Only on a planet that is fallen does the will of God become perverted. How can God being the Creator be represented in the actions of beings that persist in defining the harmony of male and female energy as Male Male and Female Female.
God's plan for man was to grow and to reproduce. A man and A man cannot reproduce, a woman and a woman cannot reproduce. Therefore, this union leads to death. It will run a course that will not produce any offspring. Life would cease to exist.
If God created a planet full of Gays and Lesbians, it would eventually cease to exist.
Can that be the will of an infinite creator that offers eternal life?
Yes, God loves all people, he loves the sinner and the saint. He loves the soul of the man, but mans actions need to be refined they need to be bridled and they need to be disciplined.
There is no harm in man loving a man...and in a woman loving a woman. However, when it comes to the physical expression of that love in the form of "sex" it is un-natural.
A persons' anus is meant to excrete waste products and not to host reproductive organs. You have a life giving organ uniting with a part of the the human body that ejects death. Can this be what God intended when he created the human body?
A woman , who loves another woman is a rebellious thief that refuses to honor her body as a vessel that bears life. Who will attempt to by pass God and his will for man to impregnate her to bring forth life, by buying sperm. Women who practice same sex, with the use of dildos and "strap ons" are in serious denial.
Homosexuality is a human aberration and not part of God’s Plan. Balance is the heart of God’s Plan and there is no balance when a man and a man come together or when a woman and a woman come together. Yin and Yin are not balanced. Yang and Yang are not balanced. Only Yin and Yang are balanced. Thus, there is only balance when a man and a woman come together, as further evidenced by the fact that only a man and a woman can procreate. Heterosexuality is balanced and fertile. Homosexuality is imbalanced and infertile. This is Metaphysics 101, but today many Earthlings don’t have the slightest understanding of metaphysics or themselves.
Hi all , I have to check in , but don´t have time to read all posts.
This planet´s view on "love" is so distorted , and I agree completely with Auorix post here.
Perverted homo-lesbiansex destroys dna.
I really don´t care if you try to defend this , but this is how it is.
To live in a relationship with the same gender (love don´t choose sides) is imho ok , IF not distorted sex are being used.
Many homo´s are at the same time incarnating here to teach acceptance , BUT this "civilization" is teaching our kids that it´s ok to have analsex.
A lighted civilization , and there are billions of them out there , don´t have this kind of perverted sexual acts.
Ponder that
Ponder this---
you speak like a person who has been sexually abused you need psychiatric help
this explains your personality quite a bit...
see wheel of bigotry video
who shall you bash today ? the gays
yesterday it was the jews
get the help you need Andronover-- you expose your own problems
God's will itself is perverted. God has killed 2,476,633 people in the Bible, out of so-called "Divine Will". Even though he is supposedly a loving and spiritually advanced deity, he becomes insecure and psychotically jealous when humans turn away from him. Humans are not meant to be sacks of meat designed to do nothing but obey unquestioningly, we should have the right to ponder our creator's (if there is one) actions and question them since they contradict the loving purity that he supposedly portrays.
The problem is that we were never taught to disobey.
Homosexuality is natural because it has been found in nature with animals.
I don't find men attractive whatsoever. There is nothing wrong with that, and quite frankly, I think some men are insecure because they aren't needed by certain women. Not all women are having children, so not all of us need to be impregnated "Naturally".
"God" has no say in what our primary functions are. Since the enslaved have always sought to overthrow their cruel, tyrannical masters, I think it's time for "God" to be overthrown.
I needn't say anything more. This man is obviously lost in a repressive state. But I will pray for him to be liberated and know the holy spiritual rapture of homosexual sex.
Well... rather than waste Energy responding to the overall Intent of this low-grade post...
This Beatles cover pretty much matches it's bigoted frequency:
( ( ( ApotheosisNow!!! ) ) )
Thank you Stick, couldn't have said it better myself :)
well finally managed to have popular discussion , too bad you achieved that with bigotry.....................
@Ed...i truly think you are a cool guy!..