It’s finally here folks and it is LEGIT.

Tesla eat your heart out, the Germans have created an electrical car powered by salt water. It has four electric engines and is FAST with some pretty sweet fuel economy for a sports car. Leave the Bugatti at home and stop by the beach to refuel.



The recent announcement that the Quant e-Sportlimousine, which is a salt water powered car, has been certified for use on European roads is a big sign that the Oil Cartels are losing the energy war.

Since the early 1900s, the Oil Cartels, which are controlled by the Controllers, have been harassing and silencing alternative energy inventors who pose a threat to the Oil Cartels. One of the greatest alternative energy inventors that they silenced was Nikola Tesla.

Unlike traditional cars that run on gasoline, the Quant e-Sportlimousine runs on an electrolyte flow cell power system made by NanoFlowcell that has the ability to generate an astonishing 920 horsepower (680 kW).

This salt water powered car can go from 0-62 mph (100 km/h) in 2.8 seconds and has a top speed of 217.5 mph (350 km/h). The Quant e-Sportlimousine is built by the German company Quant.


Electrolyte flow cell technology has been around for decades, but it wasn’t until recently that certain car manufacturers were given the permission to start building cars that run on electrolyte flow cell technology.

This type of alternative energy technology will eventually make gasoline powered cars obsolete, because using electrolyte flow cell technology to power cars is a lot more efficient and much cleaner than using gasoline.


As described by The Mind Unleashed:

“The car is powered by the electrolyte flow cell power system, which is a part of the NanoFlowcell technology. The system works in a similar way to a hydrogen fuel cell, except for the fact that salt water is used for storing power.

“In particular, two liquids with metallic salts, which act as the electrolyte, are combined in such a way that the electrochemical reaction takes place. After that, electric motors use this reaction to generate electricity, which is then stored and distributed by super capacitors.

“The efficiency of this system reaches 80%, since the car has almost no moving parts in it, and the produced waste heat is insignificant in comparison with cars powered by lithium-ion batteries.”

Alternative energy technologies, such as the electrolyte flow cell system, will become more mainstream as the new paradigm emerges. These types of alternative energy technologies will help solve our “energy crisis” and usher a new age in which we can live without worrying about not having access to cheap and clean energy.


QUANT e-Sportlimousine with nanoFLOWCELL® drive 

Newsclip: World Premiere of the new QUANT e-Sportlimousine 


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  • Neat idea. Although, the salt water is only acting as a battery/energy storage here. You will still need to be charging it from some other fuel-source.

    So in short: The car is not powered by salt water. Salt water is the battery.

    It's powered by whatever means of large electricity generator plant there is and that is most used on Germany right now (coal or nuclear).

    It's a brilliant battery-design though. I hope the metal salts doesn't consist of metals that are rare and hard to mine, as they will need to be replaced every now and then.

