Enchanted by the Universe

Enchanted by the universe

Prokopenko Igor Stanislavovich


( translated from Russian to English)

If a person feels the rhythms of the Universe and can vibrate with it on the same wavelength, then truly fantastic abilities open up in him.

The earthly night was flying below. And suddenly from that night came the barking of a dog. It seemed to me that this was the voice of our Laika. And then the crying of the child became distinctly audible. It is impossible to explain all this. You can only feel. The universe seemed to be calling me, she was talking to me ... "

These lines were written down on a piece of paper just a few days before his tragic death by the Soviet cosmonaut Vladislav Volkov , and then read to his friends in a small  drinking circle. Then he said that during the first flight into space he had strange visions. Some unknown but powerful force penetrated into the very depths of his consciousness, sending him either to Earth or to the far corners of the Universe. On the eve of the next flight, he did not dare to tell the doctors about it. Who will send a man into space who says such things?

In a few days, Vladislav Volkov will go on his second and last flight ... Together with cosmonauts Viktor Patsaev and Georgy Dobrovolsky, he will die on board the Soyuz-11 spacecraft. Astronauts will suffocate from cabin depressurization.

The fact that inexplicable visions visited other astronauts in the Earth's orbit will become known many years later, when dozens of space stations and ships visit space. True, the astronauts will talk about them only in a whisper and only their own. It was simply impossible to believe what they saw during the flights.

What happens to a person when he goes into the depths of space?

October 9, 1995 in the conference hall of the International Institute of Space Anthropology. ON THE. Kozyrev, prominent scientists from all over the country gathered in Novosibirsk. Well-known cosmonauts, scientists and engineers spoke at the conference dedicated to the problems of space exploration. The final report was read by Sergei Krichevsky, a senior researcher at the Cosmonaut Training Center . When he finished, the room fell dead silent. Scientists, researchers, designers - everyone was shocked by what they heard: during flights into space, the crews of spaceships are sometimes in a state of altered consciousness and see simply fantastic pictures of the past, future, and even alien civilizations!

Sergei Krichevsky - test cosmonaut, first class military pilot. He is one of the few who openly expressed what both scientists and astronauts have been perplexedly silent about for many years. A man in space finds himself in a completely different world, the laws of which have not yet been studied!

Here is just one story of an astronaut who asked not to be named. He was in his right mind, in solid memory, as usual, doing his job - and at the same time incredible things were happening to him. “He saw his paws, he was a dinosaur, he walked through ravines, and not alone, but in a herd, he was chasing someone, he heard exclamations, screams, he shouted ... Everything vibrated, horn plates on his back stood up ... Some even he smelled specific smells , ”.

Sergei Krichevsky collected dozens of such confessions from people who have been in space. He believes that the long-term silence that surrounds this problem is not only unreasonable, but also dangerous for the future of astronautics. After all, the day when the first crew will go to Mars is not far off. What will a person face when breaking out into the expanses of the Universe? Even if you call these visions ordinary hallucinations, why were they so conscious? After all, sometimes astronauts see what is impossible to see from space: the street of their native city, and sometimes their childhood dreams.

But most often, while in orbit, astronauts in their minds traveled to unknown planets and met with aliens. Such visions, according to Sergey Krichevsky , were almost everyone who was in orbit: “You ended up in the future, where a planet with two suns, humanoids in some unusual spacesuits, some kind of advanced technology, they are talking about something and with you, and among themselves, and you understand everything ... "

It was as if the Universe itself gave people the opportunity to see what they did not even know about. An invisible border separated the ordinary reality of the spaceship from the unknown, and therefore frightening...

More than 50 years have passed since the first manned flight into space. But there is still no exact answer to the question why strange visions, dreams and hallucinations visit astronauts in orbit and, most importantly, what caused them.

In Soviet times, such topics were banned. For stories about traveling to parallel worlds and encounters with alien creatures, one could be decommissioned to Earth. Only once did a Soviet cosmonaut decide to openly declare throughout the country that he had encountered something inexplicable in space. True, no one noticed anything unusual in this. Cosmonaut Vitaly Sevastyanov admitted that he heard the sound of rain in space.

