What is your body made of? Tissues and organs. What are tissues

and organs made of? Cells. What are cells made of? Molecules. What

are molecules made of? Atoms. What are atoms made of? Subatomic

particles. What are subatomic particles made of? Energy? No. They

are not made of energy; they are energy. You are one big “chunk” of

energy. And so is everything else. Spirit and Mind put together this

energy into the physical shape you are used to seeing.

Quantum physics tells us that it is the act of observing an object

that causes it to be there, where, and how we observe it. Energy is the

subatomic particles that in turn make up atoms and fi nally matter. This

energy exists as waves spread out over space and time. Only when you

exercise observation do these waves become particles localized as a

space-time event, a particle at a particular “time” and “place.” As soon

as you withdraw observation, they become a wave again. So as you see,

your observation, your attention to something, and your intention

literally creates that thing as a space-time event. This is scientifi c. In

other chapters, we shall see how to focus, concentrate, and guard your

attention, intention, and thought to create your reality exactly.

No solid object is solid. It is made up of rapidly fl ashing packets of

energy. Billions and trillions of packets of energy. They fl ash in and

fl ash out of that space where the “object” is. They do not just stay there.

So, why does a human body or a car look like a solid continuous object

when we now know that it is actually a rapidly fl ashing fi eld of energy?

Think of a TV image. When you watch a movie, you see a person walk

across the screen smoothly, yet in reality it is just a fi lm reel with 24

slightly different frames a second so your eyes do not detect the gap

between the frames. Even each of those frames is a composition of

billions of light photons fl ashing at the speed of light. That is what

your world is—a rapid fl ash that causes an illusion of being “solid”

and “continuous.” Once you understand what your world is really,

truly, you start to understand its true behavior and nature. You then

change your view of it. And with your changed perception, you change

your creation of it. This is the fi rst step to wealth.

Quantum Physics: Knowing What You and the World Are Made

of Is the First Key to Knowing How to Make It Your Way

Every single physicist agrees on one thing: subatomic particles,

those energy “packets” or quanta, are not particles in a particular

point in space and time, like a table or a chair is, but they are a

probability that they can exist at various points in space and time.

The act of us observing them converts them into a “physical” particle

at a particular point in space and time, and once we withdraw that

attention, they become a probability again. Imagine that the chair in

your living room is one big subatomic particle. This is how it would

act: when you are not in the house and not thinking of your chair,

it would “vanish” and become a probability that it can “reappear”

anywhere in your living room or anywhere else in the universe,

actually. When you come back home and you think of sitting on a

chair in a particular spot in your living room, and you look for a

chair at that spot where you wish to sit, it will magically reappear!

This is not some fantasy magical story. Subatomic particles behave

just like that!

The amazing thing is that all matter is composed purely of massive

amounts of these particles. Therefore, all matter acts exactly like a

large group of subatomic particles would. A chair’s “being there” is

a result of us all watching it being there and deciding it to be there.

It is not a wholly independent existence. No matter is a wholly

independent existence—independent of the observer. As some

scientists say, if everyone and everything in the universe stopped

looking at the moon or thinking about it, it would not be a physical

moon any more; it would be a probability of existence. The act of

observation makes the probability become a defi nite thing and all

other probabilities of it being elsewhere in the same world a null

existence. Continuous attention keeps it that way, producing the

illusion of a solid continuous existence of a physical moon.

Physicists have also discovered that quantum “particles” make

decisions. They are powered by intelligence. Not only that, they also

know, instantly, what decisions are being made by other particles

anywhere else in the universe! This synchronicity across space and

time is instantaneous—they “communicate” without taking any time

or crossing any space. In fact, they also move instantaneously without

having to go across space or take time. They can get from point A to

B without having to cross the space in between, and point A and B

can be in different times. Remember that quantum “particles” are

not particles, as you would normally think of a particle. They are not

things” that are at a particular “place” and “time”—they are spread

across space and time.

So what is the intelligence that powers them? Well, it is from

the Mind of the Source, God—all that is, proportionately made up

your own “individual” mind and also the “individual minds” of the

rest of the universe, depending on the subject matter, scope, and

strength of will.

Think about all this carefully. Think about the fact that everything

your eye can see is made up of these amazing particles, which are

under your cocontrol. Think about the scientifi c facts that now prove

that you are at cause, or cocause, for everything around you that

nothing you observe can exist without your observation. All you need

to do is choose what you wish to observe, choose it with certainty

and consistency, and this will cause the energy fi eld to materialize

into that thing over “time,” depending on your clarity, focus, and

certainty. Scientists have discovered that even in the strictest doubleblind

experiments, their expectations still infl uence results, and it is

impossible to carry out an experiment where there is zero infl uence

from the observer on the results of the experiment.

Quantum packets or particles are best defi ned as probabilities of

existence. For example, say you have a quantum packet called Mr.

X. Before you ask to speak to Mr. X, he will not exist as a person. He

will exist as a potential person. Mr. X will be all over the world at the

same time with varying potentials to appear in person in Moscow,

New York, Kabul, Tokyo, Sydney, Cape Town, or any other town in the

world. Now, when you call his name, he will appear where you called

him, and at that point the probability of him appearing in any other

city will become zero. Then when you fi nish your conversation with

him, he will vanish again and stop being a localized person, become

spread out like a wave, and the probability of appearing anywhere

in the world again takes place. That is how a quantum packet called

Mr. X would behave. Keep in mind that everything in this universe

is made up of quantum packets.

