Magnificent presentation by Pane "AstralWalker" Andov about the mega event that will take place at the end of year 2012 and beginning of the 2013. He explains that thousands of years ago from the galactic centre of the Milky Way, there was a powerful release of an enormous amount of energy, which like a huge, shining, circular wave is spreading across the galaxy from its centre to its edges.
The released energetic pulse is already affecting the whole galaxy including the little dot we call our solar system. Very soon it will reach us and hit us with full strength. He explains what kind of implications this spreading wave of energy will have on our solar system, especially to our star and our planet and how it will affect the DNA of life.
The way that Pane connects the dots makes it clear what our planet will face soon and what we as humans can do about it. He is also a contactee and delivers important messages which he backs up with scientific data. For the record, his DNA was changed when his biological body was only seven years old, enabling him to utilize abilities such telepathy, remote viewing, astral travel and to make contact.
He claims that from time to time numerous ET races communicate and deliver important messages to him as a result of alternations to his DNA in early childhood. One of those races is the positive race that is delivering the genuine crop circles, and they explained to him what the complex geometries mean. That's how Pane was able to translate the complex geometric designs which contain the solution to the equation regarding what humanity is facing, when it's going to happen and what can be done about it.

For more reference please visit his website:

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  • I am in the process of checking Pane out.  Unfortunately some of his science is scued when you start digging...I can expand more if anyone wants me to, but if not I will let everyone do the digging themselves if they desire.  He is in my debunk category at the present.  Have spent three weeks on him researching so far.  At first I thought he seemed pretty credible, but now not sure at all.  I am just waiting to see what will happen if anything in December.  If nothing does I will just continue on my journey of trying to grow in light and love.  The cards will fall where they may.   

    • Hi Marique, would love to get your additional thoughts on Pane.

      • I have tons of thoughts, is some of the stuff I can up with because I nit picked....probably will bore everyone to sleep but such as this is....a work in process:

        Panes' talk and theory about Supermassive Black Holes

        1. Andov states that supermassive black holes drive the rotation and shape of each galaxy. This is a common misconception. In fact, astronomers and astrophysicists will tell you that if you were to remove the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy, the effect it would have on us would be zero. The mass of the galaxy is somewhere between 1.0 and 1.5 * 1012.

        Andov then states that supermassive black holes are spinning at unbelievable rates. He does not mention a study to support this, and my research suggests that a good fraction of supermassive black holes have "high" spin rates based on whether or not the galaxies have undergone mergers in the past, but not all supermassive black holes have high spin rates. Andov also states that the spin of a black hole 'flattens the gravitational field' into a thin disk, and I can find no references to spin rates changing the shape of the event horizon or the gravitational field.


        Andov also raises the old misconception about falling into a black hole and appearing elsewhere in the universe or in a parallel universe. This was speculative decades ago when we didn't understand what Quasars were (we now know that these objects are active galactic nuclei) and some thought that 'quasars' might be 'white holes' connected to 'black holes' by 'wormholes'. However, the big surprise is that (according to Andov) we "know" that supermassive black holes explode and release "powerful and for human kind still unknown form of energy, and that this energy is "intelligent" and "… is a scanning program of the Cosmic Designer Himself…." and that it will Upgrade DNA and "manifest evolution to species". No evidence or studies are cited for these remarkable claims.

        Andov claims that during supermassive black hole explosions that two things are observed: 1) 'Cosmic jets' originating from the black hole, perpendicular to the plane of the galaxy and 2) a pulse or wave of energy spreading horizontally from the black hole along the plane of the galaxy. From these descriptions it is clear that Andov is discussing Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs, what we used to call "Quasars"). However, Andov also states that these features exist for "all galaxies that we have been able to observe in space". Even if we considered only the population of galaxies that have AGNs, this is simply not true. Not all AGNs produce relativistic jets, as can be seen with a simple glance at the Wikipedia.


        Regardless of what he thinks about galaxies with active nuclei, there is zero evidence (and he has not presented any) that Sgr A* has blown up, or that supermassive black holes can blow up. His basic error here is confusing an AGN with the explosion of the black hole. Black holes don't explode. They pull in matter from the galaxy, which forms an accretion disk as it circulates, and then flares into X-Ray and Gamma frequencies as the matter falls into the black hole.

