
7 27 2014 ~Many of you are undergoing great stress and bodily and emotional discomforts at present as the energy levels of the Tsunami of Love intensify.  This is to be expected, so do not be alarmed, just relax into the now moment and allow these energies to flow through you and on out to all of humanity and to Gaia herself.  This is what you came to do, you have just forgotten how demanding it would be on your physical vehicles, so make sure to ask regularly for help from your friends, guides, mentors and angels in the spiritual realms.  When you do you will feel better, more easily able to accept the discomfort, and assured of its necessity as your frequencies rise to prepare you and humanity for your awakening.

We are inundating you with spiritual help and assistance but the many alarming events happening across the world are distracting you and drawing you down into the illusion where you tend to enter into the pain and suffering that you see there.  See the pain and suffering, send Love and compassion to those involved, but stay removed from it – “be in the world but not of it.”  Doing this will make it far easier for you to connect with your intuition, your higher Self, and those in the spiritual realms who are always standing by to answer your calls . . . I promise you that there will be no muzak while you wait for the next available associate!

We want to help you, we are here to help you, and we always respond to your individual calls, unfortunately it can be very difficult for some of you to sense or hear our presence above the distracting din that the illusion, your collective ego uses constantly to draw you into conflict.  It does take much practice and personal discipline to learn to access that quiet inner sanctuary easily and quickly, but I assure you that you will find it very well worth the effort.  Even the great mystics and ascended masters have trouble accessing that inner sanctuary when they are embodied, because the lower frequency level at which the illusion holds you is open to massive interference and “white noise.”

Reassess all your daily shoulds and to do lists frequently, realistically eliminate those that no longer serve you, and enjoy the reduced sense of stress and the resultant feeling of peace that flows in when you allow yourselves to be free.  So much of what you feel you need or ought to do is old karmic garbage with which you have become stained over the eons and which has no validity today.  Let it go, its lessons have been learned.  Use bleach if necessary – longer periods in meditation!

You were created free and you remain free, eternally free, but within the illusion this does not seem to be the case.  In fact modern medical science is attempting to prove that everything you do is caused by the flow of different chemicals through your nervous system.  Obviously drugs do affect behavior, your human nervous systems are miniature drug manufacturing facilities, and your personal attitudes direct them in every moment.  You can always change your attitudes no matter how drugged you are (except if you happen to be flat on your back unconscious) and that is what we have been asking you to do – have only loving attitudes, and release all attitudes that are not in alignment with Love.  That is free will.

Many, however, find it more comfortable to hold on to old unloving attitudes because they feel unsafe without them.  And in lives past you have all experienced severe pain, suffering, and betrayal.  It is the memories of that kind, stored in your DNA that need bleaching out.  But of course you will be using a far better solvent than bleach – Love!  Love always works, bleach is far less reliable – see the manufacturers instructions and disclaimers!

If you have friends or loved ones who appear stuck in old outworn attitudes and beliefs do not try to persuade them to change, this is very threatening for them.  Just be loving and accepting of them, be compassionate but do not engage in attempts to discuss these attitudes, just listen if they need to talk.  Talking frequently helps them to see more clearly, especially if they do not feel a need to defend their positions.

Everyone will awaken but no one will be forced to do so.  Those who choose not to at this time will be continually offered new opportunities to do so, and when they are ready they will avail of them.  There is only One so no one can be left out, discarded, or abandoned.  The game of separation and abandonment, the illusion, will last as long as there are people who wish to play, but it can no longer restrict or contain those who would awaken, the very vast majority of humans.

Your task, you Light bearers and wayshowers, is to demonstrate Love in action.  You all know, deep within yourselves, whether you have admitted it to yourselves or not, that you are Love, that there is nothing else.  You are the ones who chose and volunteered to be on Earth at this point in her evolution to assist in her awakening by being loving in every situation, in every moment, and with everyone with whom you interacted.

Your memories of this choice are weak, difficult to access, and yet, when you sit quietly thinking about your human situation, it always occurs to you that the only way forward is through Love.  Often then your reasoning mind comes in to tell you that “if everyone behaved like that all would be well, but that they don’t and they won’t, so be sensible and protect yourselves, don’t let your guard down or you will be hurt.”  If you catch yourselves being defensive or even going on the attack, stop, regroup, forgive yourselves, and start over, lovingly; to do so is very disarming for your opponent.

Your task is to trust that intuitive sense that the only way forward is through Love.  Deep within, as we keep telling you, you do know it is true, embrace it, then Love everyone into awakening and bring your most wondrous task to fruition and completion.

With so very much love, Saul.



