full report at: https://eraoflight.com/2019/09/24/era-of-light-report-for-9-24-2019-the-reset-creators-room-crescendo-of-energy/
Greetings! As always from heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune in to the light within you.
Can we built on top of the old, or must we tear down and burn the old, and start with a clean slate? If we built on top of the old, the foundation could crack?!
If we built with a new foundation, how long will it be between the deconstruction of the old and the building of the new? Can there be chaos? Can it be done within a matter of days? At a push of a button perhaps?!