Edgar Cayce: Massive Pole Shift Predicted and Map After the Earth Plates Shift (Video)


The Edgar Cayce story is one of the most compelling in inspirational literature. For more than forty years, the “Sleeping Prophet” closed his eyes, entered into an altered state of consciousness, and spoke to the very heart and spirit of humankind on subjects such as health, healing, dreams, prophecy, meditation, and reincarnation. His more than 14,000 readings are preserved at the Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc., in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

The success of Edgar Cayce’s remote healing led us to accept his other claims about the mystical nature of human life, reincarnation, etc.

Edgar Cayce readings regarding the Pole-Shift.

Taken from “Earth Changes Update” published in 1980 by ARE Press.

ISBN: 87604-121-7

Note: According to the accompanying text on page 89, the antipode to Mt. Etna is 175 degrees E – 20 degrees S., which is the Fiji islands. There are 4 volcanoes located in Fiji. Currently there is no volcanic activity there.

Aug.11, 1936, 826-8

Q9: What great change or the beginning of what change, if any, is to take place in the year 2000 to2001 A.D.?

A9: When there is a shifting of the poles. Or a new cyclebegins.

April 9, 1932, 311-8

Q12: How soon will the changes in the earth’s activity begin to be apparent?

A12: When there is the first breaking up of some conditions in the South Sea (that’s South Pacific, to be sure), and those as apparent in the sinking or rising of that that’s almost opposite same, or in the Mediterranean, and the Aetna [Etna?] area, then we may know it has begun.

Jan. 19, 1934, 3976-15

The Earth will be broken up in many places. The early portion will see a change in the physical aspect of the west coast of America.There will be open waters appear in the northern portions of Greenland. There will be new lands seen off the Caribbean Sea, and dry land appear … South America shall be shaken from the uppermost portion to the end, and in the Antarctic off Tierra del Fuego, land, and a strait with rushing waters.

As to the changes physical again: The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of  Japan must go intothe sea. The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in a twinkling of an eye. Land will appear off the east coast of America. There will be upheavals in the Antarctic that will make for the eruption of volcanoes in the Torrid areas,and there will be a shifting then of the poles – so that where there have been those of a frigid or semi- tropical will become the more tropical, and moss and fern will grow. And these will begin in those periods in 58’ to 98’ when these will be proclaimed as the periods when His Light will be seen again in the clouds.

Jan. 21, 1936, 270-35

If there are greater activities in the Vesuvius, or Pelee, then the southern coast of California – and the areas between Salt Lake and the southern portions of Nevada – may expect, within the three months following same, an inundation by the earthquakes. But these, as we find, are to be more in the southern than in the northern hemisphere.

Q20: What is the primary cause of earthquakes? …

A20: The causes of these, of course, are the movements about the earth; that is, internally – and the cosmic activity or influence of other planetary forces and stars and their relationships produce or bring about the activities of the elementals of the earth; that is, the Earth, theAir, the Fire, the Water – and those combinations make for the replacements inthe various activities.

Came upon this map by Edgar Cayce of habital places to live after the pole shift. Always wanted to see this map…..When ever this event is to happen..


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  • Well Well Well if you are not in the right area YOU STILL HAVE SOME TIME TO MOVE 

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