Another property of quanta is that they are multidimensional.

So in the example of Mr. X above, when Mr. X is a probability, he is

multidimensional. When he localizes when we call him, he becomes

a thing in our four-dimensional world (our world as we know it is

actually four-dimensional, with length, width, height, and time being

the dimensions). This is scientifi c. You now see, scientifi cally, that our

universe is multidimensional, although our senses are capable of only

detecting length, width, height, and time as the only dimensions. Yet our

souls are also multidimensional. Listen to your soul, your feelings.

The physical world is literally made up of ideas and energy.

If you ever feel powerless, consider this: Einstein and other

quantum scientists have proven that all physical matter is made up

of energy packets that are not bound by space and time. This energy

fi eld has no well-defi ned boundaries. The universe is literally your

extended timeless and unbound body. Science has also proven that

the mind has no boundaries. All minds are “connected” into one

mind fi eld. You are bigger and more powerful than you think you

are. So stop sweating the small stuff.

You already have it all. It has been said that before you ask, it was

already given to you. Science is beginning to prove, through quantum

physics, that this is scientifi cally true. The infi nite intelligence and

potentiality at the quantum level, the level that makes up all that is

around us and our inherent abilities to infl uence this fi eld, is what

gives us the “having it all.” We are beginning to know this on a larger

scale, scientifi cally as well as spiritually.

You already have all the riches beyond your wildest dreams. You

have it. You may not be experiencing it right now, but you have it.

Having and experiencing are two different things. An easy way to

explain it is that you have the ability to fl y a plane or surf a wave or

go scuba diving, but you may not have experienced this aspect of

your ability. There is nothing you need to do to have this ability; it

is already in you. It has already been done for you. All you need to

do is experience this ability.

In our lives, we really are simply shifting our consciousness to

experience aspects of ourselves that we already always had, in a universe

that has all that we can possibly wish to have, even that which we have

not imagined exists. The quantum fi eld can form an infi nite number of

shapes and experiences out of it. In fact, it has already done that. The

page of this book is just one of those things, the words you are reading

are just one of those things, the next thought you will have is just one

of those things. Yet you never predicted you would be experiencing

these pages. But your desire to fi nd such words has caused them to

appear in your hands. Indeed, they have always existed. You need not

predict exactly how things will work out; all you need to do is desire,

intend, and know it’s possible, and it will be arranged to come to you.

Many physicists working on subatomic particles are coming to

discover several interesting things about our universe. They have,

for example, found out that two particles separated by space and

time can be “invisibly linked” to each other and act in synchrony.

They have also found out that the world we live in appears to have

been constructed so that it knows itself. This appears to have been

done by “cutting” the One whole into at least two states, with one

state designed to see and one to be seen. The one designed to see

is then under the illusion of separation from that which is designed

to be seen. It is a necessary illusion, a persistent one. But everything

is actually One.

The whole universe is brought into being by the participation

or observation of those who participate and observe. Wealth is

brought into existence by you and us looking at it. Your certainty of

it, faith, and your attention of it creates it. In reality, it already exists

as a probability wave, but you now cause it to be a defi nite thing, an

event in a point in space and time. It goes even deeper than that. It

already exists as an event, but your perception of time makes it look

away” and “separate.” Once you understand what time is and how

it works, you will be able to bring it into your experience faster and

in larger amounts.

Now, let us get a little more complicated. We have seen that

subatomic particles exist as probabilities, and when we observe we

cause localization in a particular point in space and time. In other

words, a particle has the potential of being in place A, B, C, and

D. When we observe place C, it appears in place C and ceases to

have the possibility of it appearing in places A, B, and D until we

stop observing place C. Well, a new school of thought is studying

the Everett-Wheeler-Graham theory that says that this quanta will

actually localize in all the four points, but in different worlds that

coexist with ours! In other words, all possibilities actually manifest

into the physical, but in different parallel worlds! There is supporting

evidence of this from physicists who are studying signs that the

universe is a giant multidimensional hologram. How does this work?

Well, when a particle has a probability to be in places A, B, C, and

D, it will not choose just one place to be in; it will choose all four.

But for this to be possible, the universe “splits” into four, each one

of them unaware of the other three. This is called the many-worlds

interpretation of quantum mechanics.

It sounds crazy but think about it. It is defi nitely possible—nothing

is impossible for the Source, God. Many religions tell us that even

before we ask, it is given unto us. We are also told that everything

that can possibly exist exists Now. We also now know that the universe

splits itself, or rather creates the illusion of separation, so that one

piece” can be the observed piece and the other “piece” can be the

observer piece, and so it knows itself. The One splits itself so that

it can know itself, have something to compare itself with, for when

it is only One, there is nothing it can compare itself with to know

what it is.

Your Self, your spirit or soul, is eternal and existing across space

and time. Now, the next decision you make will split the universe.

You will be conscious to the part of the universe you chose. You will

also exist in the other part that you did not choose, but you will not

be “awake” to it even though its essences will still come to you and

help you know that which you chose and vice versa. Other people who

chose the other world you did not choose will be “awake” there and

not here in your world. Now you can see how free will works out all

the time without confl icting itself, and how truth can be seemingly

contradictory, yet all true.

The universe is also “split” into your present self, your past selves,

and your future selves; but you are only awake to one of those selves

at a time (your present self). But your future selves, for example, are

able to warn your present “awake” self of things they went through

and did not like so that you do not go through them. It is a huge

ever-shifting matrix, a very complex one. The whole matrix shifts with

every decision. Life is an eternal processes existing all at once with all

possible existences—Now, and you only chose which one to be awake

to from instance to instance. Physics is only now beginning to prove

it. By the way, dreaming is simply another state of consciousness.

