I've noticed a few discussions come up thus far having to do with a misguided view on wicca(witchcraft.) Witchcraft and other branches of paganism have been painted in a very bad light over the ages by other religious groups so wiccans tend to get really riled up when someone storms in and calls them devil worshippers.


I just wanted to go back into a breif background story on wicca and bring to light what it's really about and how it could even help enlighten you on a path to ascension. Remember not to judge what you don't know. Wicca is no more evil than a pair of smelly gym socks.


Once upon a time long long long long long ago, we weren't as stupid as we were today (Shock and horror!) We were far more intune with nature and our wise ones were well versed in what's known today as astrology, meditiation, tarot, spells, rituals, crystals and energies, various uses of and healing with herbs ect ect ect. Various elements of the above were used in many cultures across different timelines and areas across the Earth, and played a very important part in the everyday life.


I'm not going to give a full blown essay on who used what where but just so you gain a general idea of what it's about. Just like the many hundred different christian based faiths, there's serveral many brances of wicca/paganism and slightly different takes on the symbols.


Anyway, along came the forming of religion who didn't like the idea of recognizing the divinity within, because to them only one god could exist, and he wasn't a chick either. Religion couldn't comprehend what wiccans practiced but since they didn't recognise the one male god, it didn't fit in with their beleifs so it had to go - burning and screaming.


Religion kind of  has this knack of enforcing it's beleif system on you and expects you to blindy follow what they tell you without question or investigation. Now, what exactly is evil about healing a sick neighbour with a herb and natural oils? Where's the devil in casting spells for a good harvest if your magick does not regocnise any devil at all?


I wouldn't have blamed the wiccans for having big WTF moments when the christians were banging on about them worshipping satan. It's just funny since satan dosen't exist in wicca, so how could you expect them to worship the christian god's enemy? Kinda stupid, don't you think?


You could learn alot of valuable knowledge from wicca if you dared to explore it rather than condemn it. The pentagram/pentacle is not a devil symbol either. It's mainly recognised as a symbol of protection against negative spirits/energies.


Another thing to take note of is the fact that the 'cross' symbol was used eons before the christian faith adopted it, by pagans. Crosses have been found in ancient Greek, Mexican, Eygptian, Hindu and celtic artifacts/paintings/adornments ect. One pagan definition of the cross is that the vertical line represents spirituality, whilst the horizontal line represents the Earth.


Is wicca bad or immoral?:



Goddess and symbols:





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  • Just try not to use it in magic or Diabloc practice it might scare the Shit out of some people...:))
  • I kind of like the Naguals they seem to not be into bullshit.
  • I am more into the teachings of the Naguals myself. I am always surprised when people are against wicca and other things like that. Especially when they are so called christians and religious types...i always thought Jesus had some tricks up his sleeve and the vatican shurely uses al kinds of magic and other obscure metods.
  • Wicca in and of itself is a fairly new Religion, or way. (2 generations old, max) Paganism in ALL forms combined is ancient. Most Pagan religions have a lot in common and none worship or even believe in "a" satan. Having once been a bible thumper, I studied a lot before I found my current beliefs. The last "on line" questionnaire I took put me in the "Neo Pagan" category. Pretty much any religion that doesn't follow the main 4, Christian (in all it's forms) Jewish, Buddhist or Muslim, falls in the pagan arena. (A lot of folks put Buddhism in the pagan category too.) As I said in a previously deleted discussion (and in MY opinion), the manipulation of energies for any good can be great when done by anyone, called or calling themselves anything. A lot of the Illuminati folks DO worship Satan in one form or another and that's where the darkness is and why it's fading as the light grows stronger. I have a good friend that is a Chaos Magician with a heart of gold. When some hear HOW he does some things, they are afraid, but again, it's just a way of manipulating energy.
  • V interesting discussion, thanks all for your contributions : )
  • Well said because it is time we all recognise that our Lord has allways wished for every tribe comes together under the same banner of LOVE.


  • Reanne, thankyou so much for this post, I can only hope it clears things up just in case anyone feels that I am working for the dark side,

    Pathfinder certainly painted me black and would not take no for an answer no matter how much I tried to convince him other wise.

    I would have done one myself but I felt that it may have not been suitable to attempt it , peace to you Reanne.
  • Our country, the natives once worship/lived coexistingly with nature spirits and devas. That's until the spaniard colonizers introduced the EVUL Christianity. But even as of today, the teachings from old traditions are still carried specially in the rural forest and mountain areas where the unseen spirits are oath to be given respect.

    Mostly in our rural areas, we have white witches, who mostly deal with common and uncommon sickness using the common herbs, and even counter the attacks made by black witches on the villagers in the area - for a small fee or even free. That sometimes the small clinics in the area attacks them for losing CLIENTS. Some region in our country are also well known for Faith Healers; who can heal de-seases with just the use of Hands : bleed(hand operation by opening body parts) or no bleed(operation without bleeding) - with the aid of a spirit.

    I believe that most sickness and de-seases in our country, specially those instantaneous and with doubtful origin or purpose are mostly Manmade. As there are many white witches in the country - so are the sorcerers.
    • ~here, here! history is fun!~ sooo much to learn, still! ;0)
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