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  • Bingo! Good stuff...

  • 8116286876?profile=original

    ~OK, Barry... despite the sarcastic & egoic tone, I'll try to give my perspective on some of your questions. & please note, your frustrations & 'judgements' are quite understandable... we all have them in one form or another; no one said navigating through these times would be easy. Perhaps it's best to keep in mind that when you point the finger, there are four pointing back at yourself. Your comfort in taking the inventories of your fellows in 'New Age/Spiritual' circles, is a predictable side effect of the Spiritual one-up-manship games of duality... which merely reinforce dated aspects of the old paradigm, Barry. Nothing more, nothing less. Even so, we all have to have our experience, we all have our 'roles' to 'play'... but I digress, back to your questions...   

    "What is the Gaian-matrix and what does it do? What affect has this Matrix had on the world?" In simplified terms, the 'Gaian-Matrix' is a program, Barry. An Archontic program that has kept Humanity in mental bondage going back to the ancient world. It is this program that has you deeply invested in the illusion that the 'action' you are taking in your 3d life, has more depth & weight, than say, someone who has dedicated their chosen path to Prayer & Loving Intent. It's not a race... but it borders on foolish not to see that 'active observation' is a crucial aspect of decoding the esoteric mysteries that surround us all. Prayer & Meditation is an 'active' Spiritual discipline. Nonetheless, if you check out the Terence Mckenna & Alan Watts vids I added, I believe they contain meaningful insights to the questions you've posed.  

    "You can't just make up words and expect people to believe they are true." I'm not expecting anyone to 'believe' anything, Barry. Each & everyone of us agreed to 'descend' through the 'veils of forgetting' into this dimension... this 'reality', to have our own 'experience'... to uncover & rediscover, our 'truth'. To take part in the Divine Process of  remembering who we really are.   

    "As for the focusing of love, where has this helped? Name a place where love has stopped anything?" I could provide you with countless examples, Barry... but undoubtably, given your cynical stance, you would waste your energy, & mine, dismissing my examples by trying to siphon my experiences through the limitations of your 3D lens. Which is fine, if that actually serves your illusory sense of individuation on the Spiritual path. Where you see limitations... I see infinite possibility. Where you see lack of commitment... I see Humanity standing on a Spiritual tipping point of their own design. Not for the faint of heart... but well worth the work it's taken each & everyone of us to get to this exact point in the timeline.  

    "In my opinion, people who say that they are praying/sending love are just absolving themselves of the responsibility of taking real action. By saying those things they can believe that they are acting for the good of all people." Okay... how's that working for you, Barry. It seems to me that this view merely cosigns your own self righteous indignation & ultimately points you toward a dark cul-de-sac of the rabbit hole? Perhaps you are the one trying to absolve yourself from going deeper, brother? To truly touch the Alchemical Gold, we have to be willing to venture into arenas that are beyond the surface of these matters. 'Spiritual Action' can be defined in countless ways, just remember... "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." ~Albert Einstein


    Be The Change You Want To See


  • Think beating the crap out of the bad guys with a smile on the face is a possibility.

    Like spreading the truth around the net or fighting with trols but not with hate but with humor for example and respect for human.

    Passief action can be done with love but in a real fight but it is diffelcult to stay smiling al the time;)

  • Thinks the message means not to be emotional attach to the bad things.

    So you can fight the bad things but dont do it with hate but with love in youre mind and a sword in the hand.

  • ~'What has love achieved'? The question itself is rooted in the limitations of duality. You need to widen the scope of your viewfinder, Barry. Love is an Eternal, Energetic, Multidimensional signature that keeps Humanity edging closer to it's true origins... Unity-Consciousness. First & foremost, though... true Love is the willingness to put someone else's needs in front of ones own. So the notion that it is somehow 'passive' is simply a distorted view that often gets thrown at the so-called 'New Age'. Nothing could be further from the truth. & the ongoing attempts of 'rationalists' to somehow downplay the significance & power of focusing on Loving Intent & Prayer, merely reflects a distorted view of what is actually playing out on the Gaian-Matrix. Which is to say that some of the most meaningful Human Works can't necessarily be decoded through the 'five-sense prison'. There is far more in effect than meets the Consciousness on any individual... but make no mistake about it, when the final shadows of duality have faded into memory... Love Is The Answer! AsAbove, SoBelow... AsWithin, SoWithout. ~InLight555  

    “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.” ~Terence McKenna

    •                      What to do?....



      MoreWillBeRevealed... TemetNosce247

      • 8116287062?profile=original

  • NewDayDawning247


    ( ( ( OneLoveRevolution555 ) ) ) 

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