From the point of view of traditional science, it is very easy to explain the sound of rain that Vitaly Sevastyanov dreamed about and other fantastic visions. On Earth, a person is affected by the force of gravity, the pressure of atmospheric air, and much more. In weightlessness, all this is simply not there. When an astronaut is in orbit, his body begins to experience discomfort. The coordination of movements is disturbed, the work of the cardiovascular system and the brain changes. It is the changes in the functioning of the brain that explain the fantastic visions in space.

And yet such an explanation seems incomplete and insufficient to scientists today, if only because these fantastic hallucinations - let's call the inexplicable phenomenon that way - are too unusual, to say the least.

Vladimir Dotsenko, a neurologist-neurophysiologist, is sure of this :

“There is no need to talk about hallucinations here. Space flight is not such a powerful disorganizing factor as to lead to this. The capabilities of our body, in particular the nervous system, are quite large .

Here is just one fact that was noticed much later. The first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin said that during the entire flight he was pursued by music. An unknown tune he had never heard. Very complex and very beautiful.

A few years later, Gagarin heard this particular melody on the radio. It turned out that this is a new composition of an ensemble of electronic instruments conducted by Vyacheslav Meshcherin.

How could a simple Soviet guy who was never a big fan of music hear bizarre melodies in space? Moreover, in 1961, when he flew into space, even the concept of “electronic music” did not exist in the Soviet Union ...

Today, more and more scientists are inclined to think that our Universe is a living organism with a mind. This theory existed in ancient Greece. This means that the Universe itself enters into a conversation with a person who dares to violate earthly boundaries.

This cosmic intelligence permeates all galaxies, creating a universal information field. It stores data about the present, past, future, fears and dreams of people... The ancient Greeks called such a field "meon". In translation - nothing , which contains everything . It is believed that the meon is a special state of vacuum. Perhaps, when flying into space, a person simply finds himself inside this field and connects to the universal data bank?

The technique of connecting to the universal mind on Earth is mastered by soothsayers and shamans. They enter a special state, changing the parameters of their "frequency", and read information from other layers that are inaccessible to ordinary people.

The most famous person in Great Britain, a member of the Royal Society of London, a specialist in chemistry, biology and medicine, 95-year-old Professor James Lovelock has been studying our planet and its role in the Universe for more than 60 years. In the scientific world, Professor Lovelock is known as the author of the sensational theory of the “living Earth”. This theory says: the planet Earth is not only a living, but also a rational being, capable of feeling, experiencing and even thinking!

According to Professor Lovelock, the Earth is an intelligent superorganism. Rivers, seas and oceans are the blood of the planet, trees and plants are the lungs, animals are the sense organs. And the heart of the planet is what geophysicists call the Earth's core. It is located at a depth of 20 kilometers and regulates all processes on Earth: the magnetic field, atmosphere, surface temperature, and even natural disasters.

If this core ever fails, all life on the planet will perish. But for billions of years now, the core has been running virtually uninterrupted. According to the British professor, this happens only because the Earth is capable of self-regulation. Simply put, like any living being, our planet can grow and develop, change and adapt. She might even get sick! This, according to the scientist, is happening on Earth today. She is ill. This happened because man disturbed the balance of nature.

Here is what James Lovelock said : “The system became unstable because the positive biofield of the Earth was violated, and now every slightest impact leads to global consequences. The simplest example: it is not without reason that we have either a terribly cold winter or an abnormally hot summer. All this is natural, because the balance is broken!

The earth, like any living being, strives for self-preservation, says the professor. That is why she tries to get rid of a person when he begins to destroy the earthly organism. And confirmation of this is tornadoes and hurricanes, droughts and floods, earthquakes and tsunamis, which are increasing every year. In the last hundred years alone, the number of natural disasters has almost tripled! And this is not the imagination of scientists. These are official UN statistics.