When you dream, your consciousness is in another realm, world, or

time. See where your dreams may be coming from now?

All this will make more sense when you understand what time is

and how it works.

We now know that the entire universe came from a small subatomic

particle-like existence. It has since been expanding at a rate faster

than you can imagine. Oceans forming, worlds forming, and so on,

all courtesy of quantum physics. But it is even more magical. The

universe is continually giving birth to new universes. Many physicists

now see evidence of this type of multiple-worlds behavior, and

several interpretations of quantum physics to this effect exist. Most

physicists believe that this is a continuous but chaotic or random

occurrence, largely because they have found no other reason for it.

But ask yourself, what part does Spirit play? What part do you play,

your Self, your soul? Could your choices be the cause of this observed

chaotic” splitting of worlds? Physicists like to exclude spirit in their

studies, yet spirit is what gives rise to matter and not the other way

around. Think about that. Einstein is one of the few physicists who

refused to believe that all this happens randomly or by chance. He

said he refuses to believe that “God plays dice.”

Know this: the quantum world is the real world. The world you

see with your eyes is simply an imperfect perception of a group of

quantum activity. Yet the quantum activity is caused by you—you

are First Cause. Never think that what you see with your eyes is

First Cause—it is just an effect. A good illustration of this is the

famous Schrödinger’s Cat experiment (by Erwin Schrödinger, who

was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1933). It depicts what actually is

happening when you place a cat in a box with a closed bottle of poison

gas. You also place a device inside the box that will open the gas bottle

and thus kill the cat. You then close the box so that you cannot see

inside it. The gas in the bottle, by the way, only becomes poisonous

if one particular radioactive atom in the box decays. Quantum

physics shows that this radioactive atom exists simultaneously in the

decayed” and the “not decayed” states until it is measured (until you

open the box to see whether the cat dies or not). (Everything exists

in all possible states until you observe it). You cannot know whether

the cat is dead or alive without opening the box. While the box

remains closed, the cat is both dead and alive at the same time. This

is why quantum physics is so crazy—two contradictory states actually

coexist! When you open the box to check whether that radioactive

atom decayed or not and therefore whether the cat died or not, is

when one of the two of these outcomes will materialize. Yet physicists

now know that (1) their expectations and thoughts infl uence the

results, and (2) the multiple-worlds interpretation tells us that both

actually happened but the world “split” into both of these, and we

took that which we chose at some level.

We now know that everything in the universe is a wave-particle

duality. What this means is that everything, including your body

and your car, is a wave and a particle at the same time. There is no

difference between you and light, except for the fact that light has

a different wavelength than you do, but you are pretty much the

same thing as light. That is physics saying this now. Several thousand

years ago, various spiritual teachers told us the same thing—we

came from light. You are light. In fact, your body is over 99 percent

space” were you to examine it under a microscope. The rest of it,

the solid part, is just a collection of the exact same things that light

is made of, the same subatomic particles. Actually, even the “space”

is full of energy.

Your mind, from your spirit, keeps your body “together” as a

solid” unit. And your mind does the same thing with other things

around you. All matter is put together using information from

your mind and the minds of those around you and the rest of the


Einstein’s equation E=mc2 states that the energy contained in any

matter is equal to the mass of that matter multiplied by the speed of

light squared (and that is a very large number!). This shows you that

(1) even the smallest tiny piece of matter has a tremendous amount

of energy in it (that is how nuclear explosions happen), and (2) you

and everything else is just energy arranged together by information

from the mind.

The subatomic world is not static at all. It is an amazing dance

of never-ending creation and destruction with particles destroying

themselves and, in that very destruction, giving rise to new ones.

Most subatomic particles have an imaginably short life (billionths

of a second). The whole universe is forever being recreated anew.

You can imagine it all being wiped clean and restored, just a little

differently, every trillionth of a second or so. Okay, here is another

amazing thing: when a particle is created, it is instantly traveling at

the speed of light! Quite literally, we did come from light, as many

creation stories go. One more thing: particles can move forward

and backward into time. This is the stuff you are made of and are

in control of!

There is no such thing as empty space. All “space” is fi lled with

energy—the same energy that makes you up and everything else. It is

just that your fi ve senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell do not

detect the many varied other types of forms that exist in the universe.

In other words, you can only detect forms that are detectable with

those fi ve senses (unless you have developed other senses). But that

does not mean that these humanly detectable forms, physical forms,

are the only things that exist in this universe. Think of the universe as

a hologram. Anyway, the whole point of this is to know that you are

part of one huge ocean of energy, and literally, nothing separates you

from anything else. The only “separation” you see is an illusion caused

by the limited fi ve senses you have. Quite literally, we are all One.

We are one large organic whole whose parts are changing all the

time. Each part can look at the other parts, and each part has its own

level of consciousness and awareness. Yet the whole acts exactly as a

whole while the parts act as a part of the whole with individual and

whole properties.

Dr. J. S. Bell, a physicist at the European Organization for Nuclear

Research (CERN) in Switzerland, came up with mathematical proof

in 1964 that showed that all the “separate” parts of the universe are

all connected in an immediate and close way. Many experiments

now show that particles separated by space and time somehow know

exactly what the other is doing at the exact time the other is doing

that particular thing. In other words, they do not communicate.

Communication takes time and requires a message. This is different.

