I cannot just know or tell how important is to expand one's consciousness but just think about it. A 5 D world would be incredibly more complex than we are used to, for example, think about our things we think about the cultures in the world, about respect about balancing our lives, all this, and we are only one species that is "intelligent" (I know animales are also inteligent but just to say that), In a 5D world the range of expression and relations is much more big, more complex, more intrincated, more elaborated, more fragile, more responsability involved. That is just to say one few things, but imagine also the relation with other alien beings the relation with the beings in our universe, but also understanding the relation and our place in this galaxy with our more closer neighbors and to live according to that Imagine the new technologies and all the different options of them, the lots and lots of buttons, switches, analog sensors, understanding to operate between layers in one place of the many that complete a density, the uses of them in the life forms of the planes, is a matter of high complexity. So if we want to help our planet, we should besides having the good will and love, a good deal of consciousness. Meditation is a good way to increase it.
If you have any comment about how things that could expand our consciousness in a good, loving good oriented way, please tell.
The Ego, The Super Ego, and The Id.
You are important because you say you are important, there is no secret ingredient.
Stop saying I can't, or your mind state will be stuck in that concept
I understand my mind states, individuality in the aspect of time is not important
Only now is important
Every moment important and meaningless, it is important we do these things
Point, Line, Plane, Shape, Space, Light, Time
I have to wait for my 30th birthday for the ceremony to reach the next levels
Nothing, Substance
My brain has not grown enough physically to understand these things at this time
I will convene with The High Council of The Shadow to receive training
When this happens, I am no longer available to train others
I use REM sleep to reach meditation and awaken each day fuller and brighter.
I also use chocolate exlax and drink roughly 1 gallon of liquid per day.
I also practice Tae Po' and use techniques that involve the mist to clear my mind.
The one thing I know for certain is that certain things can be altered, even changed, by using equivalent exchange.
We make it complex with our thinking. Stop thinking.
Let the heart flow, and let your mind work in harmony with your heart.
Meditation equals 'not thinking'. It's a matter of remembering the higher dimensions.
Unconditional Love Vibration to All and Everything.
I was thinking if I was to write and tell someone how to expand their consciousness how I would go about it. I was thinking to listen what the ancient mystics where saying, they have been laying down the blueprint for expanding consciousness for eons. I was thinking that in expanding consciousness there are many things and ways people can go about it, but I do think that self care in expanding is important. I also think that being disciplined is important when raising vibrations.
I wrote a list of expanding consciousness. First two where exercise (yoga) and or any form of exercise, and meditation. Another one was getting into integrity and having integrity keeps peoples consciousness high. I think that when people are out of integrity it traps energy and vibrations become lower. It is hard to raise consciousness when you feel bad. Other things that made the list, where watching the thoughts I have and going to (if you so choose) church, temple. Going outside for walks and connecting with mother earth are important. I had about 10 or 11 things written down.
I was reading in the book written by Susan Shumsky, DD "ASCENSION" page 164
"The higher the speed of particles, the more dematerialized they became an the more they spread out over space and time, without any specific location or time. By the same principle, you could conceivably raise the vibrational frequency of the matter composing your physical body into a higher octave of energy. It could theoretically be converted into pure energy, a "light body." Such a body already exists as part of your subtle body-your etheric soul self body, your immortal soul. Lifting the vibrations of the physical body to the octave of the soul body is called "quickening." The vibrational frequency of your physical body spee up until it makes a quantum leap of light waves."
I was thinking that with the above to speed up quantum particles of ourselves and become less dense can that be done with just thought alone, and see the body speeding up as to fill with light. I also was listening to a solara an ra visualization and she said to (basically) be it now, and so it is now....."shift now"
What has helped me personally is chanting Tibetan Compassion Mantras. and solfeggio tones for the frequency of heart 528 and higher.
Youtube keeps giving me the error "An error occurred during validation, sorry". So maybe there's something wrong with the video.
Hi Feather. That reminds me I think im up to eating a C10,000 every few days now. Nothing is really working on the kundalini issue, still feels like I am being tickled by a feather all over.
Been doing the salt medicine too, nothing really changing about that except now im also craving sour foods in addition to salty.
You missed the transition and physical treatment, without it your body will become ill and may even have some underlying ailment that needs medical assistance. Without the body the mind cannot advance thus the spirit undergoes the change into the mist and then you must undertake the whole ascension process again because the process of being reborn takes considerable time. When we die our spiritual energy is changed into a new form of energy and then back as we are reborn. Life and death are one and the same. It may not be too late though. Ask a doctor is they can help, I am only an ascended master in the seventh dimension out of nine dimensions. You are undergoing physical change and mental change and maybe even spiritual change, can you manage to crack your cocoon before it is too late. We shall see.