        Andov says that when the sun expands into a Red Giant, that surface temperatures on the earth will reach 2000° C, which is why an "underground world" has been constructed for "the elite".

        Andov then plunges right back in and asserts that the NASA Fermi Gamma-Ray Telescope has provided "unbreakable proof" that the galactic core "exploded" in the past and produced "cosmic jets".

        What Fermi detected was a pair of large 'bubbles': "What we see are two gamma-ray-emitting bubbles that extend 25,000 light-years north and south of the galactic center". In stark contrast to Andov's claims of certainty and 'unbreakable proof', the article states "We don't fully understand their nature or origin." and "One possibility includes a particle jet from the supermassive black hole at the galactic center. In many other galaxies, astronomers see fast particle jets powered by matter falling toward a central black hole. While there is no evidence that the Milky Way's black hole sports such a jet today, it may have in the past. The bubbles also may have formed as a result of gas outflows from a burst of star formation, perhaps the one that produced many massive star clusters in the Milky Way's central light-years several million years ago."

        Do you see the difference between what Andov is saying and what the guys running Fermi are saying? Andov apparently stopped reading when he got to the part that he liked, and failed to comprehend the rest of the article. This is not "unbreakable proof" of anything. The actual scientists are saying "we don't understand this".

        Andov apparently confuses the "gamma ray emitting bubbles" with "gamma ray bursts", as he discusses the former until halfway down page 6, and then suddenly begins talking about the dangers of Gamma Ray Bursts. Just for the record, Gamma Ray Bursts are thought to occur in certain types of Supernova, not by supermassive galactic black holes:

        Most observed GRBs are believed to consist of a narrow beam of intense radiation released during a supernova as a rapidly rotating, high-mass star collapses to form a neutron star, quark star, or black hole. A subclass of GRBs (the "short" bursts) appear to originate from a different process. This may be the merger of binary neutron stars and perhaps specifically the development of resonance between the crust and core of such stars as a result of the massive tidal forces experienced in the seconds leading up to their collision, causing the entire crust of the star to shatter..


        Re: Pane's eBook: 2012 A.D. Rumour or Reality

        Pane says, Particles can go faster than the speed of light

        This probably isn't true. The experiment that showed a possibility of 'Faster Than Light Neutrinos' was later found to have a fault in a fiber optic cable, throwing off the timing signals.

        There is a visible energy ‘ribbon’ at the edge of our solar system

        No such 'ribbon' is visible, unless you can see in 'neutral particle emissions'. Here Andov is referring to the IBEX findings. More recent evidence suggests that the ribbon may be a reflection of the solar wind.

        There is a black hole at the center of our galaxy that pulses an energy burst… about every 26,000 years

        There is a super-massive black hole at the center of our galaxy. It does not "pulse an energy burst… about every 26,000 years". Here Andov confuses something happening at the center of the galaxy with the period of precession of the equinoxes.

        Technology for Free Energy sources is a reality

        Without knowing what 'free energy source' he is talking about, it's hard to say for sure, but various schemes such as perpetual motion or various claims of 'zero point energy' are false.

        ET evidence ranges from sightings and interviews, phenomena such as crop circles, and archaeological evidence older than the Egyptian pyramids

        Certainly claims of ET Evidence from these sources exists, but the claims also have mundane explanations.


        Pane Andov makes several extraordinary claims on his website.

        Sun goes into Red Giant Phase on 23 Dec 2012

        Pane Andov states in his wesite that the Sun, which all mainstream astronomers and astrophysicists agree is in a very stable time in its life, will suddenly go into a Red Giant phase on December 23rd 2012. In this 18-page post, Andov attempts to provide evidence for this by tying together various scientific discoveries, and molding them into a menacing conclusion. However, what he does instead is demonstrate his lack of understanding of those discoveries.

        Supermassive Black Holes

        Andov states that supermassive black holes drive the rotation and shape of each galaxy. This is a common misconception. In fact, astronomers and astrophysicists will tell you that if you were to remove the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy, the effect it would have on us would be zero. The mass of the galaxy is somewhere between 1.0 and 1.5 * 1012 Msun while the mass of the central black hole is between 3.5 and 4.7 * 106 Msun Taking the high estimate for the black hole, and the low estimate for the galaxy, we can calculate that the black hole is at most 0.00047% (4.7 * 10-4%) of the mass of the galaxy.