They know without having to communicate. They act simultaneously

as if they are intimately connected somehow across space and time,

in a way that does not get affected by the separation in space and

time between them.

The other profound thing that Bell’s mathematical constructs

show is that the action of a subatomic particle is dependent on

something happening somewhere else to another subatomic particle.

In other words, all subatomic events are effects of others and causes

of others. This brings the law of cause and effect, of karma, of reaping

and sowing to a completely new light! The law of cause and effect,

karma, is not only spiritual but also scientifi c.

All along, we have said that all the universe’s thoughts individually

and collectively cause the energy to “form” into the physical reality

we experience. This is so, but there is an even stronger cause. This

is being—the state of being. There are many states of being, such as

being happy, fast, wealthy, and so on. This is the strongest cause, the

First Cause of all. It is so because it is the declaration of Spirit, of Self.

From a state follows certain thoughts pertaining to that state.

Here is another way of looking at how we are all one: Science

shows us that everything is made up of energy and exchanges that

energy with everything else at all times in a most complex way. Energy

is the building block of all matter. The same energy that composes

your fl esh is the same one that composes the bricks of your house

and the trees outside. There is no “energy of the tree” and “energy

of the man.” It is all the same energy. Energy is constantly at fl ow,

changing form all the time. This is a very simple explanation of a

rather complex thing.

At the quantum level, it all looks like one large pool of energy

soup,” an ocean of energy, one that is always fl owing, one that has

different concentrations and essences at various points. Imagine an

ocean with a warm spot, a turbulent spot, and so on. (The ocean

represents the energy “soup” and the spots represent various physical

objects such as your body or a tree). The warm spot exchanges

water molecules with the rest of the ocean. The turbulent spot

also exchanges water molecules with the rest of the ocean. But the

essence of that warm spot remains warm, and of the turbulent spot

turbulent. There is exchange and fl ow on a molecular level, but on

the larger level, the spots remain warm or turbulent even though

the molecules that composed of them a moment ago are gone and

replaced by others from other regions. The molecules in a warm

spot change, but the essence or characteristic of that spot remains

warmth. The characteristics of a region can remain the same even

though the particles forming that region are always different, leaving

and entering it from other regions. This is how we look on a quantum

level, one large interconnected fi eld of energy with localizations of

characteristics. We share the same energy with everything else even

though we assume unique characteristics. It is a very complex matrix,

a complex web.

Now let’s get a little more complicated than the ocean, for it

cannot serve our explanations further. Imagine now that there are two

people in a room. They are both gloomy and sad. Their energy level

is low. One tells a joke, and the other one laughs. The one telling a

joke causes the one who starts to laugh to raise his or her energy level

and become vibrant, laugh. This makes the one telling a joke laugh

because there is new joy in the air, and they are sharing a joke. Person

A caused a change in person B, and it went back to cause a change in

A. Now have you noticed how you feel great after you tell jokes to many

people and they laugh? How it feels greater than telling to one person

only? And those people take your joke, and they tell it on and on to

other friends and friends of friends, and it spreads. Well, the universe

is a whole lot more complicated than that. A shift on one part of that

massive fi eld of energy ripples on and causes shifts in the parts next to

it, and they cause shifts in the parts next to them and that ripple goes

on forever! Can you imagine that! Your smile changes the composition

of the entire universe! Scientifically! Your anger does the same.

Anything you do, any thought you have, ripples on forever and

changes the composition of the whole universe, however small that

change is.

Now here is something even more interesting. Because you are

part of that universe, that ripple comes back to you and gives you

back a dose of similar essence. You cause a change in the energy

fi eld around and in you, and it ripples, touching everything. And

everything of course ripples back in reaction, sending it back to

you, all multiplied! It is similar to the way ripples form in expanding

circles when you dip your fi nger in a glass of calm water. But these

waves go forever and also bump into other energy localizations

and cause changes in them, and these react, so to speak, and send

back their own waves; and these sent-back waves hit you and change

you and you react, and this amazing dance goes on and on. That

is how, scientifi cally, the law of cause and effect works and works

multiplicatively. This happens on an energy level and on a spirit level.

In both cases, the betterment of one individual in the system causes a

betterment of the whole system, and betterment in the whole system

causes betterment in the individual. The reverse is also true.

All other things held constant, to the extent that an individual

or society understands what they and their universe are made of

and learns how to control that creation, so will they have wealth and


That is our brief introduction into the stuff we are all made of. Do

not worry if something did not make sense; it will make sense later as

you go on with this book and read other things that related to it.

You do not need to master quantum physics to be wealthy. This

chapter is enough. The point of this chapter was simply to show you

what your world really is and to begin to show you that you are in

very direct control of it. The rest of this book will show you how to

exercise that control and read the feedback it gives you. But in case

you wish to learn more about quantum physics specifi cally, please

feel free to do so. To learn more about quantum physics, visit http://

imagesofone.com for more resources such as videos, articles, and

book recommendations.

Quantum physics shows you that the world is not the hard and

unchangeable thing it may appear to be. Instead, it is a very fl uid place

continuously built up using our individual and collective thoughts

and states of being as a society, country, family, planet, solar system,

or universe. We have begun to uncover the illusion. We now know

what our four-dimensional experiences are made of, and we have

begun to see how we make them. The next step is to know what the

other part of our world is, what the fourth dimension, time, really

is. It is time to look at time. Let us move on into that . . .

