Enough With The Illuminaughty


Ok, so I understand wanting to know the dark side in order to overcome it. That I get. But when people start using the dark/satanic cabal to explain every little thing.

1) Singers (really?)

2) Hurricanes (again, really?)

Guys, come on. Maybe a singer is just a singer and a hurricane is just a hurricane. What you see on TV isn't always some ploy to lure you into the flaming hands of hell. And even if it is, why are you propagating it? Stop creating your own misery and fear.

Enjoy your life and stop limiting it to good and bad. Sometimes something is exactly what it says on the tin. I love all kinds of singers that aren't "good" in most people's eyes and that's because I see them as musicians and nothing more. They aren't leaders or role models. ENTERTAINERS.

Focus on your own spiritual development. If you don't like something it doesn't automatically mean it's wrong or "reptilian" .

Just sayin what was on my mind! I could be wrong :)

Sending you all some positive energy

Respect and Kindness

Emmy :)

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  • You got it. Those "illuminati" are just portions of ourselves we are denying and not accepting

  • well sally in my dream i did not dream of hell i dreamed of being grounded the messages was to stay grounded. G r o u n d e d is the key to higher understanding.,

  • I agree you are what you project What we dream is what we get if you dream of hell then you get hell . We should try visualizing more positive things through light affirmations we can change the world but it is up to you to believe and make it happen . God helps those who help themselves. We have to change this, God can not do everything for us we must realize our true strengths this is only possible through love as we harness the light within us all. love and light sally

  • People are dumb enough to believe that a hurricane, which is a natural event is hosted by the dark lords, it's wrong.

    The Dark polarity on earth is just a catalysor for people to understand good when having bad, no one has ever come through a REAL negative entity with REAL negative plans, so don't go around spamming.

  • when i had a certain dream, weeks before i saw the hurricain sandy pandemic happen, i saw the difference between what it meant when i saw me looking for a piece of ground to get out of the way of being swamped with water, i did not know why i had to know this but in spirit i saw it and that it was unusual to me, but then i noticed other people looking for dry land too, they felt they are good people with good hearts and i did not much think about it then but when i saw in spirit a huge wall water coming towards me, i instantly felt without a shadow of a doubt without no reason to hesitate to just keep being grounded, then empathically i noticed people inside the water coming towards me, i knew these ones were bad people with bad hearts, and they knew they were going but they figured well if we are going then we are going to take out as many people with us as possible, then i instantly understood why the notion to feel grounded, so without further ado, i held my grounding and so did the good ones too, when the sea of water came towards me, not an iota of water hit me whilst the bad people in the water were trying to take me down with them, their attempt to take me with them did not succeed they left and we stood firm through the storm. I and the good people remained dry at all times.

    Then i understood now after reading the channeled messages that those who were the evil doers the ones who had destructions on their minds were removed from the earth realms no matter if they were in spirit or of in embodiment forms they all were removed. Human or non human inteferance the bad ones were removed so that we good people would have a level playing field to effectively utilize our lives more better than we did have previously before the problems occured after the hurricain hit the american and china shores.

    Ashtar confirmed it for me so did Lord sananda so did mathews messages and so did messages from gaia herself. Seen i got the dream directly from her.

    I even posted my dreams on here in mif october 2012 so i did not make this one up thats for sure.

    I don't get much dreams from earth mother often but when i do i had to tell some one so i posted it up on here and see where it goes.

    I did not feel negative because in the dream i was told to ground myself so i did but to do this love is the only way no i truly understand how to bring love to me and around me by staying grounded and not in air fairy land all the time, we are on earth for a reason and thats to be in position to hold the light love and compassion from the creator source.

    Grounding prevents fear from coming into and it was not until i felt the truth i now understand the truth in the intelligence of it all. Loving intelligence is the key to eternal compassion.

  • I can't speculate personally on whether or not Sandy was influenced by HAARP and the Cabal, I've heard Sandy occurred naturally as a measure of Gaia's cleansing and that the Cabal has been mostly disarmed of these technologies, but the post I read this from also praised Obama as a force of good, so as I said... I can't even touch that one, just yet.

    However, the big celeb entertainment industry is in fact heavily cabal-run and used for social engineering. This is fact and it's been blown wide open. Many artists have come forward, many entertainers have been killed in the past for speaking out or coming forward, etc. The evidence is very accessible.

    Having said that, at this stage int he game, it really doesn't matter. I think there's a few things people should keep in mind. 

    1) Even those who have "sold their souls for fame" to the cabal are not necessarily entirely evil people, hence persons like Michael Jackson, Tupac, etc. coming forward and speaking out against the Cabal. We should keep in mind that these people too deserve a chance at redemption and ascension. Many of them didn't know what they were even getting involved in. MJ was roped in even as a young child, for example. So the point is, even if it's true that big entertainment celebs are elements of the cabal, it doesn't mean they want to be, and it doesn't mean they are a threat.

    2) Most importantly, the number one goal of the cabal is to instill fear and other low-vibrations in us that will anchor us to their sacrificial reality. They really aren't nearly as powerful as they would have us think, and they do like to do a lot of "fluff" scare to try and get people riled up, taking credit for things they can't do and such... yes this is true. They would anchor us in fear of "what they can do"... but in reality, salvation lies in not giving them the power to affect you like that, not giving them the power to influence you when it is ultimately YOUR choice to ascend or not to ascend. No one can take that choice away from you without your consent, regardless of the countless tactics and means the cabal would use to do so.

    So while there is certainly truth to some of the things most people would find unbelievable, such as big entertainers being involved with the cabal, there's no point in even focusing on them now.

    We should all be focused on ourselves and each other, on our growth, our light, our love, so on and so forth... and give no power over ourselves to any malevolent intentions. In that light, I will agree with "Enough with the Illuminaughty" because focusing on them, what they want to do, what they have done, etc... isn't going to help us much now. The less they exist in our focus, the better!

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