ETs/EDs “Disappear” 2nd Nuclear Armed NWO Sub!
Posted on February 2, 2012 by John Kettler 28
NWO Nuclear Armed SSN "Disappeared" By 2nd Group Of ETs/EDs PHoto Credit: Wikimedia Commons
ETs/EDs (2nd Group) Report: “We Have The Sub, Complete With Crew
ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/extradimensionals) of the second group report the NWO (New World Order) nuclear attack submarine (SSN) formerly stooging around California, trying to find its way into an underwater cave permitting nuclear attack on the SONGS (San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station) has been “disappeared” and is now undergoing analysis by these ETs/EDs. This SSN been positively identified by the ETs/EDs as being of the later British Trafalgar class, which uses water propulsors, rather than a propeller. It isn’t presently known which particular sub the ETs/EDs “carried off,” but that answer is forthcoming.
ETs/EDs/Terrestrial Sources Baffled By German Crew & Nuclear Tomahawks
The ETS/EDs say the sub was “false flagged” to look German, but this is a crazy thing to do, for the only subs Germany has are Diesel-electric and tiny compared to this monster. Even more confusing to the ETS/EDs and terrestrial sources alike is the fact that the ETS/EDs report the crew is German, not Nazi. This was very carefully checked by the ETs/EDs. No swastika flags, pictures of Hitler or similar were found when the SSN was searched. Terrestrial sources are both baffled and disturbed that no less than six TLAM-Ns (Tomahawk Land Attack Missile-Nuclear, each with a W80 5-150 kiloton warhead), a weapon removed from the British and U.S. inventories altogether, were found aboard by the ETs/EDs, together with the expected Spearfish torpedoes and the wholly unexpected German crew. How, both the ETs/EDs and superbly informed terrestrial sources wonder, did someone manage to train, unnoticed, an entire German attack submarine crew, especially the reactor team, for an SSN has a much more demanding mission than does a boomer (ballistic missile submarine), whose chief mission is to hide? An SSN with cruise missiles is an equal opportunity hunter-killer: surface ships, submarines and land targets. The ETs/EDs first blocked the approaches with sonar reflecting holograms, then “disappeared” the sub off the California coast.
ETs/EDs Expect Answers & Soon–To Several Vexed Questions
Terrestrial sources with submarine experience have relayed to the ETs/EDs how to identify the sub, even though it’s been stripped of all identification markings–the main transverse hull bulkhead, from which everything is numbered going fore and aft. That bulkhead has the ship’s name so deeply incised even grinding can’t remove it. The ETs/EDs will soon have that most useful item, but are more focused on identifying the not-supposed-to-exist TLAM-Ns by their serial numbers. Speculation is that these closely guarded weapons may’ve been clandestinely dumped somewhere in their watertight launch capsules and then later retrieved. If so, it has profound implications for U.S./British nuclear weapon security and accounting. The ETS/EDs are understandably concerned, given the superfluity of Doomsday weapons already known to exist.
OK, reread it a few times, I got confused as to the reference of the SONG. and the word disappeared in a grammatically strange usage. lol it still took a couple times to reread a few of the sentences. no worries. I did see the link this time. thanks.
Are you referring to the California nuclear on land Facility? This is sounds weird, hard to follow and just not right, what is the source of your information?
interesting info , Sylvain ~!~.........................
wondering mind.