I'm not against women making there own career choices but a X- Navy Seal should know more about combat than santosbama patron saint of La Raza-
Commander Ryan Zinke;
“Let’s face it, it’s physically demanding, and distractions result in death,” he told Newsmax. “We’re not talking about mature men such as Panetta. We’re talking about 20-year-olds away from their families, close-quarters, out in the field. Relationships are going to happen, as they happen today on our naval vessels.”
Full Article;http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/zinke-women-combat-panetta/2013/01/23/id/472695
to me social changes affect thinking and being that the lefties enjoy group thinking (I mean not thinking for themselves and following 'dear leader') we could be led into any type of societal change without a discourse-next thing 'dear leader' is re-writing the US Constitution without freedom of assembly or speech, it's happened before in your country-I know I sound nutty in the 'progressive' present-I always meditate but I won't stick my head in the sand
The Amazons (Greek: Ἀμαζόνες, Amazónes, singular Ἀμαζών, Amazōn) are a nation of all-female warriors in greek mythology and Classical antiquity. Herodotus placed them in a region bordering Scythia in Sarmatia (modern territory of Ukraine). Other historiographers place them in Asia Minor,[1] or Libya.[2
he's talking about special forces that require total focus to do jobs like taking out bin laden or killing American citizens in Somalia etc. on santosbamas watch (without consulting congress) in the dead of night and distractions between the sexes can be lethal-this is more bolshevik/soviet stylenonsense and look what happened to them-God help us