Message from Saida Khatoon
Channelled by Shazi
Further Reading: Signpost to the Source
Hello Son,
Everything is Light
The collective consciousness is moving towards an era of truth; as more and more people awaken and find truths that were hidden away from them for so long.
There is an inbuilt desire to rid the world, and surrounding areas of this plague of false words. This distaste amongst the people will give rise to a golden era of cooperation and love for each other.
Day by day the veils of ignorance are falling and each day the masses awaken.
The need to know instinctly, increases and some are beginning to see or tune to this light.
But what is this light?
This is the light and inside the properties are symbols, words, codes and images that can be deciphered depending on the frequency you tap into. The deeper and more refined the light is the message and hidden knowledge are kept.
All the Prophets were able to tune into this higher frequency of light to receive revelations and instructions from the Creator.
In this era mankinds is forever fortunate that he too can tap into the light of the universe to converse with this knowledge. When the connection is made we continuously realigned ourselves to this light of awareness as the frequencies are never constant but changeable depending on the messages.
If we were to dissect a cell and go deeper into each layer until its foundation; we see light as its primary source of existence. All creation houses this in their chemical makeup.
Such complex and yet so simple are these harmonic frequencies of light that they mingle and intertwine through all layers of existence. In simple scientific terms we can call them DNA or the blueprints of life. As light consists of everything and inside is the foundation to germinate into a plant, that never stops growing.
Your mother; light has much wisdom that never ceases when it is truly connected.