Entering a time of true mastering


Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Energies have been changing again and it is very important to realizethat right now we again have entered a new stage so to speak. And wehave entered the stage of Divine Action, of really bringing Heaven toEarth NOW.

I know all of us have been passionate about our Path for many yearsnow. What we did in all those lifes was retreating from 3D, because weso felt that something else had to be possible. And that wasmagnificent, we have found the light within, we have connected togreater love, we have found Self-love, we have learned so much.

However, actually what we have done for ourselves is create this bubblethat protected us from 3D and all the challenges there. It gave us nextto the things that we have learned a time to breathe, to become who weare more so than ever before.

But have we really mastered our reality? No, we have not. I will eventell you that most of us have not even started to really master thereality. We have done great jobs, don't get me wrong, we really haveworked on changing the perspective from the inside, expanding to somuch more.

But it is time for the next level and take all that we have become into3D now. We have to start to manifest ourselves in 3D again, playingwith 3D, being able to truly create what we want. 3D, this Field ofExperience right now has to be a place for us where we fully enjoyeverything it has to offer. Connect – from within as a start at alltimes of course – to concepts, people, projects and so much more thatreally are able to inspire us, are truly adding to the beauty of ourUniverse. And if they don't, we need to take responsibilty for Self,and say: I'll stop this creation here, take all the energy of it, andcollapse it again into the field of potential and I will start again.With different people, a different organizations or whatever it is thatdoes not inspire your Universe in the most beautiful way.

It is what Ekara has been talking about in his Alchemy of Ascensionpart 1: use time as a sense and create a time-slot. Say no to what youdon't want anymore and do take action there, of course as always on theinside first, but if that does not suffice, take action on the outsideas well. Stand for who you are and what you know, from the highestperspective of Self and All That Is, you want your Universe to be like.


Consider these senses as attributes of reality. When you are in areality moment where you are in lack of time for instance or are in anexpansion of time within the frequential range – an example of thatwould be to have a disease that is going to be affecting the way howyour reality continues – you can choose the sense of time as anattribute and apply it to the reality that you no longer choose.

So let’s say that for instance you are suffering from a disease or youare suffering from a type of lack. Once you start to understand thesense of time you have the power to attribute to that reality a certaintime slot and then to move out of it. To move out of that reality, tolet it go.

Your sense of direction will help you on that path. And as you begin tounderstand your sense of thinking you will begin to notice that all youhave to do is to start looking for areas within yourself where thosethoughts exist. Because that is what navigates you to that realityeventually that you want to perceive rather than the one you arecurrently perceiving.

This is the most simple way to explain to you how you work with yourDNA and how effective working with your DNA truly is. How completelyinteractive this whole experience really is. Think about it, if youwere to be a computer programmer would you ever design a computer gamethat is restrictive? Or would it be your wish - that one that is outthere right now that is on the verge of creating real artificialintelligence, the one that is out there right now that is on the vergeof breaking through the barrier of matter and energy, the one who hascombined science, technology and biology together in their head and areabout to come up with a wonderful way to finally move one object ofmatter to another place and space-time. Yes you, I am talking to you -do you finally get that this reality begs you to be interactive withyou.
Your sense of time coupled with the attribute of acceleration will giveyou the breakthrough that you need, will allow you to understand thatnothing here really needs to be restrictive and that you have controlover that.

So stand for who you are (your real Self of course, not the small self)and say NO. And create anew! And this goes for anything. If forinstance you have a company, make sure that all the organizations thatare connected to it (bank, accountant, people who support you with it,but also the physical environment of it, your space let's say) areinspiring you even more. That is Mastering your reality, and keep goinguntill it is perfect, of course allowing the quantumfield energy tosupport you, keep it infinite, allow the Universe to surprise you aswell, don't define it too much in the beauty of the highest outcome,but you have to define for yourself let's say the bottom line of it! Ifyou don't,you are allowing things that do not inspire you, that evendrain you and keep you from seeing infinity, and so you are chosingless that what you know is possible. Chose things that more thaninspire you without playing the game of getting attached again.

We have to trust ourselves in not losing ourselves in the illusionsagain, stay aware at all times, yes, but we also have to start playingwith them to truly master them. See it as the exam that is coming up inwhich we have to truly start to apply all the expansion we have beenable to take in, that we have been able to inscend!

We truly have to go from Ascension to Inscension now. AND BE HERE NOW!



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  • One of my every day thing...get over the 3d stuff and keep conected...feels like a damaged light bulb. On-Off,,,
  • We truly have to go from Ascension to Inscension. AND BE HERE NOW!
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