What is your body made of? Tissues and organs. What are tissues

and organs made of? Cells. What are cells made of? Molecules. What

are molecules made of? Atoms. What are atoms made of? Subatomic

particles. What are subatomic particles made of? Energy? No. They

are not made of energy; they are energy. You are one big “chunk” of

energy. And so is everything else. Spirit and Mind put together this

energy into the physical shape you are used to seeing.

Quantum physics tells us that it is the act of observing an object

that causes it to be there, where, and how we observe it. Energy is the

subatomic particles that in turn make up atoms and fi nally matter. This

energy exists as waves spread out over space and time. Only when you

exercise observation do these waves become particles localized as a

space-time event, a particle at a particular “time” and “place.” As soon

as you withdraw observation, they become a wave again. So as you see,

your observation, your attention to something, and your intention

literally creates that thing as a space-time event. This is scientifi c. In

other chapters, we shall see how to focus, concentrate, and guard your

attention, intention, and thought to create your reality exactly.

No solid object is solid. It is made up of rapidly fl ashing packets of

energy. Billions and trillions of packets of energy. They fl ash in and

fl ash out of that space where the “object” is. They do not just stay there.

So, why does a human body or a car look like a solid continuous object

when we now know that it is actually a rapidly fl ashing fi eld of energy?

Think of a TV image. When you watch a movie, you see a person walk

across the screen smoothly, yet in reality it is just a fi lm reel with 24

slightly different frames a second so your eyes do not detect the gap

between the frames. Even each of those frames is a composition of

billions of light photons fl ashing at the speed of light. That is what

your world is—a rapid fl ash that causes an illusion of being “solid”

and “continuous.” Once you understand what your world is really,

truly, you start to understand its true behavior and nature. You then

change your view of it. And with your changed perception, you change

your creation of it. This is the fi rst step to wealth.

Quantum Physics: Knowing What You and the World Are Made

of Is the First Key to Knowing How to Make It Your Way

Every single physicist agrees on one thing: subatomic particles,

those energy “packets” or quanta, are not particles in a particular

point in space and time, like a table or a chair is, but they are a

probability that they can exist at various points in space and time.

The act of us observing them converts them into a “physical” particle

at a particular point in space and time, and once we withdraw that

attention, they become a probability again. Imagine that the chair in

your living room is one big subatomic particle. This is how it would

act: when you are not in the house and not thinking of your chair,

it would “vanish” and become a probability that it can “reappear”

anywhere in your living room or anywhere else in the universe,

actually. When you come back home and you think of sitting on a

chair in a particular spot in your living room, and you look for a

chair at that spot where you wish to sit, it will magically reappear!

This is not some fantasy magical story. Subatomic particles behave

just like that!

The amazing thing is that all matter is composed purely of massive

amounts of these particles. Therefore, all matter acts exactly like a

large group of subatomic particles would. A chair’s “being there” is

a result of us all watching it being there and deciding it to be there.

It is not a wholly independent existence. No matter is a wholly

independent existence—independent of the observer. As some

scientists say, if everyone and everything in the universe stopped

looking at the moon or thinking about it, it would not be a physical

moon any more; it would be a probability of existence. The act of

observation makes the probability become a defi nite thing and all

other probabilities of it being elsewhere in the same world a null

existence. Continuous attention keeps it that way, producing the

illusion of a solid continuous existence of a physical moon.

Physicists have also discovered that quantum “particles” make

decisions. They are powered by intelligence. Not only that, they also

know, instantly, what decisions are being made by other particles

anywhere else in the universe! This synchronicity across space and

time is instantaneous—they “communicate” without taking any time

or crossing any space. In fact, they also move instantaneously without

having to go across space or take time. They can get from point A to

B without having to cross the space in between, and point A and B

can be in different times. Remember that quantum “particles” are

not particles, as you would normally think of a particle. They are not

things” that are at a particular “place” and “time”—they are spread

across space and time.

So what is the intelligence that powers them? Well, it is from

the Mind of the Source, God—all that is, proportionately made up

your own “individual” mind and also the “individual minds” of the

rest of the universe, depending on the subject matter, scope, and

strength of will.

Think about all this carefully. Think about the fact that everything

your eye can see is made up of these amazing particles, which are

under your cocontrol. Think about the scientifi c facts that now prove

that you are at cause, or cocause, for everything around you that

nothing you observe can exist without your observation. All you need

to do is choose what you wish to observe, choose it with certainty

and consistency, and this will cause the energy fi eld to materialize

into that thing over “time,” depending on your clarity, focus, and

certainty. Scientists have discovered that even in the strictest doubleblind

experiments, their expectations still infl uence results, and it is

impossible to carry out an experiment where there is zero infl uence

from the observer on the results of the experiment.

Quantum packets or particles are best defi ned as probabilities of

existence. For example, say you have a quantum packet called Mr.

X. Before you ask to speak to Mr. X, he will not exist as a person. He

will exist as a potential person. Mr. X will be all over the world at the

same time with varying potentials to appear in person in Moscow,

New York, Kabul, Tokyo, Sydney, Cape Town, or any other town in the

world. Now, when you call his name, he will appear where you called

him, and at that point the probability of him appearing in any other

city will become zero. Then when you fi nish your conversation with

him, he will vanish again and stop being a localized person, become

spread out like a wave, and the probability of appearing anywhere

in the world again takes place. That is how a quantum packet called

Mr. X would behave. Keep in mind that everything in this universe

is made up of quantum packets.

Another property of quanta is that they are multidimensional.

