This is a lesson  in what´s coming.



EVENTS TO  COME By Metatron thru Shellee-Kim Aug 29, 2012 - 2:49:10  PM

EVENTS  TO COME Tele-chat with Metatron through Shellee-Kim I  AM Metatron come to you this evening. We feel you are ready to start taking  messages again to be shared. Are you prepared to take one now? [There was a  bunch of personal stuff first for me, then comments about many now who are to  have transformations and awakenings…to themselves, their lives and/or their  missions.] As you know, you are about to have the three upcoming Days of  Darkness. During this time, many of you, particularly of AH, will be taken to  ship for instruction and training. This will be followed by a debriefing. Once  you have understood your roles, there will be a splitting off into groups. There  is to be very much a hierarchical structure in place for ease of operation  during this period. And we will be with you every step of the way – both  Celestials and Star fleet crews. No one will will feel out of his/her  depth. When everyone has organized themselves into the group they will be  reporting to, we will have a series of special events occurring. These will  constitute some flyover and public announcements, after which there will be more  direct introductions to the people of earth.At the same time as the re-education  begins, there will be the distribution of foodstuffs, adjustments made to  certain of the manufacturing sectors on your world (the ones that are necessary  to have functioning during this period) and there will be many amongst you  prepared ones, who will come forward now into the general public with their own  stories to share for the easing of tensions amongst your people. In many  respects this period will be a turning point in the history of your world. It is  a time that will be seen as a lifeline for many. And many will make their  crucial decision as regards their future, at the last minute in this period, in  fact. A portion of those here beyond the 3DD, it is seen, will begin an  uprising, in order to try and topple this operation – what they believe and see  to be an invasion. And they will organize themselves. But they will soon be seen  for what they are.  Amongst these will be those who’s dogmatic beliefs will  be more powerful than their abilities to change or open their mind sufficiently  to look at alternatives.

SK:  Why will they remain then? Because they must be given an opportunity to  express themselves. And we see only perhaps a third or a little more of the  post-3DD folks will be returning to earth after the major stasis. Now, there are  other tasks you ones will be performing, in addition to sharing your personal  stories with the public. Many of you will be escorting people on to craft, where  you will be showing them our wondrous technologies, living quarters and our  customs/ways of doing things. All this is designed to ease the people’s spirits,  relax them and help to promote a relationship of trust between us.  As  escorts, much trust and faith will be placed in you initially, by the people. It is imperative, therefore, that you keep and maintain your inner balance  at all times. And listen to your guidance within at every juncture and you will  know just how to handle a person or situation. Now the fun part. There will  be some of you, quite a few, who will enjoy staying on craft during this period.  This will be the ‘cherry on the cake’ for you ones. And we will delight in  watching your delight at all you are to discover. The idea of this gift and  privilege is that you then return to your people, reporting on the experiences  had, adding further to the peace of mind of the populace.

We  think this is enough for tonight. We know how hard this has been for you and we  thank you. It is encouraging to see this shift. And we hope there will be many  more messages taken again by you now. I AM Metatron and I bid you Adieu this  evening.

All writings by members of  AbundantHope are copyrighted by ©2005-2012 AbundantHope - All rights  reserved

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  • Metatron sounds too much like a Transformer to be taken seriously. 

  • Yet another version what is supposedly going to happen at the end of days... every one of the messages at first read comes across as reasonably sincere and honest, but their content always varies dramatically. Some messages say nothing will happen at all, others that there will be a pole shift... others mass landings.... Who are we meant to beleive?




  • T


    his is Arch Angel Michael, Arch Angel of the Resurrection on your planet, in Service to CMAton of Nebadon.

    Beloved Masters,

    A while ago, this Beloved Scribe called upon me to help out with a particular Reiki matter, as CMAton had referred him to me. Hence the reason I knocked on his door with the Secure Circuit still open to address myself to all of you, My Dear AH - , CMAton of Nebadon's Second Coming Organisation, family.

    As last warnings have been published and delivered in alignment with Cosmic Law, we are ready to proceed in a ' as controled as possible ' manner. This is not me standing in CMAton's shoes to announce when we start the ' end of the old and the beginning of the new ' , but rather me drawing your attention to the approaching dark hours in which many of your earthly Brothers and Sisters will ofcourse question what is going on. Especially coming out of that period will be quite mindboggling to some.

    Besides the many explanations and updates you have received most recently, I prefer to let you know that also some of the most ardent Light Workers and Star seeds will have questions as to what or certain things going on. The barrage of powerful events might throw some of you for a loop and leave you fairly breathless, even if you thought of yourself as ' well - prepared ' . Not too much time or earthly cycles captured in your calenders might have passed, before you reach another milestone in your unremembered kind of life - experience, or another finishline, but each of complete different nature.

