Hello. I am fresh to the new age scene, just recently
realizing reality. I have since been contacted by an
extra terrestrial (physically) whom I had ties with
requested that I pass on an important message.
This is not a channeled message. It was given to
me in the physical. I placed this message in the
"Channeling and Channeled Messages" forum as
it seemed to be where all messages were posted.
If I am incorrect, could the admin please move it to
it's appropriate forum.
Whether or not you believe me does not concern me.
I came here noting the level of acceptance the members
show regardless their beliefs. I would however like the
readers to merely consider what the message has to
'Greetings. My name, is not important. For the sake
of this communication you may however call me by
'Eve'. I like this name. My title bears no importance
for it is but a label. I would like you to understand
as initiates of spirituality how labels and names
to do not affect or change the person in any way.
Labels are merely a tool you use to help yourselves
distinguish between each other. However after the many
races that visited you in the past, you began to adopt
many of their behaviors. One such in particular was
the use of labels to establish authority over another.
We do not use titles in such a way, so for the purpose
of this communication, I will have none.
I would not have chosen to communicate with you
at this time had I not felt it was absolutely vital. We
only have one chance to get this right, contrary to
what channellings may have you believe. I am part
of a group who are working in your best interests.
I will not disclose to who we are, as I have said
our name is not important. It is our actions and
intent that should only hold interest to you.
We are just like you. We have emotions, we
can be sad, angry, flawed and frustrated. We
are not perfect. However we seek to sort out
out differences and arguments via peaceful
means. We have observed your race and feel
great sorrow. We have taken the matter of your
planet to council and decided we would act.
However there is only so much we can do.
We cannot save you. You seem to hold these factions
who seek to help you on a pedestal. Why won't they
save us? Why won't they land and put the baddies in
the time out corner? Our technologies exceed what
you have available in your mainstream, yes. But
we are not oh so powerful. You expect too much of
us then become content and lazy, because messages
filled with empty words of love and light promise to
save the day. You need not lift a finger?
I am here to tell you, you did not incarnate here simply
to 'enjoy the ride'. You are very much the catalyst of
change. Change will not happen unless you take the
actions required. Many would have you believe that the
good and bad within this universe is so black and white,
and that no harm will come to you because you have
free will.
I ask you, if this were true, why is your world how it is
today? Please think! Many are trying to lull you into a
false sense of security. Your world is so unpredictable.
You have many many factions, projects, secret technologies
all with different agendas working towards either preventing
or allowing enlightenment to go forward. Not to mention six
billion and counting demi-gods who's powers are operating
Anything quite literally is possible at any given time on
your planet. Why put your faith in future events proven by
a science beyond your dimension that you cannot see?
It is not that this science does not exist, but because you
do not have full knowledge of it many are using that against
you! They have told you to use your heart, I am here to tell
you to also use your brain. The two together create a great
symphony of discernment. Do not throw out your logic and
common sense!
I can not tell you who will and will not win. I will tell you
that if you want to conquer your oppressors and move
into the higher dimension, you become the victory. Do
not stand back and watch.'
Eve and Carrier Pigeon.
ask (or Eve) for anyone to believe she was real. She left out her
personal details on purpose as people seem to get too excited
about learning about the Extra Terrestrial in question rather than
listening to the words of the message.
(Eve has expressed the only reason she is giving this message
at this time is because her group is concerned of a cult following
arising from channels which seems to be dividing man against
man again. This is why Eve states "I am here to tell you to also
use your brain".)
All she wants is you to consider the message itself and try to
draw an opinion from her group's intent by the words she uses.
I might be new but I am not stupid. I am very well aware of false
beings "of light and love". Eve has never claimed to me to be one
of these and has stated she and her group have 'flaws' specifically.
False light beings would rather prefer you to think of them as perfect
beings, an example which you could never match up to in this life.
It's similar to the Christian following which teaches that Jesus was
born of a virgin both, something no normal man could ever be conceived
from, therefore you can never attain his level of holiness.
I feel a connection with Eve personally and have past life ties with her
group. I've asked for proof and they've shown me. Eve and I understand
we will be attacked and questioned for these messages as a lot of people
have grown too comfortable thinking the GFL will sort everything out, and
they do not like hearing otherwise. Eve merely asks you to consider and
read the message itself before attacking.
Thanks for sharing this, Carrier Pigeon. I am interested to know more about Eve. From what Star System did she come from? Can you describe her to us and how were you able to contact her? What is she or her group doing here on earth? How long and how often do you meet her? What exactly does she want us to do?
You would so willingly take instructions from an unknown source in times of trickery and darkness?
As I said, I want to know more about Eve. That is why I asked about her origin, her appearance, how they met, how often they meet and what exactly she wants us to do. Asking about what they think doesn't mean we immediately will follow what they think. As Eve has said, we also have to use our brain and logic before coming into conclusion.
Stop taking empty words from channellings as fact, and use your head.
Do not become reliant on these messages to tell you the truths, they
are deliberately trying to confuse you and mess with your head.
Stop seeking a way of life outside yourself. "What do they want us to do?"
Humanity has been asking that question for too long, and have been following
orders without question. Now is the time to decide for yourself. What do YOU
want to do?
Carrier Pigeon, you are contradicting yourself here. Your last sentence is this: "Do
not stand back and watch.". If Eve is saying that we really do not need to do anything but just be ourselves, then we are basically just standing back and watching, just being ourselves.
so EVE guess somebody's gonna have to spell it out for us