Special Report: Alex Jones Asks Hillary Clinton Not to Kill Him
Hillary and Bill Clinton have left a trail of dead bodies amid their ascent to political power
Jones lays out the history of the Clintons and their campaign of worldwide mass murder, and he asks Hillary not to make him her next victim.
If Alex Jones perfect divine health is murdered then he will be seen as a MARTYR for all times and will be seen beyond a doubt in the western community as a truthful man. And if it is a kill then everything he has said and done was to his best abilities the truth beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Interesting. At least he put it out there.
It has been reported that the Clinton's first murders were two 11-year old boys that reportedly saw cocaine being moved in Mina, Arkansas. People in their Mina cocaine business reportedly told them "no women or children" (remember "Scarface?"), but they didn't care. The Clintons had a great 1980's pre-internet playbook going. Buy the airwaves, blackmail law enforcement, and get rid of all witnesses.
One can escape bad karma for only so long, regardless of how many people in the Justice Department are compromised. Aleister Crowley once said that if you practice magick for your own ego and vanity for a long time, your guardian angel will cut you off in terms of protection.
Hillary Clinton's cognitive health is a serious mess, and everybody is trying to hack her and her associates. She will possibly earn a karmic sentence for her bad karma that cannot be resolved or addressed, and her bad neurological health may just be the beginning of a part of such a sentence.
Yes, heard about the killing of the boys, they're worse than the gangsters of the 30's.
There is a million dollar bounty of Hillary's head, that's why I believe that she is using the green screen in her "campaigns".
Heard he is a clone or something and she keeps on breaking down. Heard Camp David is closed. (No repairs).
when I lived in Arkansas , just 30 minute drive from Mena , everyone I talked to knew about cocaine operation there.....it was bizzare and surreal to talk about it , like no one cared.