Hello friends,


Enjoy this vid...I do not need to elaborate upon it and it is for each to decide the veracity of what Ed Snowden says, for themselves...This is fresh off the press....Of course, not popular among western media outlets and their masters in Washington and London.

But this is from Russia Today.....Enjoy.....!! ;-)


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  • Nice video Drekx ... I have the feeling he is being guided and protected..... like Windtalker says light forces are helping him ...  and much like David Icke said there are other forces at play here ..what a sorry state of affairs that anyone has to hide out in this day and age from the so called powers that be simply for lifting the lid on something .... which is why it makes me wonder just what else is going on behind our backs ....

    I think it takes a fair amount of guts to stand up in this world and blow a whistle in the name of truth .... because many of those who do so put their lives on the line ... there needs to be a huge surge in the awakening process that will stamp out the control system once and for all... and not let people like Ed Snowden have to remain in exile and on the run .... I have the feeling that good souls need to gather around people like Snowdon and ussher him safely home and the lunatics who are after him be locked up and the key thrown away....

    • Thanks Luke and as rsolor suggests, we have such in resonance, regarding Ed Snowden..All people should make an effort to stand up for Snowden and shame their own governments into taking some action to change mass surveillance practices, ushering in clearly defined rights and freedoms.....and demand an enforcing of such laws to protect the right to privacy from state snooping....

      Whistleblowers deserve medals of hounour, rather than the death penalty, or obsene prison sentences, sometimes numbering hundreds of years, as in Gulag Amerikano...

    • outstanding opinion, and i too say the same thing.



  • Thanks for your comments...This discussion has not taken off yet, but when it catches people's attention I'm sure they will enjoy seeing Ed on the video conference link...

    • This reply was deleted.
      • Hope Edward Snowden gets the coverage, but a shame that the sound quality of the conference link to him is so poor,,,

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