Energetic Update & September Equinox Transmission By
Anrita Melchizedek
Beloved heart, I invite you to listen to this powerful energetic update and transmission for the Equinox as we reset, rebalance and re-align through the Inner Sun within our Loving Hearts, through the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun.
This is a powerful Now moment of re-balancing our Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Spirits, as well as expanding the energy of the Divine Mother within to greater levels of nurturing and Love. Additionally, there is a softness and gentleness which envelops us as we deepen into Zero point, the ever present eternal Now moment.
As we deepen into the Patterns of Perfection amplified through the Equinox energies on September 22nd and 23rd, I invite you to expand into the heart of the Divine Mother and the Overlighting of Divine Mother Mary, as well as deepening your connection as Initiations of Light through Shamballa and the Rays of Creation that are activating in this sacred month.
The Libra Equinox Gateway amplifies at 6:50am GMT on September 23 and 11:50 p.m. PT, September 22.
Enjoy the Gateway beloved heart.
Video - Energetic Update & September Equinox Transmission
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