Globalists pitting US, Russia against each other so they can rule both
Alex Jones Prison October 16, 2016
The US and Russia have all but declared war. Alex breaks down how this manufactured conflict is being used to take over what remains of the United States by the globalists:
EMERGENCY! War Declared on
Russia By Soros Controlled U.S.
Published on Oct 16, 2016
The US and Russia have all but declared war. Alex breaks down how this manufactured conflict is being used to take over what remains of the United States by the globalists.
Emergency: US, Russia Entering State Of War
Published on Oct 16, 2016
The US and Russia have all but declared war. Alex breaks down how this manufactured conflict is being used to take over what remains of the united states by the globalists.
Emergency Message!
Why The Elite Must Destroy Donald Trump
Published on Oct 16, 2016
As the global elite charge forward in an unprecedented attack, attempting to break the will of the American people and destroy Donald Trump, the real media, and our final chance at restoring the Republic, Alex Jones presents a full frontal assault exposing their brazen lies and manipulations. The only way to save this country rests in the hands of the true freedom fighters and the people who wish to strike the match and ignite the fire that will make America great again.
The world is witnessing a regime change bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. This is the collapse of Khazarian Mafia rule in the West. The consequences will be felt for thousands of years into the future. This is what the public humiliation of…
"Glad you guys like these blogs. I still got 8 or 9 more of these blogs to go so plenty more good info coming. I'm surprised Sheldon's book didn't have a section on the Alpha Draconians. They are only mentioned a little bit in the Sigma Draconis…"
Next up on the Galactic Blogs will be another one of the main civilizations in the Anchara Alliance the Sigma Draconians. The Sigma Draconians at one time ruled over the Eta Draconians. The Sigma Draconians were known for their unparalleeled…
Your analysis is just the result of schizotypical reasoning in combination with heavy cannabis-use, in combination with serious youtube-abuse.
Detox, m8!