So in the example of Mr. X above, when Mr. X is a probability, he is

multidimensional. When he localizes when we call him, he becomes

a thing in our four-dimensional world (our world as we know it is

actually four-dimensional, with length, width, height, and time being

the dimensions). This is scientifi c. You now see, scientifi cally, that our

universe is multidimensional, although our senses are capable of only

detecting length, width, height, and time as the only dimensions. Yet our

souls are also multidimensional. Listen to your soul, your feelings.

The physical world is literally made up of ideas and energy.

If you ever feel powerless, consider this: Einstein and other

quantum scientists have proven that all physical matter is made up

of energy packets that are not bound by space and time. This energy

fi eld has no well-defi ned boundaries. The universe is literally your

extended timeless and unbound body. Science has also proven that

the mind has no boundaries. All minds are “connected” into one

mind fi eld. You are bigger and more powerful than you think you

are. So stop sweating the small stuff.

You already have it all. It has been said that before you ask, it was

already given to you. Science is beginning to prove, through quantum

physics, that this is scientifi cally true. The infi nite intelligence and

potentiality at the quantum level, the level that makes up all that is

around us and our inherent abilities to infl uence this fi eld, is what

gives us the “having it all.” We are beginning to know this on a larger

scale, scientifi cally as well as spiritually.

You already have all the riches beyond your wildest dreams. You

have it. You may not be experiencing it right now, but you have it.

Having and experiencing are two different things. An easy way to

explain it is that you have the ability to fl y a plane or surf a wave or

go scuba diving, but you may not have experienced this aspect of

your ability. There is nothing you need to do to have this ability; it

is already in you. It has already been done for you. All you need to

do is experience this ability.

In our lives, we really are simply shifting our consciousness to

experience aspects of ourselves that we already always had, in a universe

that has all that we can possibly wish to have, even that which we have

not imagined exists. The quantum fi eld can form an infi nite number of

shapes and experiences out of it. In fact, it has already done that. The

page of this book is just one of those things, the words you are reading

are just one of those things, the next thought you will have is just one

of those things. Yet you never predicted you would be experiencing

these pages. But your desire to fi nd such words has caused them to

appear in your hands. Indeed, they have always existed. You need not

predict exactly how things will work out; all you need to do is desire,

intend, and know it’s possible, and it will be arranged to come to you.

Many physicists working on subatomic particles are coming to

discover several interesting things about our universe. They have,

for example, found out that two particles separated by space and

time can be “invisibly linked” to each other and act in synchrony.

They have also found out that the world we live in appears to have

been constructed so that it knows itself. This appears to have been

done by “cutting” the One whole into at least two states, with one

state designed to see and one to be seen. The one designed to see

is then under the illusion of separation from that which is designed

to be seen. It is a necessary illusion, a persistent one. But everything

is actually One.

The whole universe is brought into being by the participation

or observation of those who participate and observe. Wealth is

brought into existence by you and us looking at it. Your certainty of

it, faith, and your attention of it creates it. In reality, it already exists

as a probability wave, but you now cause it to be a defi nite thing, an

event in a point in space and time. It goes even deeper than that. It

already exists as an event, but your perception of time makes it look

away” and “separate.” Once you understand what time is and how

it works, you will be able to bring it into your experience faster and

in larger amounts.

Now, let us get a little more complicated. We have seen that

subatomic particles exist as probabilities, and when we observe we

cause localization in a particular point in space and time. In other

words, a particle has the potential of being in place A, B, C, and

D. When we observe place C, it appears in place C and ceases to

have the possibility of it appearing in places A, B, and D until we

stop observing place C. Well, a new school of thought is studying

the Everett-Wheeler-Graham theory that says that this quanta will

actually localize in all the four points, but in different worlds that

coexist with ours! In other words, all possibilities actually manifest

into the physical, but in different parallel worlds! There is supporting

evidence of this from physicists who are studying signs that the

universe is a giant multidimensional hologram. How does this work?

Well, when a particle has a probability to be in places A, B, C, and

D, it will not choose just one place to be in; it will choose all four.

But for this to be possible, the universe “splits” into four, each one

of them unaware of the other three. This is called the many-worlds

interpretation of quantum mechanics.

It sounds crazy but think about it. It is defi nitely possible—nothing

is impossible for the Source, God. Many religions tell us that even

before we ask, it is given unto us. We are also told that everything

that can possibly exist exists Now. We also now know that the universe

splits itself, or rather creates the illusion of separation, so that one

piece” can be the observed piece and the other “piece” can be the

observer piece, and so it knows itself. The One splits itself so that

it can know itself, have something to compare itself with, for when

it is only One, there is nothing it can compare itself with to know

what it is.

Your Self, your spirit or soul, is eternal and existing across space

and time. Now, the next decision you make will split the universe.

You will be conscious to the part of the universe you chose. You will

also exist in the other part that you did not choose, but you will not

be “awake” to it even though its essences will still come to you and

help you know that which you chose and vice versa. Other people who

chose the other world you did not choose will be “awake” there and

not here in your world. Now you can see how free will works out all

the time without confl icting itself, and how truth can be seemingly

contradictory, yet all true.

The universe is also “split” into your present self, your past selves,

and your future selves; but you are only awake to one of those selves

at a time (your present self). But your future selves, for example, are

able to warn your present “awake” self of things they went through

and did not like so that you do not go through them. It is a huge

ever-shifting matrix, a very complex one. The whole matrix shifts with

every decision. Life is an eternal processes existing all at once with all

possible existences—Now, and you only chose which one to be awake

to from instance to instance. Physics is only now beginning to prove

it. By the way, dreaming is simply another state of consciousness.