        Andov then states that supermassive black holes are spinning at unbelievable rates. He does not mention a study to support this, and our research suggests that a good fraction of supermassive black holes have "high" spin rates based on whether or not the galaxies have undergone mergers in the past, but not all supermassive black holes have high spin rates. Andov also states that the spin of a black hole 'flattens the gravitational field' into a thin disk, and I can find no references to spin rates changing the shape of the event horizon or the gravitational field.

        Andov also raises the old canard about falling into a black hole and appearing elsewhere in the universe or in a parallel universe. This was speculative decades ago when we didn't understand what Quasars were (we now know that these objects are active galactic nuclei) and some thought that 'quasars' might be 'white holes' connected to 'black holes' by 'wormholes'. However, the big surprise is that (according to Andov) we "know" that supermassive black holes explode and release "powerful and for human kind still unknown form of energy, and that this energy is "intelligent" and "… is a scanning program of the Cosmic Designer Himself…." and that it will Upgrade DNA and "manifest evolution to species". No evidence or studies are cited for these remarkable claims.

        Andov claims that during supermassive black hole explosions that two things are observed: 1) 'Cosmic jets' originating from the black hole, perpendicular to the plane of the galaxy and 2) a pulse or wave of energy spreading horizontally from the black hole along the plane of the galaxy. From these descriptions it is clear that Andov is discussing Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs, what we used to call "Quasars"). However, Andov also states that these features exist for "all galaxies that we have been able to observe in space". Even if we considered only the population of galaxies that have AGNs, this is simply not true. Not all AGNs produce relativistic jets, as can be seen with a simple glance at the Wikipedia entry on


        Another problem with the idea that Sgr A* is sending out a pulse of energy, is that Andov is apparently confusing density waves in the galaxies with AGNs with his 'pulse of energy'. Density waves occur in many spiral galaxies, and these are associated with star formation regions, where clouds of dust and gas collapse to form new stars.

        Regardless of what he thinks about galaxies with active nuclei, there is zero evidence (and he has not presented any) that Sgr A* has blown up, or that supermassive black holes can blow up. His basic error here is confusing an AGN with the explosion of the black hole. Black holes don't explode. They pull in matter from the galaxy, which forms an accretion disk as it circulates, and then flares into X-Ray and Gamma frequencies as the matter falls into the black hole.

        It should be noted that the idea of a chain-reaction of exploding supernova appears in Larry Niven's 'Ringworld' novel (1970).


        It appears that Andov confuses the use of medical X-Rays (seeing inside our bodies) with the astronomical use of X-Rays. Chandra was launched because outside the atmosphere of the earth, it can detect X-Ray emissions 100 times fainter than can be detected on the ground, simply because the Earth's atmosphere blocks these weak X-Rays. Planning on Chandra (Then called the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility or "AXAF") began in 1976!

        Andov indulges himself in a classic conspiracy theorist allegation that no evidence equates to evidence of a coverup, and asserts that NASA provided no information on what Chandra's observations of Sgr A* meant for Earth. This again descends from his mistaken belief that the primary mission of Chandra was to observe Sgr A*.

        Expanding Stars

        Andov asserts that Chandra has also observed stars expanding under the influence of his pulse, but then states that if you contact NASA they will deny it. No evidence is provided that Chandra has recorded this observation, no links to any imagery are provided, and no citations of peer-reviewed literature are provided. Essentially what he has done is say: "NASA observed stars expanding, but if you ask NASA they will say 'no'.", which begs the question: Where is Andov getting his information from?

        Andov goes on to say that "… the same [thing] will happen with our sun" and that when this "extremely powerful energetic pulse makes a contact …." a "complex nuclear reaction" will "cause our Sun to increase in size, swallowing Mercury and Venus". I'm sure that if we asked Andov to detail the nuclear reaction he is talking about, that he would be able to do so… right?

        2000° C

        Andov says that when the sun expands into a Red Giant, that surface temperatures on the earth will reach 2000° C, which is why an "underground world" has been constructed for "the elite". He then pauses for an amusing caution, that "this is the point where most of you will raise the red flag". Actually, I raised several red flags much earlier in this conversation.

