Award Edward Snowden the Nobel Peace Prize

Join the Infowars campaign to honor the courageous whistleblower

Paul Joseph Watson
January 29, 2014

Following the nomination of Edward Snowden for a Nobel Peace Prize by two Norwegian politicians, Infowars is launching a campaign to award the whistleblower with the honor for his courageous role in exposing mass surveillance and rampant government corruption.

Arguing that Snowden had “contributed to a more stable and peaceful world order, “Baard Vegar Solhjell and Snorre Valen submitted Snowden’s name to be considered for the award, adding that, “His actions have in effect led to the reintroduction of trust and transparency as a leading principle in global security policies.”

Hundreds of nominations are expected to be made for the prestigious award, with members of any national assembly being allowed to suggest candidates. The final list will be decided on March 4 and the winner will be announced on October 10.

Please like and subscribe to the official ‘Award Edward Snowden the Nobel Peace Prize’ Facebook page at this link.

If we can achieve millions of ‘likes’ for this Facebook campaign page, it would exert huge influence on the Nobel Committee. Snowden is the people’s candidate, and we demand that the people be recognized by giving Snowden this award.

Snowden’s efforts to list the lid on the NSA’s myriad of unconstitutional spying programs have helped shift public opinion firmly against mass surveillance. A recent USA TODAY/Pew Research Center Poll found that 70% of Americans, “say they shouldn’t have to give up privacy and freedom in order to be safe from terrorism.”

Snowden’s actions have also led to the introduction of bills in state legislatures across the country aimed at cutting off water and power to NSA facilities while making it illegal for state authorities to use information obtained by the federal agency.

Critics have attempted to smear Snowden by labeling him as a traitor who has helped terrorists evade detection. However, there is no evidence whatsoever that NSA spying has stopped a single terrorist plot.

“These programs were never about terrorism: they’re about economic spying, social control, and diplomatic manipulation. They’re about power,” wrote Snowden.

In previous years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has attracted derision for awarding the Peace Prize to candidates who represent the exact opposite of what the honor is supposed to symbolize – people like Barack Obama and the inherently corrupt European Union.

This is a huge opportunity to restore faith and prestige in the Nobel Peace Prize by awarding it to a truly deserving candidate, someone who has provoked a global firestorm of awakening and a renaissance for the ideals of freedom and privacy.

Please support our campaign to award Edward Snowden the Nobel Peace Prize by liking and circulating the official Facebook page amongst your friends.

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  • Snowden_RealHope.jpg


    • "Never blow the whistle"

      "And you never have to chisel"

      "'cause they do it just for you and me"

      "Honey bee...."

      "They do it just for you and me..."

      "The Rand Corporation," by Pete Seeger, American Folk Singing Legend and Harvard Dropout

      1919 - 2014 (Rest In Peace, he will be missed)

      NOTE: Seeger's music was banned from all radio and television in the 1950's by the Committee on Unamerican Activities due to his association with people SUSPECTED of being communists

    • makes me wonder if he gets royalties for those products? Business as usual … Game On ;))

      • Maybe this type of commercial promotion is worth the price...?? At least it's a way of waking the sleepers...

      • If money was actually making its way to Mr Edward Snowden through the sales of these items, i'd buy!!

  • or maybe it's a trick, to get him out of  hiding ... ;))

    • Snowden is under protection of the Russian Secret police, and they claimed that his protection was doubled due to possible real threats against his life.

      Unless Snowden is struck by a bolt of lightning (and witnessed by many non-government Russian citizens), it will be assumed that he will be murdered by either the U.S. Thought Police (i.e. NSA, CIA, State Department) or by the Russians as a means to make the U.S. look really bad.

      The good news is that the Nobel Prize would do him good, since it is an internationally recognized "game changer" that could force international pressure onto the U.S. government to change its ways. Desmond Tutu's receipt of the Nobel Prize changed the politics of South Africa and thus is proof of this. The problem is that unlike South Africa, the people who run the U.S. spy agencies are recruited by the politicians (who are (s)elected on the basis of and the influence of PAC money), and these recruits are usually antidepressant pill-popping a$$h0les who blindly follow orders (probably due to the antidepressant use) and would turn their parents in for cheating on their taxes or smoking medicinal marijuana if ordered to do so. Hence, these people would murder Snowden and then go out and have a pizza, and maybe enjoy the company of an Israeli lobbyist after their meal. And have no thoughts or recollection about what they just did.

      The U.S. will pull the stops to prevent Snowden from winning the prize. The good news is that the Nobel Committee is tarnished due to Obama winning the prize, and Snowden winning it could clean up their image. The bad news is that there may still be elements of corruption within the Nobel Committee. 

  • yes this is a hero of mankind to watch, listen and also respect his bravery, he is just one man alone, standing up to the dark soul ones.

    who would complain because of his integrity of being that he feels the need to inform ALL OF US ON EARTH that every human on this earth is being spied on for MOSTLY profit and control of others thu any kind of little secret to have in their pockets of blackmail on these people  in all governments who they want to control at this point, much less all the private business affairs are known like stocks,. bonds, shipment routes ETC.. this is not security for all of us, only the few who want  to rule the world by confusion and lies/extortion information about others, from the top of the social class to bottom of the social class of every nation on this earth. does this sound familiar to what Hitler's gang of thugs did to the German people first, then when on to terrorize the world for the cleansing of races off the face of this earth, does this sound familiar in our past history of betrayal for peace to the  Indians for starters for getting a invasion of their land mass and to be terrorize campaign  that this human race as they were called the "savages" was to dehumanize their right to be alive, that this human race was for slaughter hunting parties and such.


    • world wide news: this brave noble man that stood up alone to the dark souls to tell on the agenda of the dark souls of earth, Mr. Snowden has been picked for the nobel piece award.

      it is only a token prize that will not protect him, only the human race of all people of the whole world owes him his life and protections from the dark souls.


      blessings to all of  us for we are all one

    • We're going to win this because just as was the case with the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, the people on the top are relying on "wonder weapons," technology, and people who they can trust due to blackmail ability of such people or history of childhood torture of such people.

      I'm convinced Obama was tortured by the CIA as a child, since he is from a CIA family and has a non-verifiable work and scholastic history (students and instructors at Columbia do not remember him per classes attended). Note that torture of a child is a mind-control technique that allows one to shape the personality into a desired personality (after rape, electroshock therapy, and possible hallucinogen ingestion is administered to the child to break down the basic personality, and thus allows a new personality to be molded). Also note that Obama was reportedly instructed on communism at an early age by Frank Marshall Davis, and he is espousing socialist ideas similar to the old Soviet Union as a current  U.S. president

      When people like Snowden "snap out" and realize what they are doing, it will usually have a snowball effect. And this is another reason why we are going to win: even the most trustworthy of employees have a conscience, despite the genetic heritage (even reptilians have their limits), the torture, the childhood rape, the mind-control experiments, or the antidepressant pill-popping that they may have endured.

      Never underestimate the power of the human spirit and human conscience.   

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