is the most current post on Boylan's site. As always, discernment is essential.
Dec. 31, 2010, 11:59 pm, EST, [05:00 hrs., Jan. 1, 2011, Greenwich Mean Time/UTC/Zulu], is the official Deadline for the U.S. Government to make a formal Official Public Acknowledgment that Star Visitor Contact and Communication has occurred.
Preparation for this public information announcement was the subject of an official Executive Order (classified) signed by President Barack Obama, directing the National Security Council's Special Studies Group to prepare a plan for such a series of Official Government Public Acknowledgments of Star Visitor Contacts and Communications with U.S. Government representatives.
The U.S. Government is preparing to do this pursuant to a formal Agreement made with Star Nations: that the U.S. would stop its policy of UFO Cover-Up this year.
Of course such a public announcement could occur any time prior to December 31st too.
Star Nations, and its representative, the Councillor of Earth (Dr. Richard Boylan), have advised the Government that if they renage on complying with that Agreement, that Star Nations will initiate a series of open, public, dramatically-obvious demonstrations-of-presence such that the Government will then be compelled to publicly acknowledge Star Visitors reality.
Who is Fran and does she have a website?
Many Blessings to All