They are all over me. I have about 4 now. A few weeks ago I posted in a thread about one who I thought was friendly, well he had friends show up and they are not friendly. They are actually starting to hurt when they drain energy from me and I'm starting to feel lasting effects on my body. I know why...I'M VIBRATING LIKE CRAZY, THIS IS JUST NUTS!!!! I'm having an exponential increase in severity and duration. A week ago it was 2 hrs a day, about 4 days ago it jumped to 10 hrs, now its all the time even while I sleep and the intersity is also exponentially increased along with multiple body areas. I was on another forum on their chat and during the conversation I met a person who said she was a Starseed. She has impressive psychic abilitites. We spent 3 hrs while she described things in my house or about me and was over 80%. And some things she got right, well, you have to be for real to even bother suggesting them. That night my head felt like it was gona explode. It calmed down after that but now I am WAY jacked up and what was one nice parasite kitten that didn't bother me has turned into a gang that mugs me when I'm asleep and even awake at my computer typing this message. I have tried every kind of sheild I can think of, nothing. I called for the Divine White Light of Love and Protection, felt it arrive, no affect. Called the Angels repeatedly, no affect, Chi-Psi Ball, no affect and especially when I can't even see them. I even repeatedly recanted a Rebuke to get rid of the Devil but I don't want to write it down here in case that was the cause but it got worse before I said it. I'm really in a bind, anyone got any suggestions? I won't be the first to go through this, Billions will. Our reality is chock full of these things that can get to us. There has got to be some kind of Divine Plan to deal with them or help people deal with them.
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This site will tell you all about the energy parasites: (you may want to click view and select no page encoding to get away from the fancy text. Specifically check out the Enochian walk in technology)