  • The car comes to water evolved by March 2015: 5000km with 5 liters! January 16, 2015 by Dioni in Science The Italian engineer Lorenzo Errico referring to projects of Stanley Meyer has built exceptional hybrid car that can do after starting A KILOMETRO for A milliliter of water used. Here is the press release announcing the upcoming release of the engineer on the market and the extraordinary results: Began TEST KIT Low cost for Diesel and Turbodiesel with truly impressive results ... .Vetture in test: BMW 525 Touring, BMW X5, Golf 1.9 TDI 110 hp, Chroma 1900 Tdi 150 hp. Tests in urban and motorway confirmed the authenticity and validity of the system even in HydroMoving Kit Low cost ... with the same technology HydroMoving. The system consists of three cells, a control unit with dispaly and a mono / dual injector was subjected to long runs test. The technology HydroMoving although Low cost is synonymous with certified performance. For the moment, will be applicable on all diesel engines, equipped with particle filter, DPF or FAP, filter SCR. ..etc ... .For engines Gasoline is in preparation and will be ready by March 2015. Among the first 1000 customers ..., available to act as TESTER and compile a weekly report on consumption, we will reserve a special discount on 'eventual installation of more sophisticated system HydroMoving ... All those who have already submitted the membership for Diesel engines or TDI will be informed of the costs and the installation date by mail. The installations will begin by February 2015 To deepen the technology and be informed for the installation on their vehicle see Biography of Lorenzo Errico Lorenzo Errico, born in 1950, as a young man shows a deep passion for science and particularly for electronics. At twelve years old, self-taught, he began to apply their practical knowledge of electronics, working actively in the implementation of a system life-saving, very traditional. In 1974/75, finishing the natural cycle of studies, developing exponentially his passion and his knowledge began to put them into practice, gaining recognition very important, relative to its testing in electronics and mechanics. In 1975, he began to design and build systems and equipment for high-frequency radio transmissions, managing to become soon a benchmark for quality and reliability throughout Europe, which in a very silent began his journey towards the liberalization of radio frequencies and television, already taken place in Italy. Follow chronologically, radio systems and cutting-edge television, radio transmitting equipment to the mobile service on the frequencies specified in the Act, for large companies with large fleets of vehicles, mobile outreach and satellite systems, the first in Italy with parables from 4.5 meters in diameter. In 1981 he made the first implant electronically controlled injection of water on a car Saab 9000 Turbo Sport, dramatically increasing power and fluidity to the engine of the same car, starting a nationwide distribution of a control unit for modified cars Saab Turbo rimodulava the power from 185 hp to 250 hp, without any side effects to the car. From 1984 until 2001, a beautiful factory UPS, crowned the passion of electronic designer to 360 degrees. The project, in an embryonic state since the year 2005 "mature" in 2007, after thorough, experienced and replicated all that Electrolysis was experienced around the world, in the first place, following and memorizing all Patent (patents) of the great Stanley Meyer, and all Americans who had ventured into this beautiful branch of Chemistry / Physics. In 2009, he was asked by Marangoni, in the person of contact for projects Tuning Mr. Simone Blacks ITALY TRC, believing strongly that, in this innovation, he worked a lot for the installation of a kit HH-O on a car Nissan 370 Z, hitherto unknown to Lorenzo. The international success has been acquired by a new system then called "HydroMoving", and carried on a car for Nissan Europe Official Nissan 370 Z -Hydromoving system. Lorenzo Errico is the Italian Stan Meyer, the inventor of the engine water dead in mysterious circumstances meyer_water_car The water machine invented by Stan Meyer The electrolysis takes place in the car, without the need to accumulate the hydrogen in the donuts, so avoid having a bomb under the seat. The car travels 184 km with about 4 liters of water. Stan Meyer is considered among the best inventors of the century, after Tesla. This video is a segment of the program Equinox Stanley, passed in December 1995 (approximately). Watch the entire program, titled "It Runs on Water", told by Artur C. Clarke. Stan, received threats ... also did not want to sell his invention to the Arab Oil Corp.s. The military wanted to use his invention to their means. Stanley Meyer He was poisoned in March 1998 he was found in a parking lot, near a restaurant in his hometown, of Grove City, Ohio. After a week, the Sharks had appropriated the car and all the tools of experimentation, as telling his brother Steve. Obtained the patent for his invention, and was ready for production. With $ 1,500, would transform our car in a water car. A Stan, was offered a million dollars, by an Arab, to store his invention. But Stan refused: "Technology is at the service of the people" Whoever poisoned Stan? To his invention has ruined business? Because the media does not talk about it? The new proposals, to solve the problems of pollution, taking into account hydrogen, obtained from hydrocarbons and related distribution pumps: but how much will it cost? Nobody talks about his invention .. and well, if it were applied, many problems in the world, could be solved ...! Unfortunately, the political and economic interests are addressed elsewhere ... For more information, visit (in English): here, are mentioned cases of research projects and application of inventions, that would make us independent from oil, blocked by the authorities.ùù


    nin    italiano 


    Arriva l’auto ad acqua evoluta entro marzo 2015: 5000km con 5 litri!

    gen 16, 2015

    auto acqua1

    L’ingegnere italiano Lorenzo Errico rifacendosi ai progetti di Stanley Meyer ha costruito un’auto eccezionale ibrida che dopo l’avvio riesce a fare UN KILOMETRO per UN MILLILITRO d’acqua usata.

    Ecco il comunicato stampa dell’ingegnere che annuncia l’imminente uscita sul mercato e i risultati straordinari:

    Iniziati i TEST del KIT Low cost per i Diesel e Turbodiesel con risultati veramente impressionanti….Vetture in test : BMW 525 Touring, BMW X5 , Golf 1.9 Tdi 110 cv, Chroma 1.900 Tdi 150 cv.

