The Edgar Cayce information suggests that humanity’s consciousness has evolved and expanded over time. Cayce stated that this expansion of consciousness could be viewed throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. From the readings perspective the next great evolution would be tied to the development of what Cayce termed “the fifth root race.” An evolutionary occurrence that would mark a New Age and a new understanding of humanity’s relationship to God:
When a 52-year-old construction engineer asked about this expanding consciousness in 1942, Cayce commented that each individual had to essentially work with personal soul development in order to resonate to that new consciousness: “You expect a new root race. What are you doing to prepare for it? You must prepare food for their bodies as well as their minds and their spiritual development!”
Here you find the KEY WORDS ..EACH INDIVIDUAL HAS TO ESCENTALLY WORK WITH PERSONAL SOUL DEVELOPMENT IN ORDER TO RESONATE WITH A NEW HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS I also believe that instead of free will people have to connect with god's will ..meaning
Doing no harm to planet earth
Doing no harm to any living entities
Increasing your level personal soul development ( consciousness)