Electric Universe vs Concave Earth.

Here is an Electric Universe model: http://www.godelectric.org/

And Here is Mr Antichrist with his Concave Craphole

The Seal of the Living God is not literal, it's spiritual. His people aren't even getting it on the forehead, nowhere does it say you can get it anywhere else. Then he says the New Jerusalem is in Australia. It's a golden Saturn Cube representing the new heaven, new earth, or new age, coming down from Heaven. At least the Mecca New Jerusalem Theory had some credibility.

Hosea 13:7-9 is the beast. "I will be onto them as a lion, observe them like a leopard, and meet them as as a bear. The wild beast will tare them." So God is the beast, which means the one who claims to be God, is taking the Mark 666, and offering to free Yeshua from when he was wrongfully turned into King of Jews, thus taking the cup of sins upon himself at the end of the world. Heb 9:26. Gods number is 666 http://www.biblewheel.com//GR/GR_666.php Thus the mystery of God, at the end of time.

How can this moron claim to be Christ when he completely craps on Christ's teachings? "Fear not those who destroy the body, but fear him who can destroy your soul in hell. Those who seek to save their lives will lose them, those who lose them for me will find them. Bless your enemies, do not curse," Lord Steven Christ loves to curse people. He's a complete hypocrite, he is unworthy to be Christ, even if it were possible for him to be his reincarnation. "A corrupt tree cannot bear good fruit."

Cast your votes below. Do you support Electric Universe or will you get the mark of Lord Steven Christ? My name is also Steven, (changed to Stephen) I'm a Gemini, and I had a fantasy when I was 5 of me and my evil twin brother fighting it out on a planet called Snova or Snoba, or Super Nova (the sun.) It was complete desert on one side, and complete ice on the other. I now understand it was symbolic for the red and blue, hot and cold, summer and winter, etc. Truthiracy explains it best:

This guy threatened to kill Obama. Most false Christs are mentally unstable and have been violent and tried to kill people. Christ returns as lighting from east to west, and in the clouds after the sign of the son of man and the sun is darkened, after the tribulation, with angels, etc. Its stupid for someone to claim to be his reincarnation. Especially this guy, who will bring world peace? "When they shall say peace and safety, sudden destruction comes upon them."

Or maybe it's all just about the Sun, and a person should not try to become the sun god on Earth. Such was the error of Pharaohs, also Adam and Eve tempted by the Serpent, Akhenaten, etc.

An Electric Universe documentary

Antichrist "sets himself above everything anyone has ever worshiped so that he as God sits in the temple of God showing himself to be God."

The Earth is a Globe, and the secret societies are trying to push stuff like, Flat Earth, glass sky, Chicken Little falsely assuming the sky is falling.

The fact there is Asteroids and Meteors that have hit Earth in the past proves there is no glass dome. If there is something like that, it was setup recently by Jesuits and/or ET

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