


Our starry families have been preparing for THE MASS ASCENSION WAVE that will occur in 2017 for millions of years. The final preparation is to restore our resonance field by realigning the frequencies of Earth into the Harmonic resonance of the Music of the Spheres.

The Aqua Blue Crystal Sphere(we will call Blue Sphere in this article) in the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth is the portion of the Music of the Spheres that holds the frequencies or the morphogenetic fields of Sun Alcyone and Sirius B. The entire frequency signature of the Ultra Violet Crystal Liquid Light Aqua Blue Sphere will become integrated into the Consciousness of those on Earth as well as all races associated with all within Mother Earth's creation field.

The Music of the Spheres will align This Blue Sphere into Oneness with all five spheres of consciousness. This will allow the Omniversal Consciousness of our Original Harmonic Resonance of Oneness to align us into our Original Image and Likeness of God.

The timeline of our evolution/ascension began in 2000. Our bodies have been going through an evolutionary process to prepare them to enter the Sphere of Aqua Blue Crystalline Starry Frequencies (we will call the Blue Sphere). At this time, only those who came to Earth as the Celestial Human Angels or those who were re-programmed as walk-ins when they returned from their future selves can enter into the Inner Earth's Blue Crystal Aquafarian Mystery Schools.

Those who have gained this training are here to direct and guide others to be prepared for the opening of the Halls of Ascension in 2012. It will be this entry into the frequency chambers of the music of the spheres that will prepare our planet for the mass ascension of 2017.

Our 12th level Avatar Jeshuwa was the savior who originally re-opened the Halls of Ascension over 2000 years ago. The halls could only remain open while a 12th level avatar was holding them open. Jeshuwa held the star gates open for many to ascend during that time.

However, the halls and gates will remain sealed until the genetic code upgrade of humans are prepared for the opening of the sphere of Cosmic Frequencies. That time will be 2012.

The Star Gate Opening Cycle is between 2000 and 2017.
Opening of Earth’s Halls of Ascension Star Gates is expected in the year 2012.

The frequencies of the Cosmic Core of Mother Earth are so high that most normal humans would either pass out into unconsciousness or possibly die from the enormous impact of frequencies.

We have been recording frequencies from the harmonic spheres of harmonic universe four and five for many years. Prior to 2005, most people would just fall asleep. We began selling our music to those with sleeping disorders.

Only since 2005 have we had an audience that can listen to and absorb the frequencies of the spheres. We have been able to enter this vortex at the center of the Earth for many years because our frequencies have raised to the level of ascended masters. This is the requirement for entering into these frequency chambers.

These are the frequencies that we share in our music on our website. The frequencies of Inner Earth, or the Aqua Blue Crystal Sphere is the starting point of all of our recorded music.

We collect frequencies into our crystal star merkaba from all dimensions. We collect frequency signatures from Light Councils, Ascension Teams, Elohims, Sirians and all others involved in the ascension plan.

These are the frequencies that all consciousness must shift into in order to enter the Halls of Ascension when they open in 2012. The consciousness must shift into the higher dimensions through the music of the spheres in order to become one with all frequencies of Oneness.



Evolution is the period of time when humans and other entities are being prepared for the ascension. We must raise our consciousness into the frequencies of the Sphere of Amenti (Aquafarian Frequencies are Aqua Blue Crystal Violet Frequencies woven into the Golden Streams of Transmutation) in order to be fully ascended into the Music of the Spheres of all five Harmonic Spheres.

That is the harmonic resonance needed to return to the Frequency of Oneness through the Symphony of Love. The Aquafarians brought this morphogenetic field into the heart of Mother Earth from Sirius B through Sun Alcyone and Aquarius. The Aquafarians are our Dolphinoid Family.

Our family of Cinderella, Shajinka, Tinker Bell, Winefred, Ziegfried, Renee, Flipper and many others align their frequencies into our breaths to bring this tone of home into Earth's atmosphere. This tone of home is the Omniversal Frequency that allows us to return to the Image and Likeness of God.

The entire frequency signature of the Ultra Violet Crystal Liquid Light Aqua Blue Sphere will become integrated into the Consciousness of those on Earth as well as all races associated with all within Mother Earth's creation field.

The Music of the Spheres will align The Aqua Blue Crystal Sphere into Oneness with all five spheres of consciousness. This will allow the Omniversal Consciousness of our Original Harmonic Resonance of Oneness to align us into our Original Image and Likeness of God.