    As a good preparation is half of the result already, so do I come to advise you to make DAILY CONNECTIONS with your Higher Self or Going Within or Meditating an absolute MUST in your schedule. Enough tools have been advised to help you in this.

    As living as an example is highly reommended, please make an example of such activity, that has brought You balance and knowledge, Truth and understanding A PRIORITY. Your Self or Divine Immortal and Invisible Soul knows what needs to be done so use this as a means to show others who come to you for answers, that they too can find those Within, even in critical times.

    Then also You shall fully understand the magnitude of KNOWING WHO YOU ARE and very little will move you away from your center. Going With The Flow is one way of seeing the River of Life More Abundant once this raft is water-born, but also the rapids along the way will have to be dealth with, with equal great strive.

    This is my reason to address you : that when you find yourself in need of help while passing the water rapids in the upcoming decent, before we can ascend through other means, CALL UPON US, CALL UPON ME. Enough instruction will be shared, enough help will be available, but it is important to know that WE and the entire Fleet take your call for help not lightly. Due to the fact that others may call upon you while you yourself might not feel too strong or too sure, YOU HAVE TO KNOW WE WILL BE ON STANDBY FOR ALL OF YOU.

    Everybody involved in the period after the 3 DD's will quickly feel the Instructions Guiding you very well, but as you on the ground deal with life situations, as they usually come like rapids = strong and unexpected, we will throw you a lifeline if you request. This CMAton operation embraces the cooperation of so many beings involved and ALL do account for being supported when in need.  Service to Others = Service to Somebody their needs, including yours.

    Now, since we are at work with great anticipation of what is to come, let us assure you that many of you are not called Masters for no apparent reason. Many of you have been through all of this before. This should take away anxiety as you can Trust in the painstakenly preparations and revisions under the auspices of our Christ Michael of Nebadon. As some further pockets of high resistance are being dealth with forthright, ' the moment of Truth ' is on the table. The dark are seeing this as a chopping block, We see this as a breading ground for a society that will not be going in that direction again. The well known saying : '' The Truth shall set you free. '' has never been more fitting then NOW, and NOW in this regard will only be defined by the moment ' the sun went dark ' , as alternative or last resort.

    Stand tall, Our Light Warriors, even when you find yourself in different and difficult circumstances as Your Light will always show you the way or show us how to be best of help. We stand by you.

    I AM Arch Angel Michael.

    Love and Light,


    This piece is under copyright protection of It may be placed anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in any way and a link placed back to this site.  It is preferred you place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the rest of it can be found at the link.  Thankyou, Candace.

    All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by ©2005-2012 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

    Detailed explanation of AbundantHope's Copyrights are found here

    When in Need, We are on Standby for You
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    To Be In Service  Part 1 by  Monjoronson Through Shellee-Kim 15.8.12Good evening beloved friend. It is I, Monjoronson, come  to you this evening.

    Let us begin with an understanding. There are many  amongst you who have been given opportunities to be of greater service to your  fellow man. Some have grasped these with open arms and an open heart; many  others have struggled to do so. Not be

    cause you haven’t wished to do so, but for reasons  related to your own sense of self. And your own judgements of what you believe  to be ‘acceptable’ or ‘unnacceptable’ service to others.  Service  to others is nothing more or less than service to the self: when you are at a  place of deep compassion for your own self first (that is born of a love for  self) you are in a place where your service to others becomes that much more  profound. Now, let us look at one of the many  examples of this. We see a young boy who has just learned how to cross the road.  He is most proud of his ability and proceeds, putting all the road rules he has  learned at the forefront of his mind that he might act upon them. What he  doesn’t know or realize is that behind him and quite accidentally, is someone  pushing him at just the wrong moment. Quickly, all he’s been taught go  out the window, so to speak. He is now in self-preservation mode to protect  himself from oncoming traffic.  The next step now is to extricate himself  from potential danger as quickly as possible. Once this is achieved, he is able  to return to perfecting his practice of crossing that big, busy road. This time  with extra awareness and added lightning-fast reflexes. Many  of you are at the point of learning how to cross the road in an entirely new  manner. One, where you both have all your wits about you, can plan ‘on  your feet’ so to speak for an emergency, and at the same time are able to offer  assistance to others crossing also. While it might appear as something of a  balancing act and somewhat precarious even, this also becomes a personal  initiation of sorts for those choosing this. The time  you are all to enter now is much like this road crossing experience for the  little boy. Much that is unexpected and could be perceived as hazardous is to  come to the fore. Your role will be to roll with what presents. Always remembering to respond to everything from a state of  balance within. You have long been taught the ‘hows’ of this. Now is the time  for theories to be put to the test. Many of  you have no or little idea of who you really are. This has been for very good  reason. You are about to be revealed to yourselves now. What you are to discover  will leave some in awe and may take a little time to digest of the truth of  this. This part of your unfoldment process has been well planned and perfectly  timed. All set to coincide with the timing of the larger global and cosmic  events. For many of you that are choosing and  have chosen roles at this important juncture in humanity’s future, it is to be a  time of great fulfillment. And we cannot emphasise and stress enough that  composure is key to the success of this next phase. It  is for you ones to be a joyful time in the realization of dreams, visions and  that which you call fantasies. But it will also be a time of extremely hard work  and much will be required of you in this final initiation and phase. Support  will come in many forms, so the tasks to hand will feel far less  daunting. We believe this channel has exhausted  her concentration and focus for this evening. And we would like to expand  further on these thoughts at another time. It  is indeed a pleasure to have spoken with you once more and I look forward to  more regular interaction with you. I AM  Monjoronson, blessing you all with my love this  evening.