James Lovelock explains: “Humanity will die out if this continues. We are already at war with the Earth. I think that by the end of the 21st century, a maximum of a billion people will remain on Earth. A person must take care of the Earth right now, otherwise the Earth will kill him, sooner or later. And how will she do it? Yes, it will just turn into a desert. Of course, we could adapt to the climate, as in the deserts of Australia, but we will no longer be able to feed ourselves in such conditions. And most will simply die of hunger .

If the scientist is right and our Earth is a living, breathing, thinking and feeling organism, it is likely that all other planets, stars and even black holes are also alive. This means that the whole Universe is a supergiant intelligent organism. And perhaps all those visions that astronauts see in orbit are an attempt by the cosmos to communicate with a person and, perhaps, even teach something.

In 1994, an event occurred in space that defied any scientific explanation. An event after which many no longer doubted the presence of mind in the planets. Scientists have discovered that the giant comet Shoemaker-Levy is rushing towards our Earth at great speed. According to the calculated data, after 150 years it could reach the Earth and destroy all life on the planet. But… the incredible happened! When the comet approached Jupiter, he, like a living being, collected all the energy of his gravitational field and literally tore it to shreds! Since then, Jupiter has been referred to as the "living Solaris". Indeed, the planet Jupiter is very similar to Solaris, described in the novel by Stanislav Lem. Like the fictional Solaris, Jupiter is completely covered in ocean. True, this ocean is not water, as in the famous novel, but methane.

Why did the planet Jupiter destroy a deadly comet from the outskirts of the galaxy? After all, according to the calculations of scientists, Jupiter was not supposed to blow it up, but, on the contrary, to give acceleration, but instead, the giant, violating the laws of physics, eliminated the alien. What is this? Accident? Coincidence? Scientists today are unable to answer this question. But one thing they know for sure: in the entire history of space observation, Jupiter has never ejected such a powerful beam of gravity. According to the researchers, there can be only one explanation: Jupiter, like the fantastic Solaris, is a living planet, thinking and feeling. Most likely, Jupiter stands guard over our Earth, which is why he stopped the comet invasion.

The British scientist James Lovelock, already mentioned here, for the first time managed to scientifically prove that our planet Earth is an intelligent substance, back in 1961, when Yuri Gagarin flew into space, and Stanislav Lem wrote his novel Solaris.

Studying the atmosphere of Mars, Professor Lovelock made a sensational discovery: on the planet Earth, unlike Mars, the atmosphere is unstable. Chemical reactions are taking place all the time. But most importantly, for hundreds of thousands of years, the temperature of the Earth's surface and the composition of the atmosphere remained unchanged. And this despite the fact that since life began on Earth, the thermal radiation of the Sun has increased by almost a quarter. It could mean only one thing: the Earth is alive! It controls the atmosphere, the temperature of its surface, the thickness of the ozone layer, the level of salt in the oceans, maintaining all this at a certain level.

Indeed, if you take a closer look at the structure of the Earth, you can find out that the metabolism in the bowels of the planet is much more complicated than in the human body: there are stable thousand-kilometer currents in the magma layer, and as a result of various chemical and nuclear reactions, the Earth constantly produces new elements and compounds. .

Aleksey Armand, Doctor of Geography, leading researcher at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, says : “The Earth is developing towards complexity, as if it has a goal, someone or something is leading to this. Highly advanced evolution can be explained only if the evolution is intelligently directed. If evolution has some goal, some end point to which it aspires. So far, everything that we observe suggests that the Earth is striving for greater order, for a greater diversity of its systems .

But that's not all. Like any living organism, the Earth is growing. According to some researchers, over the past 200 million years, the radius of our planet has almost doubled!

More recently, Russian researchers have also succeeded in proving that the Earth is a living being. Viktor Rogozhkin, like the British professor Lovelock, devoted his entire life to studying the planet Earth. Over many years of research, he managed to make an incredible discovery. Experimentally, he confirmed: the Earth breathes rhythmically and deeply, like any living organism. Breathing occurs through faults in the earth's crust.