    I Test in urbano e autostradali hanno confermato la veridicità e la validità del sistema Hydromoving anche nei Kit Low cost…con medesima Tecnologia hydromoving.

    il sistema  composto da tre celle , una centralina  con dispaly ed un mono/doppio iniettore è stato sottoposto a long run Test. La tecnologia Hydromoving anche se Low cost è sinonimo di prestazioni certificate.

    Per il momento,  sarà applicabile su tutti i motori Diesel, provvisti di Filtro Antiparticolato , DPF o FAP, Filtro SCR. ..etc….Per i motori Benzina è in preparazione e sarà pronto per Marzo  2015.

    Fra i primi 1000 Clienti …, disponibili a fare da TESTER e redigere un report settimanale sui consumi , riserveremo uno sconto speciale sull’ eventuale installazione del più sofisticato Sistema Hydromoving …

    Tutti coloro che hanno già inviato l’adesione per i motori Diesel o TDI saranno informati dei costi  e della data d’installazione via mail. Le installazioni avranno inizio entro Febbraio 2015

    Per approfondire la tecnologia ed essere informati per l’istallazione sul proprio veicolo vedi

    Biografia di Lorenzo Errico

    Lorenzo Errico, nato nel 1950, mostra sin da giovane una profonda passione per le materie scientifiche ed in particolar modo per l’Elettronica.

    A dodici anni , da autodidatta, comincia ad applicare le proprie conoscenze pratiche di elettronica, lavorando attivamente alla realizzazione di un sistema salvavita , molto artigianale. Nel 1974/75 , terminato il ciclo naturale degli studi, sviluppando in maniera esponenziale la sua passione e le sue conoscenze cominciò a metterle in pratica, ottenendo riconoscimenti molto importanti, relativi alle sue sperimentazioni nell’ambito dell’Elettronica e della Meccanica.

    Nel 1975, comincia a progettare e costruire impianti e apparecchiature per trasmissioni via radio ad Alta frequenza, riuscendo a divenire in breve un riferimento per qualità e affidabilità in tutta Europa, che in maniera molto silenziosa iniziava il suo cammino verso la liberalizzazione delle frequenze radio e televisive, già avvenuta in Italia. Seguono in maniera cronologica , impianti radio e televisivi all’avanguardia, apparecchiature ricetrasmittenti per il servizio radiomobile sulle frequenze indicate dalla legge, per le grosse aziende con grandi flotte di automezzi, telefoni a largo raggio ed impianti satellitari, i primi in Italia con parabole da 4,5 metri di diametro .

    Nel 1981 realizza il primo impianto a controllo elettronico d’Iniezione d’acqua su una vettura Saab 9000 Turbo Sport , incrementando notevolmente potenza e fluidità al motore della stessa vettura, dando inizio ad una distribuzione capillare di una centralina modificata per vetture Saab Turbo che rimodulava la potenza da 185 cv a circa 250 cv, senza alcun effetto collaterale per la vettura.

    Dal 1984 fino all’anno 2001, una bellissima fabbrica di UPS, ha coronato la passione di progettista elettronico a 360 Gradi.

    Il progetto , allo stato embrionale a partire dall’anno 2005 ” matura ” nel 2007 ,dopo avere approfondito , sperimentato e replicato tutto ciò che di Elettrolisi era stato sperimentato in tutto il mondo , in primis, seguendo e imparando a memoria tutti i Patent ( Brevetti) del grande Stanley Meyer, e di tutti gli americani che si erano cimentati in questa bellissima branca della Chimica / Fisica.

    Nell’anno 2009 , fu interpellato dalla Marangoni, in persona del suo referente per i progetti di Tuning il sig. Simone Neri della TRC ITALIA, che credendo fortemente , in questa innovazione, si adoperò tantissimo per l’installazione di un Kit HH-O su una vettura Nissan 370 Z, fino ad allora a Lorenzo sconosciuta.

    Il successo a livello internazionale è stato acquisito con un nuovo  sistema poi denominato ” HYDROMOVING “, e realizzato per Nissan Europe su una vettura Ufficiale Nissan 370 Z -Hydromoving system.

