Every Finger Is Connected to 2 Organs: Japanese Methods Of Curing in 5 Minutes!

It’s well documented that Japanese people have an extremely effective way of healing sickness and injuries. What we are about to show you will help you treat and cure many different ailments, very simply using their techniques. The best thing about this healing technique is that it only takes 5 MINUTES!

Japanese experts have suggested that every finger is hooked up to two seperate body organs. Jin Shin Jitsu system as its known is very powefrul! The technique is of ancient Japanese descent, a culmination of the societal art which was surfacing. It will no doubt help you in your healing and will balance emotions due to the stimulation of certain points on the body. That balance is very significant for the physical and emotional health of a certain person.

This powerful ancient technique will help you to access certain body organs by holding a finger for only 3-5 minutes. You should breathe deeply in and out and afterwards, you should massage the fingers on both hands. The whole procedure lasts for around 3 minutes.
Below is an explanation of the technique that will show you all the connections between the fingers and the body organs:


  • Organs: Stomach and Spleenwort
  • Emotions: Anxiety and Depression
  • Most common symptoms: skin problems, stomach pain, anxiety, headaches, etc.

Index finger

  • Organs: Urinary bladder and Kidneys
  • Emotions: Fear, Confusion, Discontent
  • Most common symptoms: back pain, muscle and tooth pain, digestion problems, etc.

Middle finger

  • Organs: Yolky bitter and Liver
  • Emotions: Rage, Anger and Indetermination
  • Most common symptoms: menstrual pain, migraines, headaches, especially in the frontal area, tiredness, problems with circulation

Ring finger

  • Organs: Large intestine and Lungs
  • Emotions: Sadness, Fear, Negativity
  • Most common symptoms: asthma and other respiratory problems, digestion problems, skin conditions


  • Organs: Small intestine and Heart
  • Emotions: Anxiety and Lack of self-confidence
  • Most common symptoms: throat pain, heart disease, problems with your bones, etc.


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    This powerful ancient technique will help you to access certain body organs by holding a finger for only 3-5 minutes. You should breathe deeply in and out and afterwards, you should massage the fingers on both hands. The whole procedure lasts for around 3 minutes.

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