

Embracing Inner Stillness With Archangel Zadkiel Through

Linda Robinson

Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss embracing inner stillness.

You are living in a time of great opportunity for progression on your ascension path.

Much higher vibrational energy is incoming. Being clear on what you want is very important before adding emotional energy to your thoughts.

Because manifestation of this energy occurs more rapidly, being clear on what you want is very important.

You want to be certain that your desires originate within your own heart center and are not influenced by outside conditions. The energy from the desires of others is in the vibrations around you. What others want for themselves may be different from what makes your heart sing. You want to have clarity about what is right for you.

Embracing inner stillness is one approach to this clarity.

When you turn inward, you are focusing on your own wishes and what is right for you. You want to focus on your own mission and the part you play in lifting humanity to a higher level of consciousness.

You have a unique role to play in this process. Having a clear energy field can help you identify what is right for you.

To begin this process, you may wish to clear your energy field with the Violet Flame. See it flowing through your energy field and the area surrounding you. It feels cool and refreshing. This helps to remove energies and influences that are not part of you. It is setting the stage for you to have clarity about your path.

As you continue to have the Violet Flame remove any impurities, you may feel your energy shift as this occurs. The Violet Flame is simply preparing the space around you for you to have clarity.


Video - Healing With Saint Germaine & The Violet Flame



Now that you have cleared your energy, set your intention to turn inward and focus on inner stillness. You may wish to pause and feel the peacefulness that comes with this intention. You are removing outside influences and focusing on what is right for you.

Let your attention rest on your heart center. This is where your Divine Spark resides. It is the core of who you are. It is the point of inner stillness.

As you rest peacefully in your heart center, your point of inner stillness, you may wish to focus on your breath. Feel it flowing gently in and out. There is no rush. Simply let it flow at your own pace.

As you allow this process to continue, the more centered and relaxed you will be. You will tune out the outer noise and relax even more into your inner stillness.

In your inner stillness, you are connected with the Divine. You are able to receive answers to your questions in a pure way because you have removed outside influences.

You can ask your questions and receive answers in a pure way.

Outer concerns may seem less important and not call to your attention as intensely. You are able to view them lovingly and objectively.

As you continue to sit in your inner stillness, you become even more centered and peaceful. You are aware of yourself as a Soul and Divine Being of Light.

Your connection with the Divine is strong. The stillness increases your awareness of the Oneness of Creation. You may feel connected to all of humanity. You see similarities with others rather than differences.

As this awareness increases, you may feel yourself drawn to the concept of highest good for all and your part in this great plan.

You are aware that this connection resides in your inner stillness and that you experience it each time you go within. This lifts you to even higher levels of inner peace on your ascension path.

Beloveds, we are happy that you are embracing inner stillness and have a desire for highest good.

Know that you are greatly loved.

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel,

…and we surround you with Love.

And so it is.


Video - Ignite Your Soul Light - https://youtu.be/SGFilM2Xt6M?si=-jX50ajd0OR3c5v9



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