I don't mean to cause alarm, but a number of channellings I have been reading seem to be pointing to imminent dramatic earth changes, including earthquakes and tsunamis.
Here is an example, posted yesterday:
Update 18
Christ Michael thru Hazel
The time is here. I can confirm that the mother is going to make her first major movement. By the time this message is posted it may have already occurred. It is likely that this movement will initiate in the countries/islands in the South Pacific. I have already through Rubens provided safety measures for all to follow in the event that your regions are affected please take heed.
Now this initial movement is going to catalyse further movements in what promises to be a cascade of earth movements with tumultuous effects and devastating results. The tsunamis are going to be triggered and waves in excess of 75 feet can be produced and this will lead to many areas being wiped out.
So quickly with these events unfold that you will not even to be able to count 5 proper breaths. So please move swiftly to the ships. Do not dawdle. Our personnel from the ships will guide you. Do not be concerned for your material things. Hold on to you faith now. This is the time. It has started.
I am Christ Michael your Father and I approve these words.
Please use your own discernment to evaluate the truth or otherwise of these messages.
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I want to get off the 'merry-go-round' for good this time. When the earth eventually turns into a star, I ain't gonna be dragged off to a terra-formed mars in a space ship on a promise of ascension and utopian living only to find a continuation of duality and deity worship.
For those of you that remember Sharon and Arthur on this site; both were extremely gifted spiritual people. Personal flaws aside, Sharon spent alot of time analysing the CM entity and had asked it to present itself to her in its true nature in the presence of God several times. She described this entity as a horrible slug like creature with many eyes and arms....not at all the glowing, radiant angelic being we were expecting.
Also, I think we need to understand that a channelled message is also filtered through a persons consciousness, and that the channel puts their 'spin' on it, so to speak. This is unavoidable, and it leads to the 100th monkey phenomenon on popular topics.....remember how many channels concurred that october 14th was going to be the day that our 'benevolent' space family revealed themselves....nothing happened, but the thoughtform was out there and kept snowballing with more and more channels picking up on it. Having said that, you would think that the thoughtform itself would eventually cause a manifestation....but it didn't.
Some food for thought :)
watch the videos , The Maya of Eternal Time, Drunvalo Melchizedek on youtube 2009 is the date.