    Lorenzo Errico è lo Stan Meyer italiano, l’inventore del motore ad acqua morto in circostanze misteriose

    La macchina ad acqua inventata da Stan Meyer

    L’elettrolisi avviene a bordo dell’auto, senza la necessità di accumulare l’idrogeno in bomboloni, quindi evitare di avere una bomba sotto il sedere. La macchina percorre 184 Km circa con 4 litri d’acqua.
    Stan Meyer è considerato tra i migliori inventori del secolo, dopo Tesla.
    Questo video, è un segmento della programma Equinox di Stanley, trasmesso nel dicembre 1995 (approssimativamente). Guarda l’intero programma, intitolato “It Runs on Water”, raccontato da Artur C. Clarke.

    Stan, riceveva delle minacce…inoltre, non voleva vendere la sua invenzione all’Arab Oil Corp.s. I militari volevano usare la sua invenzione per i loro mezzi.

    Stanley Meyer

    Fu avvelenato nel marzo del 1998: fu ritrovato in un parcheggio, nei pressi di un ristorante, nella sua città natale, di Grove City, Ohio.
    Dopo una settimana, gli squali si erano appropriati dell’auto e tutti gli strumenti di sperimentazione, secondo quanto racconta suo fratello Steve.
    Ottenne i brevetti, per la sua invenzione, ed era pronto per la produzione. Con 1500$, avrebbe trasformato la nostra auto, in una water car. A Stan, venne offerto un milione di dollari, da un arabo, per archiviare la sua invenzione. Ma Stan rifiutò: “ la tecnologia è al servizio delle persone”
    Chi avrà avvelenato Stan? A chi la sua invenzione ha rovinato gli affari? Perchè i media non ne parlano?
    Le nuove proposte, per risolvere i problemi di inquinamento, prendono in considerazione l’idrogeno, ottenuto dagli idrocarburi e delle relative pompe di distribuzione: ma quanto ci costerà?
    Nessuno parla della sua invenzione.. e pure, se fosse applicata, molti problemi, a livello mondiale, potrebbero essere risolti…!
    Purtroppo, gli interessi politici ed economici sono indirizzati altrove… Per maggiori informazioni, visita il sito (in inglese): qui, vengono menzionati i casi di progetti di ricerca e di applicazione delle invenzioni, che ci renderebbero indipendenti dal petrolio, bloccati dalle autorità.

  • Okay..I want to ask a few questions here.

    1.Could they implement this salt water technology to all the other cars or automobiles? Do they have the permission from the government to do so? Also, did they require Germany's government permission to implement the salt water technology?

    2. Is this a special kind of salt water? Or, can anyone make the salt water in their homes?

    3. Does anyone know Germany's main resource that drives their economy? Is their government making much of their revenue from Oil/Gas/Electricity corporations or not?

    And, I hope this technology brings down those Oil/Gas/Electricity companies...

    • @Dinesh
      "1.Could they implement this salt water technology to all the other cars or automobiles?"


      "Do they have the permission from the government to do so?"

      They don't need any. At least not for as long as there are no hazardous materials and controlled chemicals and other poisons involved in the production.

      "Also, did they require Germany's government permission to implement the salt water technology?"


      "2. Is this a special kind of salt water?"

      It's a salt water saturated with special metal salts to enhance its energy storage capacity.

      "Or, can anyone make the salt water in their homes?"

      You probably could, but you still need to find an electricity generator that can CHARGE it all as well.
      And, if you do make your own battery-fluid, you are guaranteed to void the warranty on your car, wheras if you do it wrong and the car goes boom, you get to sue noone but yourself. ;)

      "3. Does anyone know Germany's main resource that drives their economy?"


      "And, I hope this technology brings down those Oil/Gas/Electricity companies..."

      Lol, it's a battery. Batteries needs to be charged before they can be used, whereas this technology is no threat to oil/gas/electricity corporations.
      It will take some customers from the oil-market and take them to the gas/electricity market instead, but that's just about all there is to it. ;)

  • NICE FREAKING CAR.  Hate to see the maintenance or repair bills!!!!

  • Fantastic...0-62 in 2.7sec is no joke ...I would like to see a four seater version ...the Germans were always good with cars and their motorways with less speed restrictions
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