    Part  2

    25.8.2012 I AM Monjoronson come to you this evening, once more. And I am of the Light.  I wish to speak to you this evening further of the coming times. There are  those now who are being activated, as we speak. These are ones who have been  preparing themselves unconsciously on your surface. And in alignment with their  contracts made so long ago. Some will wake up smoothly and easily, while others  will be subject to a spell of confusion and disorientation.When these ones seek  you out, please do remember how rocky was the road for you when you first  stepped on to it.  For some it may take a little longer than others to ‘get  with the programme’. Show these ones patience and understanding. They too have  jobs to accomplish, when they have returned fully to themselves. Now, the  new order of things to manifest is to follow strictly to a programme of events.  You have already read about some of this through Candace. What we are chiefly  concerned with is finding ways to secure peoples’ attention. Here, we mean  specifically  beyond the 3DD and into the teaching period. SK: But won’t  Starfleet under CM’s command have taken over global media? M: Oh yes, but  that’s not all we need to have in place for the full focus of the people. This  is to be their (either longer or shorter) moment of choice and  decision-making.  In order to have maximum impact, there needs to be  further measures in place.  And once you are all fully activated to who you  are and why you are here on earth at this time, things are to be far clearer in  all of your minds. Including the newly-awakened  - who you shall nurture to  the same state as yourselves. Some of what you will be doing will involve  group work. But this will be no ordinary group work. And many from other  civilizations will be present at meetings that will be held continuously  throughout the teaching time. Their input, you will find, will be highly  valuable. It will serve, in many ways, as what you have already intuited – presenting ways forward that you as a valued member of your society can share  with the many on your surface.  Not to mention begin in implementing, where  possible. Some of these beings you personally shall recognize, while others you  may not. These sessions will be very powerful as it is the coming together of  those from numerous civilizations who – in various instances - have already gone  through what you are to be going through on your world. High councils pertaining  to these cultures will be on hand at all times to trouble shoot with you, should  it be needed. Now, the next thing to note is the importance of the acts of  discipline that each of you are expected to pay heed to each day. This will take  the form of communing with the Divine within each of you and certain rituals we  will ask you to observe. Those that have been working with the AH meditation  directives, will of course have a great foundation from which to continue on  with this. But many from elsewhere would not have had this opportunity or  support. And again, your initial energies will be much needed in bringing those  under contract into fully awakened states, to the point where they are  comfortable with operations and all that is required of them. Of course, this is  over and above your work with the general population. Then, there is also  the question of money. While many of you will be reliant on us for an income,  there will still remain a small portion of people that will continue to earn an  income in the previously-known manner. But everyone will be given duties to do – services rendered in exchange for the provisions we are to make available.   There will be no ‘lounge lizards’.  Unproductivity produces laziness which,  in turn produces sluggishness of mind and spirit. And this is the last thing we  want after all we are setting up for this period. It will be the first time  in a very long time that people will work - contributing to the benefit of all - and without the anxiety that the potential lack of resources or bill-paying  produces.  We feel this is adequate for this evening. This is  Monjoronson wishing you every blessing on the road ahead. Our love and support  are ever with you.

    All  writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by ©2005-2012 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

    Detailed explanation of  AbundantHope's Copyrights are found  here

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    To Be In Service Part 1 and 2
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