My Dear Friends,
EGO- too is a form of attachment to worldly things - worldly knowledge, finance, special ability,looks, ..................
Even saying that I have no ego, shows the ego.
It is a small word, but has far damaging effects. It is one of the major "DOSHA" responsible for holding us back from opening up to the infinite possibilities.
Even on this platform for sharing views & experiences we might come across some friends who are more than eager to prove their superior intellect and argue even things which are insignificant or irrelevant for spiritual growth or even for evolving as a better human being, i.e, from HUMAN BEING to BEING HUMAN.
now i would like to request you to share your views, suggestions and adopted technique for overcoming this hurdle in the path spiritual growth.
MY VIEW - being non-judgmental.
We need to practice TOLERANCE, i.e, to learn to accept that different views can co-exist.
We are here to share and grow together.
We need to agree to disagree without being different or indifferent.
Ego is a handy tool if we don't let it get out of hand. Its purpose is to enable our various bodies to feel each other, Pinda, Astral, Causal, Mental and Soul or Atma, which is our true selves we're just now discovering. Its handy but sneaky. Got to watch it like a little child.
good post...thanks for sharing..much joy to you