At the same time, the rhythm of our planet's breathing depends on the time of day, season and geographic latitude. For example, in the middle latitudes during the day, the Earth inhales and exhales every 40 minutes, but at the equator, the earth breathes less often - once every 130 minutes. The scientist claims that the Earth makes its first deep and long breath at sunrise, greedily absorbing cosmic energy. Then an equally powerful exhalation follows. After this, rhythmic breathing is established, until sunset.

In 1997, researchers made an even more startling discovery. It turned out that the Earth reacts to the events of space and is able to experience fear. The appearance of Comet Hale-Bopp in our sky in March 1997 reduced the breathing period from the usual 30-40 to one minute. The earth breathed like a driven horse, and this continued until February 1998.

But this is not the most incredible. A year later, in August 1999, there was a solar eclipse. At the moment when the Moon completely blocked the Sun, the Earth literally shook with fear. In Turkey, one after another, there were strong earthquakes with a magnitude of 7.4 points, which claimed the lives of 18,000 people. Some scientists believe that at that moment our planet was close to a state similar to what happens to a person during clinical death.

Viktor Rogozhkin, head of the Center for Earth Studies, says : “Our scientists recorded all this at the instrumental level. It was as if the collapse of the electromagnetic field of the Earth, as if clinical death. And then, a few minutes after the end of the eclipse, the Earth seemed to breathe again. The earth was not just in shock .

The scientist is sure that someday humanity will definitely learn to understand the Universe and find a common language with it. Perhaps 40 years ago, earthlings took the first step towards this when American astronauts landed on the moon.

On July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 manned spacecraft was launched from Cape Canaveral. Three days after launch, the spacecraft reaches lunar orbit. Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin transition to a lander that lands on the Sea of ​​Tranquility on the Moon.

The moon landing is broadcast live to the whole world. More than a billion people watch American astronaut Neil Armstrong exit the module and take his first steps on the lunar surface. However, just a few minutes later, the broadcast is suddenly interrupted. Instead of an image, viewers see interference. These problems last for almost two minutes, after which the communication session is restored and the picture appears on the TV screens again.

In 1999, 30 years after that historic mission, the legendary American astronaut Edwin Aldrin, the second crew member on the Apollo 11 mission, made a sensational announcement. It turns out that two-minute interference on the air is not an accident. The radio signal was artificially distorted in the Mission Control Center itself. All because with the astronauts on the moon in those two minutes something began to happen that defied any reasonable explanation. The American aerospace agency NASA simply did not dare to broadcast this to the whole world.

To prove his words, astronaut Aldrin produced an audio recording - the same two minutes of conversations that had disappeared from the air, which were conducted by the astronauts who landed on the moon, with the Mission Control Center. From these negotiations it becomes clear: on the Moon, the astronauts saw strange luminous objects of enormous size, it even seemed to them that these objects were intelligent.

For many years, Edwin Aldrin tried to prove that what he saw on the moon was not fiction or a hallucination. But they did not believe him. Indeed, except for the astronauts who visited the moon, no one could confirm this: not a single device recorded the presence of foreign objects. Many believed that Aldrin was just fantasizing. Only today it can be assumed that everything he saw was not fiction or fantasy, but only an attempt by a living substance - the Moon - to make contact with a creature that arrived from another planet.

And in 2002 it turned out that the Universe is not just intelligent, but just like a person, it feels beautiful. The Chandra Orbital X-ray Observatory has discovered a singing black hole in the constellation Perseus! True, she does not trill, but sings only one note - B-flat. She sings in a bass so low that the human ear cannot yet hear this singing. But, perhaps, in the distant future, everything will change and we will hear not only this beautiful B-flat, but also the singing of other planets, stars and even entire galaxies ... or maybe it will be the voices of different civilization inhabitants? .. https://history.wikireading.ru/89025


