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"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades."
"NBC has really been working overtime protecting their Deep State masters keeping this video tape hidden for all these decades."
"Just gets crazier by the minute. Name a gov bill after a murderer.""
Greetings to you beloved love beacons upon the earth, I am Master Sananda. I am the higher aspect of Master Yeshua- ( Jesus ). I come forth with unconditional love. When unconditional love is present, the true love of the Creator is also present,…
...Mother Divine's Blessings Across Time By Melanie Beckler Blessings beautiful soul, As we move through the powerful energies of spring, I feel inspired this morning to share with you about a sacred celebration that begins today — honoring…
Chapter XIX
That astronomic object is termed 'acretion disk'. It is sort of transforming stuffs into 'fire of kundalini' emiting it as a huge jet. This process is not well understood,..., perharps we are not factoring in the intelligence of 'kundalini'?
the kundalini is a spiritual energy of high intelligence..
Tesla did a lot of work with the energy of the vacuum...
Both at points A and B, an electron and a positron are surreptitiously created. This pair last for some time. However, if B is sufficiently near A, there is no stipulation at all that the antimatter created at A will be anihilated by its partner at A. Depending on how energetic it was, it can dive all the way to B and anihilate with the matter created at B. But this is just a tiny electric current in space and if at every moment, myriads of such events happens everywhere, the space will be behaving exactly like a plasma. Indead it must be so because quantum field theory insures that both proton, electron, etc density never quite drop to zero in vacume. The wavefunction for electron field. pervades everywhere. The only reason why vacume is a poor conductor is that the electrons density in it is very very small. Otherwise, there is always tiny current leaking to vacume. Likwise, there are lots of electric currents charning around in vacume. We can't detect them due to their less current density.