I know now, why certain things stuck out in my mind as a child ~

It's becoming clearer and clearer as I become self actualized :-)  

There were a few movies:

Escape to Witch Mountain & The Mysterious Two

In regard to Escape to Witch Mountain which originally came out in 1975, when I watched it as a child something deeper was speaking to me as I saw this movie, that moved me on a very deep level... :-)

The Star Case plotline is startlingly similar to the foundational Gnostic parable, The Hymn of the Pearl, in which a prince is given a pearl to take on his travels so that he might remember his true identity. Doubly so in light of the fact that the Escape novel portrays the world in which the alien children travel in similarly bleak terms to the Hymn:

But in some way other or another
They found out that I was not their countryman,
And they dealt with me treacherously,
And gave their food to eat.
I forget that I was a son of kings,
And I served their king;
And I forgot the pearl,
For which my parents had sent me,
And because of the burden of their oppressions
I lay in a deep sleep.
But all this things that befell me
My parents perceived, and were grieved for me;
And proclamation was made in our kingdom,
That every one should come to our gate


The Novel took place on the East Coast (Witch Mountain was in the Blue Ridge Mountains) but the movie is filmed in the area around Monterey and Big Sur in California (where I would later go in 1994)

The Witch Mountain stories essentially play like Gnostic parables. The two children are aliens who fell to Earth from their home planet in a binary star system (
Sirius, surely), just as the Aeons fell from the Pleroma
 (meaning "the Fullness") in Gnostic theology.

etwm10.jpgThe Star Case color-scheme in the film is identical to the classical blue-and-gold of Freemasonry. Which makes sense in context of the Masonic veneration of the Stairway to Sirius. But in the context of the film, it also points to a "lost secret" of Freemasonry, that has also been forgotten and/or corrupted in a quest for temporal power.

33rd Degree Mason Manly Palmer Hall addressed the motif of the blue and gold in the context of a hidden, inner reality in his tract The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff. Hall identifies blue and gold with Sirius, the five-pointed star:

This is the Robe of Glory, the garment of Blue and Goldwhich, shining forth as a five-pointed star of light, heralds the birth of the Christ within. Man is then indeed a son of God, pouring forth from the depths of his own being the light rays which are the life of man. Striking hearts that have long been cold, this spiritual ray raises them from the dead. It is the living light which illuminates those still buried in the darkness of materiality. It is the power which raises by the strong grip of the lion's paw. It is the Great Light which, seeking forever the spark of itself within all living things, reawakens dead ideals and smothered aspirations with the power of the Master's Eternal Word....


33rd Degree Mason Manly Palmer Hall addressed the motif of the blue and gold in the context of a hidden, inner reality in his tract The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff. Hall identifies blue and gold with Sirius, the five-pointed star:

We first meet the film's villain, Aristotle Bolt, as he consults with Three Magi (literally). Notice that the floor beneath their feet is a Zodiac, and that they advise that the moon is in Aries.* This shot is crucial, since maps and stars form the basis of the drama.

Bolt is the classic conspiratorial archetype of an "Illuminist"- a wealthy and powerful aristocrat who dabbles in the occult in a quest for total control. It's interesting to note that his surname is the opposite of the novel's author, Alexander Key. "Bolt" represents control and "Key" represents freedom (note that Aristotle was Alexander the Great's tutor)

This is probably the most important shot in the film. After seeing the two aliens discover a map beneath a depiction of a binary star, we see them facing a pack of dogs sent to prevent their escape. However, Tina can telepathically communicate with the dogs and she sends them after Bolt's goons. In other words, the dogs have allied themselves with Tony and Tia.

Following the stellar motifs established by Bolt and the Zodiac, could it be that Tony and Tia represent Sirius A and B, and that the dogs are the other stars in Canis Major? In light of the implied parapolitics of the story, it's interesting to note that Bolt shouts "those dogs will ruin all my plans!" during the escape.

Original Source: Secret Sun

Sorry this was so long :)

I just wanted to pass this along, because I think it's extremely interesting.  I know that things do speak to our soul on a deeper level, and this is just one of the ways my life has "confirmed" my Space "origins".

Life is just too strange! :-)  Thanks for reading!



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  • Twin stars. I loved this movie as a kid and still do. It is not some masonic lodge imagery, it is just a movie. All three of the movies made in this name "witch mountain" are pretty good. My opinion though.
  • Thanks, I'll check it out Janis :)

  • It's very interesting Marianinia ~

    I now understand that this was one of the "symbols" that were speaking to me at a very young age, reminding me of who I really am, I guess you could say, so... now that I know what I do now, of course it totally makes all the sense in the world when back then, it was just something that was going to "trigger" me, but was always in the back of my mind until I could totally understand... :)

    :-)  Thanks for reading :)..... 

  • You know I have never watched that movie, thanks for the preview.

    • Yah Rick it's so old school now, but still... so interesting in many ways because of what it really is about... :)

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