When you dream, your consciousness is in another realm, world, or

time. See where your dreams may be coming from now?

All this will make more sense when you understand what time is

and how it works.

We now know that the entire universe came from a small subatomic

particle-like existence. It has since been expanding at a rate faster

than you can imagine. Oceans forming, worlds forming, and so on,

all courtesy of quantum physics. But it is even more magical. The

universe is continually giving birth to new universes. Many physicists

now see evidence of this type of multiple-worlds behavior, and

several interpretations of quantum physics to this effect exist. Most

physicists believe that this is a continuous but chaotic or random

occurrence, largely because they have found no other reason for it.

But ask yourself, what part does Spirit play? What part do you play,

your Self, your soul? Could your choices be the cause of this observed

chaotic” splitting of worlds? Physicists like to exclude spirit in their

studies, yet spirit is what gives rise to matter and not the other way

around. Think about that. Einstein is one of the few physicists who

refused to believe that all this happens randomly or by chance. He

said he refuses to believe that “God plays dice.”

Know this: the quantum world is the real world. The world you

see with your eyes is simply an imperfect perception of a group of

quantum activity. Yet the quantum activity is caused by you—you

are First Cause. Never think that what you see with your eyes is

First Cause—it is just an effect. A good illustration of this is the

famous Schrödinger’s Cat experiment (by Erwin Schrödinger, who

was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1933). It depicts what actually is

happening when you place a cat in a box with a closed bottle of poison

gas. You also place a device inside the box that will open the gas bottle

and thus kill the cat. You then close the box so that you cannot see

inside it. The gas in the bottle, by the way, only becomes poisonous

if one particular radioactive atom in the box decays. Quantum

physics shows that this radioactive atom exists simultaneously in the

decayed” and the “not decayed” states until it is measured (until you

open the box to see whether the cat dies or not). (Everything exists

in all possible states until you observe it). You cannot know whether

the cat is dead or alive without opening the box. While the box

remains closed, the cat is both dead and alive at the same time. This

is why quantum physics is so crazy—two contradictory states actually

coexist! When you open the box to check whether that radioactive

atom decayed or not and therefore whether the cat died or not, is

when one of the two of these outcomes will materialize. Yet physicists

now know that (1) their expectations and thoughts infl uence the

results, and (2) the multiple-worlds interpretation tells us that both

actually happened but the world “split” into both of these, and we

took that which we chose at some level.

We now know that everything in the universe is a wave-particle

duality. What this means is that everything, including your body

and your car, is a wave and a particle at the same time. There is no

difference between you and light, except for the fact that light has

a different wavelength than you do, but you are pretty much the

same thing as light. That is physics saying this now. Several thousand

years ago, various spiritual teachers told us the same thing—we

came from light. You are light. In fact, your body is over 99 percent

space” were you to examine it under a microscope. The rest of it,

the solid part, is just a collection of the exact same things that light

is made of, the same subatomic particles. Actually, even the “space”

is full of energy.

Your mind, from your spirit, keeps your body “together” as a

solid” unit. And your mind does the same thing with other things

around you. All matter is put together using information from

your mind and the minds of those around you and the rest of the


Einstein’s equation E=mc2 states that the energy contained in any

matter is equal to the mass of that matter multiplied by the speed of

light squared (and that is a very large number!). This shows you that

(1) even the smallest tiny piece of matter has a tremendous amount

of energy in it (that is how nuclear explosions happen), and (2) you

and everything else is just energy arranged together by information

from the mind.

The subatomic world is not static at all. It is an amazing dance

of never-ending creation and destruction with particles destroying

themselves and, in that very destruction, giving rise to new ones.

Most subatomic particles have an imaginably short life (billionths

of a second). The whole universe is forever being recreated anew.

You can imagine it all being wiped clean and restored, just a little

differently, every trillionth of a second or so. Okay, here is another

amazing thing: when a particle is created, it is instantly traveling at

the speed of light! Quite literally, we did come from light, as many

creation stories go. One more thing: particles can move forward

and backward into time. This is the stuff you are made of and are

in control of!

There is no such thing as empty space. All “space” is fi lled with

energy—the same energy that makes you up and everything else. It is

just that your fi ve senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell do not

detect the many varied other types of forms that exist in the universe.

In other words, you can only detect forms that are detectable with

those fi ve senses (unless you have developed other senses). But that

does not mean that these humanly detectable forms, physical forms,

are the only things that exist in this universe. Think of the universe as

a hologram. Anyway, the whole point of this is to know that you are

part of one huge ocean of energy, and literally, nothing separates you

from anything else. The only “separation” you see is an illusion caused

by the limited fi ve senses you have. Quite literally, we are all One.

We are one large organic whole whose parts are changing all the

time. Each part can look at the other parts, and each part has its own

level of consciousness and awareness. Yet the whole acts exactly as a

whole while the parts act as a part of the whole with individual and

whole properties.

Dr. J. S. Bell, a physicist at the European Organization for Nuclear

Research (CERN) in Switzerland, came up with mathematical proof

in 1964 that showed that all the “separate” parts of the universe are

all connected in an immediate and close way. Many experiments

now show that particles separated by space and time somehow know

exactly what the other is doing at the exact time the other is doing

that particular thing. In other words, they do not communicate.

Communication takes time and requires a message. This is different.

