The following email message (Fri, 23 July, 2010 4:08:24 AM) from James Gilliland ( was transcribed verbatim:



I have been asked to address this issue by many whereas I usually take a neutral position and share my own experience. Unfortunately the majority of those who are in the field of ufology have not risen to the occasion nor developed the consciousness necessary for contact. The focus on fear, aggression, self importance and lack of cooperation is not conducive to contact. The promotion of fear and aggression by disinformation agents, skepticism rather than discernment in which ufology is replete is also contrary to contact. The spiritually and technologically advanced off world visitors known as the greater family of man have asked that I deliver this message. All you need is to have an open mind, loving heart, and pure intent to connect with the highest intelligences. Most connections are not through the mind but through the heart and it is with the heart that one must discern the nature of the contact or the individual delivering the message. There will be those who put themselves in a superior position separating themselves from others; which is nothing more than a trick of the ego or spiritual ego. This can also come about by low level contacts or faker spirits. In these areas discernment, self-authority and training in how to sense and heal any unseen negative or self-serving entities is in order.

As a heads up one of the oldest tricks is to be told your are here to save humanity from some dark force by the very dark forces themselves. It is easy to mislead, divide and separate using this technique. There will be those who have received guidance that those who are truly working in the light are cabal or serving the dark yet this information is brought about by the very same forces who are bent upon the continuation of fear, aggression, and separation. They are not in unity consciousness nor are those who are guiding them. By their fruits you will know them and if they are separating themselves in hierarchies, distracting you from your own personal God, Creator, Spirit connection and are self serving rather than serving in empowering the individual and the awakening and healing of humanity and the earth by all means focus back inward. Use your own inner guidance and heart to steer your course.

There are those who will quickly give all their power away to seen and unseen forces if the story is a good one. The more elaborate and complicated the better to confuse the mind and give up thus turning their power over to those who seem intellectually savvy.

On the highest vibrations and dimensions there are no Hierarchies. They know themselves to be one with all life on all planes and dimensions throughout the multiverse. Identity means little to them yet for those who are focused on the personality and body giving them an identity is necessary. For those who have not awakened to the God, Spirit, Creator within; identity is extremely important as well as the acceptance and approval outside of self. By giving them selves a fancy elaborate title self importance is created in the outer rather than knowing they are loved, accepted and approved beyond measure on the inner.

There are those who want to war against ET and as Hollywood shows fighter jets and guns with national pride winning. This is beyond logic and short sighted. Many are working out their own victim patterns trying to regain something lost in the outer rather than healing the inner wound or trauma. In the interest of national security the wise path is to rise to the occasion and align with the benevolent off world visitors thus being under their protection. They have the full use of creative powers yet we must leave our warring aggressive behavior behind. We also need to learn to cooperate in the highest and best good of humanity and the Earth setting our petty differences and egos aside. Our greater family of man is here to serve the Creator in all Creation. They are here to assist us in releasing the past and setting aside all grudges, petty differences, transcend all religious and cultural barriers. They have transcended war, disease, material lack, live in harmony with each other and their environment and only wish for us to do so as well. They are on the wings of the great wave of unity consciousness. The days of separation and competition, unbridled greed and tyranny are coming to a close. We can be a part of the solution or part of the problem yet the problem's days are coming to a close. Be well
James Gilli

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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thanks Ivy. I have that Youtube page saved on my laptops bookmarks now. I'm gonna go check out the vids on there in a little bit. I see that they have quite a bit of UFO and ET vids."
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Justin, this is the YouTube channel of the Aetherius Society, it looks interesting:"
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