I just listened to all five and have been aware of this for some time. As to what WE CAN DO ABOUT IT. Every time I see the chemtrails I say this to all the ascended masters, cosmic beings and cosmic Light:" I AM demanding the annihilation of all chemtrails, HAARP, and all hypnotic suggestion to the earth before it can affect any part of life." (Based on the I AM teachings of St. Germain)This call opens the door for the light beings whose power and wisdom are infinite to come into our dimension and carry forth the work that WE DEMAND. It is important to feel empowered by your knowledge of what is wrong and never feel like a victim. That is what they want. So, with every injustice or evil that comes into your awareness, you are always free to demand the service and Light of the exalted beings that are here with us, just for these types of things.
Love and Light,
"✨🔭 I joined a local project that checks the sky daily for chemtrails, cloudseeding and other forms of weather manipulation. Individual observations, mostly by amateurs, are compared to actual data like weather forecasts, temperature, atmospheric…"
"LOL Drekx your such a negative minded person, when someone shows the truths, you fished for a negative emotion this time.. Jealousy gees that emotion isnt even in my make up dude, you really dont know me very well at all cos your so in your own ego…"
CIA Declassified More MKUltra Mind Control Program Documentsby Sean MillerJanuary 8th, 2025 10:57 AM These documents serve as hard evidence to anyone wishing to verify the CIA's activities related to the drugging, electrocuting and torture of…
"I believe that Trump is serious about Canada joining the USA and is not simply trying to mimic the globalist plan for a NAU, but is seeking to expand America, as a nation state, to keep the Chinese and Russians out of the Canadian and Greenlander…"
Love and Light,