


Earth Magic & Manifestation


Earth Magic speaks to the intrinsic relationship that you and all living things have with the consciousness of the Earth, also known as Gaia. Imagine the oak tree that begins its journey as an acorn gathering the life-force energy it needs from the earth so it can sprout up from the ground.


Because you are part of nature, you follow the same cycle of manifestation. Everything you are, your evolution, and the successful manifestation of your dreams begin below the surface of consciousness until an idea comes, conviction takes hold, and something meaningful can be planted.⁠

Be still for a moment. Quiet your thoughts and imagine anchoring your energy to the sacred quality of being part of this living earth. Do this mindfully to connect to this Divine intelligence with the power that creates the perfect form from the essence of a tiny spark of life. Indeed, this is miraculous.⁠

The message now is to trust that the seeds you’ve planted in your field of dreams are in good hands. The earth is a conscious, and the Divine Source of love that is doing its part on your behalf.


Slow down, take in the beauty of your life now, and trust that what you are intending is being nourished and is growing. There will be plenty of time later to tend to your garden, to water it and weed it. Great magic is germinating underground, working its way to the surface to deliver more blessings than you could imagine. Let it.⁠

Infinite Blessings & Love from Gaia & the Creator




Video - "Empowering Our Personal & Collective Transformation" By Patricia Cota-Robles - https://youtu.be/_dn55aXePUc


















New Violet Flames Deep Cleanse Technique


You start this session in the Divine Presence Communion Temple and connect with the Crystal at the core of the Temple. Saint Germain steps forth and you connect with his Energy.


A Crystal Tube of Violet Flame Frequency Liquid Light is created around your Pillar. Within this Crystal Tube you receive a Deep Cleanse of all of your Multidimensional Cells. In the next phase you receive a Violet Flame Cleanse, with a spectrum of the Violet Flame Energetic Frequencies, from Light White to Dark Indigo.


You receive Downloads, Glyphs, Ki’s & Guidance from your Spirit. The session is sealed and grounded.


Video - "New Violet Flame Deep Cleanse Technique"















The Venusian Starseed Transmission By Steve Nobel
Within the higher dimensions of the planet Venus there exist 6D races that have a focus to help the earth at this time. They are here to help with the chosen destiny of earth, to ascend beyond war, violence, and greed. They can help earth become a higher vibrational civilisation guided by love and wisdom.
Together we will invite Archangels from Venus to transmit a Pearlescent Pink ray into your energy fields.
This includes a symbol of light from Venus which is sent to the bones, blood, shoulder joints, wrists, hip joints, and ankles. Then to the etheric body starting with the third eye chakra to expand vision of what is possible. Then to the heart chakra to release trauma such as heartbreak. Also, to the sacral chakra to release sexual trauma.
The archangels from Venus and Masters of Light create a golden/white/ pearlescent pink double-sided pyramid. One point up to the heavens and one point down to the Crystalline grid.
The Masters of Light assist you in embracing the New Human Template which is the shift from a carbon based body into a more crystalline body. This is the destiny of humanity, from 2-strand DNA to 12 strands. This process is aided by sending the symbol of Venus deep into the cells and DNA.
Finally, there is a transmission of light out around the planet. This is sent to all other Starseeds who have a connection to Venus.
By Steve Nobel
Video - "The Venusian Starseed Transmission" By Steve Nobel

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