When you hear of the word 'universe' perharps what comes to your mind is some salt carelessly scartered here and there. Each salt particle to represent a star. If you are that guy, then welcome to 21st centuary science. That picture of 'universe' is now, alongside the tortoise model of the earth, enjoying the dustpin folders.In short, the universe is arranged in breathtaking patterns that are interconnected and enmeshed in a complexity that simply bogles the mind. The mainstream science could have realy loved the 'scattered salt model' as such a universe seem easy to explain by some cosmic accident. All you need, to understand such, is to visit some quarrey and watch the stones flying due to a detonation. There are no much questions to ask in such.But such a 'detonating quarrey' universe is too stupid to exist. We are waiting to see miracles happen such as objects beginning to orbit each other, solar systems, galaxies, galaxy filaments, Hercules Bolearis Great Walls, 'spooky' alignment of galaxies, axis of evils, quantised red shifts etc.What makes matters worse is when we think in terms of gravity alone! How many jillions of years are neaded to gather mere hydrogen gas till it creats a blackhole via gravity alone? The problem is that gravity is so weak that no one can realy explain how universe get to form a galaxy, let alone such a behemoth as Hercules Borealis Great Wall.I will say more in the comments...

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  • Now, someone in mainstream may try to ask you to pay billions of doller to take you to the tour of the universe to unlock such mysteries as Hercules Borealis Great Wall. But all you need to understand such is just a cup of tea!

    Make some tea with alot of milk. Allow the tea to cool on a cup without disturbing it. When it gets cold, you will find a whitish layer at the top. Then hit the sides of the cup gently repeatedly. Voila! Galaxy-like filaments begine to form!

    It is not a suprise because the main force at work in binding the tea molecules is ELECTRIC in nature. The advantage of electricity is POLARITY. The existence of opposing poles is the one that creats fillaments. The charged particles realign themselves so that the opposite chargess get near each other. This creats an attractive force between the net neutral objects. Such force can even explain the gravity itself!
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