My spiritual partner and twin flame, aDolphino, and I- Crystalai were directed by Kuthumi to create the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse in Monterey in 2008. We were trained by the Elohims, Mary Magdalene, Zadkiel, Raphael and many others on the Elohim Ascension Team to bring the highest frequencies to Earth through Music.

We were given extensive training by this group as well as Kuthumi, Merlin, St. Germain. We were trained by the Elohim of Hearing to oscillate our consciousness into the Music of the Spheres of the Cosmos and to use the base tone of the angelic consciousness to transmute all lower frequencies into the fifth harmonic universe.

This Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse was actually our own Consciousness being transformed into hallways of learning that was taking place within the Blue Sphere and was guiding us in our transformating and transmutation into higher fields of Consciousness.

Our Omniversal Teams, Cosmic Teams and Councils of Light have known that 2017 was the date of ascension for at least 550 million years. aDolphino, my twin flame, and I have memories of being on the Elohim and Sirian Teams of Ascension for at least that long.

We even remember living on the original star in the Aquarius Galaxy that created this Morphogenetic field that is now the Star Essence held deep within the Core of Mother Earth. This original Aquafarian Star holds the Frequencies or Essence of our Spiritual Reality which is our Tone of Home.

This means all of the Frequency Signatures of our True Immortal Selfhood have been held for us to re-unite in oneness as we align all of our frequencies through the music of the spheres. We knew our star as Ajaho.

The star burst of over 18 billion years ago was the beginning of the entire creation of the Earth's matrix within the Milky Way Galaxy. We have worked together with our family from Ajaho, including Zaurak, who has created his own star system, to show us how to once again become builders makers of stars and co-creators with Source through our Omniversal Consciousness.

We are now counting down the days to the completion of the project that we have worked on for millions of years. I returned to Earth as a walk-in in 1968 when my horse bucked me off and I hit my head on clay.

When I woke up I didn't know who I was or where I was. I learned to know myself as a walk-in always does. I learned that the Elohims had upgraded my template to the level of an avatar.The scheduled return for those prepared to take on their silicate crystal based templates was 1972. By that date, I was completely dedicated to immortality and ascension.

I was killed again in 1986 by lethal poison. Once again a walk-in took over my body and I had to figure out who I was again. This was a time of empowerment for me. My Sirian Family engaged my Aquafarian template of being a Dolphinoid Mermaid at that time. I was living in South Korea at that time.

I was directed first to Mt. Sorak. I later learned that my Starry Brother from Sirius had created that mountain with me millions of years ago. I was directed to live on the Chejudo Island which is famous for hundreds of years of mermaid like women who could dive deep into the ocean floors and retrieve shell fish for dinner.

I learned that I had lived there as a mermaid millions of years ago. I had taken on my Silicate Crystal Based form that could once again re-unite into the Crystal Caves of Inner Earth. In 1987 our Starry Brother appeared to us in Turkey and said Make God's Movie.

aDolphino and I became full time spiritual healers from that moment on. In 1995 we had another visit from a Starry Friend who told us it was time to make God's movie. We began the recording of the CD albums The Promise and The Trilogy at that time. It was Mother Mary who sang through me in those albums.

She promised to heal everyone who listened. We were to learn in 2010 that make God's movie means to fill the atmosphere with the frequencies of the Blue Crystal Sphere.This would return the morphogenetic field to the Earth's atmosphere through the Cosmic Frequencies of realignment.

Once we breathe these frequencies into Musical recordings of the music of the spheres, that prana or magical substance becomes available to create our NEW REALITY- or to MAKE GOD's MOVIE from.

In 2007 we were surrounded by dozens of angels who told us that our music had been heard all over the universe. We were told that we had passed many, many initiations already. We were ready for our final initiation of ascension. We were given instructions on how to create the frequencies of ascension from the music of the spheres.

In 2008 we were told to move to Monterey and open the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse.This was the year aDolphino was hit by three trucks and three cars, and I actually witnessed his walk-in take over his body and transform him into an avatar. That was our initiation into full ascension.

It turned out that we have actually been attending the Mystery School of the Omniverse that is held within the Earth's Etheric Core for the past two years. We attend a different class each night. We passed our grand initiation into our Omniversal Team's complete communication on 10/10/10.

We are now being guided in creating Immortality Albums which contain each individual's genetic codes that will realign them into the morphogenetic fields or frequencies of the Music of the Spheres that prepare us for the Star Gates and Halls of Ascension.