        Fermi Telescope

        Andov then plunges right back in and asserts that the NASA Fermi Gamma-Ray Telescope has provided "unbreakable proof" that the galactic core "exploded" in the past and produced "cosmic jets".

        What Fermi detected was a pair of large 'bubbles': "What we see are two gamma-ray-emitting bubbles that extend 25,000 light-years north and south of the galactic center". In stark contrast to Andov's claims of certainty and 'unbreakable proof', the article states "We don't fully understand their nature or origin." and "One possibility includes a particle jet from the supermassive black hole at the galactic center. In many other galaxies, astronomers see fast particle jets powered by matter falling toward a central black hole. While there is no evidence that the Milky Way's black hole sports such a jet today, it may have in the past. The bubbles also may have formed as a result of gas outflows from a burst of star formation, perhaps the one that produced many massive star clusters in the Milky Way's central light-years several million years ago."

        Do you see the difference between what Andov is saying and what the guys running Fermi are saying? Andov apparently stopped reading when he got to the part that he liked, and failed to comprehend the rest of the article. This is not "unbreakable proof" of anything. The actual scientists are saying "we don't understand this".

        Gamma Ray Bursts

        Andov apparently confuses the "gamma ray emitting bubbles" with "gamma ray bursts", as he discusses the former until halfway down page 6, and then suddenly begins talking about the dangers of Gamma Ray Bursts. Just for the record, Gamma Ray Bursts are thought to occur in certain types of Supernova, not by supermassive galactic black holes:

        Most observed GRBs are believed to consist of a narrow beam of intense radiation released during a supernova as a rapidly rotating, high-mass star collapses to form a neutron star, quark star, or black hole. A subclass of GRBs (the "short" bursts) appear to originate from a different process. This may be the merger of binary neutron stars and perhaps specifically the development of resonance between the crust and core of such stars as a result of the massive tidal forces experienced in the seconds leading up to their collision, causing the entire crust of the star to shatter.

        H.E.S.S. Data

        Andov then hops right onto the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) data, and claims that the H.E.S.S. telescopes have given 'confirmation'. Unfortunately for Andov the H.E.S.S. has found several gamma-ray emitting structures within the galaxy, but did not find the Fermi bubbles. These are different structures, and the only thing they have in common is that they emit gamma rays. Again, this is indicative that Andov missed the boat.

        Re: Australia 'Safety Zone' a place he advices everyone to go to....

        When the area was described to an Australian, he pointed out that in the Summer (November through February) that the area is prone to flooding, and that there is no infrastructure there to support a large number of people. Everything has to be trucked in, and is expensive.

        eBook: 2012 A.D. Rumour or Reality

        In the introduction to his eBook Andov states:

        Dear Friends,

        All that is presented here is for Information Purposes only.

        The information shared today is only Pane Andov’s personal perspective on reality and possible
        future events concerning 2012. Nothing more, nothing less.

        What someone chooses to do with the information is their own choice.
        Some of the information shared will probably be disturbing to some…or even in opposition to an
        individual’s beliefs. If someone feels that the information is too much to handle…it is advised
        that they leave the venue and protect themselves from receiving any further information.

        Pane Andov will not be held responsible for any action someone takes as a result of the information

        in this lecture.


        (emphasis added)

        In other words: "This book contains my personal viewpoint. I want to spew my nonsense without regard to critical review or conforming to that silly notion called "reality". If someone you love reads this and does something tragic and drastic, it's not my fault."

        Yeah, actually it is, Pane. You even admit that your book "will probably be disturbing to some". It is your fault.

        Errors in the eBook

        Maya Calendar

        The book repeats the error that the "Mayan (sic) Long Count Calendar ends on December 21st, 2012"


        Oregon Sri Yantra

        There are contradictions in his claims about the 1990 "Oregon Sri Yantra". On page 47 Andov claims that the people who claimed that they created the design could not score the lakebed for more than 1/2 inch, but yet on page 50 he states that merely driving across the lake left 1/4 inch deep tracks. Andov also heaps abuse on the people who claim that they created the design, calling their account "an insult to human intelligence". In contrast, Bill Witherspoon wrote an article that appeared in the Leonardo Music Journal Electronic Almanac, Vol. 12, No. 6 (June 2004) where he described the Oregon Sri Yantra as the first in a series of experimental art projects. The first page of the article (available online) describes how the four people worked over the course of 10 days, and how a rain-storm on the final day erased the footprints that so troubled Andov by their absence. Andov goes on to claim that this was a "classic shadow government cover-up", whereas his explanation was that two people reported seeing some bright lights, and then went and found the design.