They know without having to communicate. They act simultaneously

as if they are intimately connected somehow across space and time,

in a way that does not get affected by the separation in space and

time between them.

The other profound thing that Bell’s mathematical constructs

show is that the action of a subatomic particle is dependent on

something happening somewhere else to another subatomic particle.

In other words, all subatomic events are effects of others and causes

of others. This brings the law of cause and effect, of karma, of reaping

and sowing to a completely new light! The law of cause and effect,

karma, is not only spiritual but also scientifi c.

All along, we have said that all the universe’s thoughts individually

and collectively cause the energy to “form” into the physical reality

we experience. This is so, but there is an even stronger cause. This

is being—the state of being. There are many states of being, such as

being happy, fast, wealthy, and so on. This is the strongest cause, the

First Cause of all. It is so because it is the declaration of Spirit, of Self.

From a state follows certain thoughts pertaining to that state.

Here is another way of looking at how we are all one: Science

shows us that everything is made up of energy and exchanges that

energy with everything else at all times in a most complex way. Energy

is the building block of all matter. The same energy that composes

your fl esh is the same one that composes the bricks of your house

and the trees outside. There is no “energy of the tree” and “energy

of the man.” It is all the same energy. Energy is constantly at fl ow,

changing form all the time. This is a very simple explanation of a

rather complex thing.

At the quantum level, it all looks like one large pool of energy

soup,” an ocean of energy, one that is always fl owing, one that has

different concentrations and essences at various points. Imagine an

ocean with a warm spot, a turbulent spot, and so on. (The ocean

represents the energy “soup” and the spots represent various physical

objects such as your body or a tree). The warm spot exchanges

water molecules with the rest of the ocean. The turbulent spot

also exchanges water molecules with the rest of the ocean. But the

essence of that warm spot remains warm, and of the turbulent spot

turbulent. There is exchange and fl ow on a molecular level, but on

the larger level, the spots remain warm or turbulent even though

the molecules that composed of them a moment ago are gone and

replaced by others from other regions. The molecules in a warm

spot change, but the essence or characteristic of that spot remains

warmth. The characteristics of a region can remain the same even

though the particles forming that region are always different, leaving

and entering it from other regions. This is how we look on a quantum

level, one large interconnected fi eld of energy with localizations of

characteristics. We share the same energy with everything else even

though we assume unique characteristics. It is a very complex matrix,

a complex web.

Now let’s get a little more complicated than the ocean, for it

cannot serve our explanations further. Imagine now that there are two

people in a room. They are both gloomy and sad. Their energy level

is low. One tells a joke, and the other one laughs. The one telling a

joke causes the one who starts to laugh to raise his or her energy level

and become vibrant, laugh. This makes the one telling a joke laugh

because there is new joy in the air, and they are sharing a joke. Person

A caused a change in person B, and it went back to cause a change in

A. Now have you noticed how you feel great after you tell jokes to many

people and they laugh? How it feels greater than telling to one person

only? And those people take your joke, and they tell it on and on to

other friends and friends of friends, and it spreads. Well, the universe

is a whole lot more complicated than that. A shift on one part of that

massive fi eld of energy ripples on and causes shifts in the parts next to

it, and they cause shifts in the parts next to them and that ripple goes

on forever! Can you imagine that! Your smile changes the composition

of the entire universe! Scientifically! Your anger does the same.

Anything you do, any thought you have, ripples on forever and

changes the composition of the whole universe, however small that

change is.

Now here is something even more interesting. Because you are

part of that universe, that ripple comes back to you and gives you

back a dose of similar essence. You cause a change in the energy

fi eld around and in you, and it ripples, touching everything. And

everything of course ripples back in reaction, sending it back to

you, all multiplied! It is similar to the way ripples form in expanding

circles when you dip your fi nger in a glass of calm water. But these

waves go forever and also bump into other energy localizations

and cause changes in them, and these react, so to speak, and send

back their own waves; and these sent-back waves hit you and change

you and you react, and this amazing dance goes on and on. That

is how, scientifi cally, the law of cause and effect works and works

multiplicatively. This happens on an energy level and on a spirit level.

In both cases, the betterment of one individual in the system causes a

betterment of the whole system, and betterment in the whole system

causes betterment in the individual. The reverse is also true.

All other things held constant, to the extent that an individual

or society understands what they and their universe are made of

and learns how to control that creation, so will they have wealth and


That is our brief introduction into the stuff we are all made of. Do

not worry if something did not make sense; it will make sense later as

you go on with this book and read other things that related to it.

You do not need to master quantum physics to be wealthy. This

chapter is enough. The point of this chapter was simply to show you

what your world really is and to begin to show you that you are in

very direct control of it. The rest of this book will show you how to

exercise that control and read the feedback it gives you. But in case

you wish to learn more about quantum physics specifi cally, please

feel free to do so. To learn more about quantum physics, visit http://

imagesofone.com for more resources such as videos, articles, and

book recommendations.

Quantum physics shows you that the world is not the hard and

unchangeable thing it may appear to be. Instead, it is a very fl uid place

continuously built up using our individual and collective thoughts

and states of being as a society, country, family, planet, solar system,

or universe. We have begun to uncover the illusion. We now know

what our four-dimensional experiences are made of, and we have

begun to see how we make them. The next step is to know what the

other part of our world is, what the fourth dimension, time, really

is. It is time to look at time. Let us move on into that . . .

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  • This post is the BEST explanation of quantum physics I have ever read!!! Thanks so much for sharing this..tto awhile to get through to the end of this but well worth the effort.

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