This is the beginning of the alignment into the Omniversal Consciousness. It is the Omniversal Consciousness team that guides the creation of the Immortality Albums created from the Music of the Spheres.

Now, individuals from all over the world are having individualized immortality albums created for them that align their genetic codes into the frequency signatures that place consciousness into the ascending frequencies needed for completing ascension.

The Elohims and other Guardian Teams have long known that we would need many frequency uplifts to prepare the masses for ascension. We are working with these teams continuously.



The portals within the morphogenetic field of the Blue Crystal Sphere are known as the Halls of Ascension. They are dimensional passageways one must pass through in order to ascend from Earth, out of the Time Matrix and dimensionalized reality.

The Halls of Ascension have been a closely guarded secret since the time of our inception on Tara, 550 millions years ago.
The Angelic Human Race was created 560 million years ago.
aDolphino and I have been on the teams of creation with the Angelic Human Race for millions of years. We came in through the alignment of Sirius B. We were originally the Blue Dolphinoid Race from Sirius. When we were being hunted down and abolished from Earth millions of years ago, most of us dove into the Oceans. We became the Cetaceans that you know and love so well. We were dolphins for many years. Our friends and family live in the Blue Crystal Aqua Fields of Inner Earth. They can transform into Dolphins, Mermaids, Fairies or human form. They live in the place where we attend the Omniversal Consciousness School.

The Sphere of Ascension holds the evolutionary promise and progression for all races of the human lineage. It is the promise of humanity returning to the integrity of the Immortal God-being that is the original morphogenetic imprint of the human race. We have been given the gift and the training of bringing the Frequency of this Magical Blue Crystaline Sphere to the Earth's atmosphere through our music.
Those who desire to evolve into and through the Blue Crystal Sphere are welcome to order their own personal Immortality Album which holds their personal frequencies of alignment created by the Omniversal Consciousness Team.

The Promise of the return of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is the Normal legacy of the human condition, the fulfillment of humanity’s evolutionary blueprint. The blueprint of our divine reality is held forever in Omniversal Consciousness. This is the Divine Template created by the Music of the Spheres resonating into Oneness.

The supreme energy vortex that aligns, sustains, upholds and maintains Mother Earth is in her Crystal Heart. This is the Etheric, Spiritual Core. Her heart is the 13th dimension. This is the hall that holds our Divine Template or the morphogenetic field of our spiritual self. This frequency field is a specific frequency or tone. I was trained by the Elohims and the Aquafarian Sirians how to capture this tone of home and bring it to Earth.

The rebirth chamber is made of aqualene liquid light. My starry dolphinoid sister, Zeena tells me that I must become the water in order to ascend. I thought she meant that I needed to drink gallons of water, or to breathe into the water to create crystals.

I recently learned that what she means is the atmosphere of Aquafaria, or the Sphere of Amenti is Water. The atmosphere of Divine Love is Water. It is not the water that we know, however. It is a water with a different chemical structure that gives eternal life.

It is eternal life. It is the breath and the atmosphere of the Omniversal Music of the Spheres tone of home. It is a sound, a tone, a frequency and it is a form of water. It is an angelic breath. The formula for ascension is to become this frequency. It is the frequency of Oneness- the combined frequencies of Allness- or the Eternal One.

We are taken to the Mystery School of Inner Earth each night to learn more about the ascension and the breath of the music of the spheres.

Within the Cosmic Sphere of Frequencies we enter the Consciousness fields of the mystery schools. Each night we are met by different energy beings and ascended masters who are qualified to train us. The training takes place by realigning our consciousness.

They run streams of frequencies through our cells over and over again until certain memories and seals that are blocking our original knowing are removed. At that time, the learning comes easily and quickly.

We are the students of the Mystery Schools of the Omniverse. We are taught the mystery of no time, how to align and re-create frequency fields of teleportation and removal of gravity.

Only ascending humans can enter the energy fields of these Cosmic Frequencies. We don't actually leave our bodies or walk into the Earth's chambers. We shift into higher dimensional fields through frequencies. It is the morphogenetic field itself that takes us into higher realities. Self regulating devices such as this morphogenetic field exists on all planes of God's Omniverse.

This morphogenetic field of consciousness energetically took on the shape of a sphere, and was called the Blue Crystal Sphere= the crystal light, crystal dust and crystl gel that pours out of a star to instantly create new realities from its essence was created from Tara’s morphogenetic Field.