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  • Woah that was another extremely interesting & wonderful read thanks Ara..I so believe all of what they saw in space,cos if ones ever had a OBE when you have entered their light body looking back at ones self,then they know exactly what these astronaut experienced,...to be one with all there is and ever will be in the universe, it will speak to your own soul fully in its true essence...that's because your a single part of it, connected with it.. like your a small plasma cell,in a huge living organism..I experienced every version of myself in countless parallel realities, all intersecting in a limitless and eternal space. What was 3 minutes OBE in the "real world" felt like a 1,000 years in that space,I can so see why when people pass away they dont want to come back to this realm again,one just wants to stay in that space.. one sees this planets reality like that of being in Hypnopompia which is the state of consciousness just leading out of sleep,then your consciousness is just then able to recognise this reality like that of a dream..I mean lets face it no one has ever been able to remember the moment of falling asleep,nor are they able to remember the moment they wake up either...
    Some people experience spiritual epiphanies in this realm before awakening; others experience a general feeling of peacefulness and love; still others experience fearfulness and anxiety just before being revived.....
    but when ones out of earths atmosphere & offworld your free of this planets dreaded drag & trappings of being in a hypnotic dream state reality...but when your out there in that realm & space your actually connected to your higher self reality or over/soul .. this realm or realms, is were its populated by none physical entities outside of any avatar body suit. These are then seen as entities as they have no faces or bodies & they are omniscient and omnipresent!....there are even full aether races where everything there was is, universes, galaxies, planets, stars, suns, moons, motion and none motion, synchronicities and de-synchronicities in other words a multiverse created by us souls,yes us,..its a haven [looked at as 'heaven' to some].. we created that realm,that universe,that reality & this one here on earth also... yet we dont have conscious recall of ever doing it...we have been indoctrinated so badly by other peoples notions from birth parents to teachers,on this planet when we incarnated, we forgot it all and thus enter a amnesia state,never knowing things from our own soul essence of knowingness..
    Our lives here on this planet are so one or two dimensional,we simply do not understand that a human being is a multi-dimensional reciever/transducer whose consciousness determines how these forces are recognised, how they are transmuted, and what range of phenomena will gradually surface in our lives,its why we spend so much time pulling apart & interpreting things, yet get nowhere & never fully connecting on a way deeper level.
    • True Vlada, OBE phenomena is a powerful tool, when done consciously, also through Meditation you can create a deeper connection with your spiritual self, leading to a heightened awareness of your consciousness beyond the physical body. Where self reaches a place of ‘void’ or ‘vacuum’ similar to space. No gravity or thoughts are present there. Only you and God. There is a saying that you can only find God in Silence.
      • Suppose that all depends on how one perceives the word God aye?.. where as I understand that all that is perceived, is perceived in ones mind, your mind creates & receives electron signals and tells you what you perceive. So in honest truth, all you see is electron signals as energy formations within a holographic reality screen,where the real seat of you or soul is not connected to it..[e.g ever seen the movie Avatar,that will give you a kinda concept at least]... So, ask yourself where does the world you see exist? There's a mind bender for ya. what is out there, is only energy and information. Within your own mind,via your body you see what you see via eyes. Your mind... You control it... interesting how peoples minds can't understand that there is no God & no Jesus & no religions offworld,its just not necessary...Mind however.. It wants explanations to it all. But it's all just so simple. But the mind wants to make things complex, by adding conditions, beautiful words,false beliefs & logic statements or what have you?..words? hmmm a little restrictive when wanting to express more than even the most powerful words which then confuse even more....however, we still live in little bubbles we create..and thou shall enter thy quantum state and all will be well?...but what is the WHOLE of our universe but .. another tiny bubble in a whole other universe among a plethora of other bubbles filled with created Galaxies & Universes into infinity and souls created it,you & I & others created it to experience it..Drekx calls it 'a Living Universe' which is a very good depiction but is there more to that term even....

        • exactly God is a word. What matters is the connection this word implies.
  • Yes, this does happen to those of us who have been in space...We connect with the living universe..
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