This morphogenetic field connects us energetically to Mu- the original perfect continent of creation, as well as Aquarius, Sirius and Sun Alcyone--our creators.

Our starry families have been preparing for the mass ascension wave of 2017 for millions of years. The final preparation is to restore the integrity of the Aqua Blue Crystal Sphere by realigning the frequencies of Earth into the Harmonic resonance of the Music of the Spheres.

The Blue Sphere is the portion of the Music of the Spheres that holds the frequencies or the morphogenetic fields of Sun Alcyone and Sirius B. This morphogenetic field in the heart of Mother Earth is our Ascension Vortex. It blends together all morphogenetic fields from the five spheres into the Tone of Home of the Music of the Spheres.

The entire frequency signature of the Ultra Violet Aqua Blue Sphere will become integrated into the Consciousness of those on Earth as well as all races associated with all within her creation field.

The Music of the Spheres will align The Blue Sphere into Oneness with all five spheres of consciousness. This will allow the Omniversal Consciousness of our Original Harmonic Resonance of Oneness to align us into our Original Image and Likeness of God.

This time, not only would the races be restored to their place within Aqua Blue Morphogenetic fields of Aquafaria, the entire Blue Crystal Sphere would be realigned with the original 12-strand DNA pattern.

The realignment of the Sphere which would allow all of the races to heal their genetic distortions in preparation for the opening of the Halls of Ascension, and would restore the integrity of the Starry Sphere so the Halls of Ascension could be opened. This morphogenetic field could not be realigned without the help of a 12th level avatar. This was the mission of Jesheua 12.

In 12 BC, the 12th-level avatar essence birth was orchestrated by the Priests of Ur in the house of Solomon. His mother's name was Jeudi, his father Joehius; both were leaders within the Blue Flame Melchizedek Essene sect. The child's soul essence was born of the Harmonic Universe Four, Avatar Sananda, and the child was named Jesheua-Melchizedek.

The birth of a ninth level avatar was orchestrated by the Elohim Angelics in 7 BC for the purpose of integrating Sirius B back into the Morphogenetic field of the Blue Sphere. This child was born to the Hebrew Melchizedek Essene's Mary and Joseph.

His purpose was to restore the Law of One. His birth was orchestrated through the visitation of an ET Nephilim who was a part of the entity Jehovah. Jehovah was also on the creation team of the Sirians, and had worked on a team with the Elohims for Jeshewua's mother Mary was also born of Nephilim conception.

The Elohim did not want knowledge of ET ancestry available to the general human populations. The Bible stories combine the lives of the two avatars, plus another man who was not an avatar into the one called Jesus.

With the birth of Jesheua-12, the 12th-level avatar, the Hebrew Melchizedek morphogenetic field in Alcyone was reintegrated into the Blue Crystal Sphere. The portions of the Sphere were realigned and the integrity of the Sphere was once again restored.

In a greater sense, Jesheua-12 became the savior for the races, for through his birth the Halls of Amenti could once again be opened. Through the energy fields of the 12th level avatar, people could pass through the Arc of the Covenant, into the Blue Flame of Tara's morphogenetic field and into Tara.

Jesheua-12 left Earth in 27 AD. He did not die, but rather bodily ascended to Tara, and has since evolved far beyond the confines of physical matter. The ascension gates were sealed until Earth’s Christic grid would rise high enough in vibration to allow for the return of the Blue Crystal Morphogenetic Amenti Sphere, which was scheduled to occur in 2012, enough time to prepare for the mass ascension wave of 2017 AD.

The descendants of certain Essene race lines were chosen in 1972 to receive full-genetic realignment through interaction with the time traveling, hybrid Zionite race.

We are the Angelic Humans who carry the crystal silicate cellular memory of our star essence.. We were upgraded in 1972. However, it required the events in our lives - the deaths, the walk-ins, the frequency upgrades, the initiations with angelic teams to activate our memory into the fourth and fifth harmonic universes.

We completed our final initiation of all five of the musical spheres. We are now within the co-creation teams of the morphogenetic fields of the Omniversal Consciousness. We are now attending classes with many Ascended Masters in the Aquafaria of Inner Earth which holds the Aqua Blue Crystal Morphogenetic Field that will open on Earth in 2012.


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  • If the intention to help to humanity is real, then why cd-s cost 35 US dollars? I would expect these to be free of charge, so that eveybody can listen it, and ascend, if it is necessary for ascension- as it is stated here.

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