        Universal 'Creative Pulse'

        Andov spends the next 34 pages rehashing basic cosmology (Big Bang, expansion, dark matter, dark energy) and goes on to make a wild claim that to him the Big Bang is: ".. the first manifestation of creation which represents the beginning of an intelligent pulse.", and on the next page that "[the] creative pulse followed a precise pattern of movement and that same perfect geometrical-mathematical pattern can be seen even today everywhere around us.". Here Andov is using a standard tactic of cranks: Using standard science to give the impression of scientific authority, and then interspersing it with unsupported claims that he wishes you to accept without question.

        Universe looks like Sri Yantra

        Andov claims that the "[universe] looks exactly the same as the 3D depiction of ancient Sri Yantra", but he's comparing carefully selected images. One of the images is from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and shows the distribution of matter along a plane as seen by the SDSS. This creates a flat delta shape that he compares with one of the parts of the Sri Yantra design. The other image is actually a schematic of the timeline of the universe, which he compares with his "3D depiction". In both cases, the comparisons are highly contrived. Andov claims that "If you are a clear observer without any scientific prejudices or any other belief system limitation, it becomes so obvious to you that Our Universe is alive, dynamic and fully conscious of itself." So in other words, if you are at all critical of his ideas, or you have any other "belief system" then you won't see that "Our Universe is alive…". This is the "TinkerBell" argument. In Barrie's 1911 book Peter Pan, Peter saves Tinkerbell from death by exhorting the children of Neverland to believe in her, and clap their hands. So if you just believe Andov, then all of his nonsense will suddenly make sense.

        Universal Brain

        Andov then spends the next 26 pages showing lots of slides of well established science, but on page 113 shows a picture that compares a brain cell to a supercluster of galaxies, presumably in support of his "The Universe is Alive" claim. In fact, repeated patterns appear throughout nature. Just because a visual similarity exists does not mean that the two things are comparable. If Andov is suggesting that a supercluster is a brain cell in the 'mind of the Universe' then he might want to re-think that concept. Since nothing travels faster than light, it would take billions of years for information to cross his "galactic brain cell". That's one very slow brain!

        to be continued




        • Damn girl, you basically wrote a term paper on his mistunderstandings of the universe, LOL!

          Love it, admire the research you've done.  If/when nothing happens come December 23rd, I wonder what he'll say.  We'll all find out soon!

          Thanks hon!

          • Your welcome Lucy, it is all information I found on the net...I cannot take credit for anything other than digging it up and checking out what he is putting out there vs, how the universe works, lol....When I am not sure if someone rings as true, I a like a pitbull...something just did not sit right with a lot of his claims.  Science has always been my passion, especially quantum physics and quantum dynamics and astro physics and stuff about what makes the universe "tick". I don't think he set out to decieve people though, I think his understanding of science is a little off...and his conclusions to his findings are off with what I think they should be, lol.  I am no scientist though by any stretch, but I do like to research and learn.   

        • also Marique check this out and tell us your views..

          Somewhere along the line,
          that which is true is being made to appear false,
          because that which is false is accepted as truth....see what Daniel has to say @

        • you sure have done extensive research Marique ...I THINK YOU SHOULD BE LECTURING INSTEAD OF HIM ...nevertheless he has some good points and a lot of points to pounder on.

          MAHA YOGIS can create Planets and Universes and can travel to any destination in seconds so says the Vedas ...rather then science it is more to do with one's Spiritual power all depends on how advanced one is spiritually.

          Narada Muni has a freedom pass to travel anywhere in the Universe so he knows what is going on in all the Planets in the Universe a google search on NARADA MUNI and with good intent call upon him in your meditation and he will appear and tell you stories of other Planets.

          The sage is portrayed as a travelling monk with the ability to visit distant planets or lokas. He carries a tampura or musical instrument, which he uses for singing of hymns, prayers and mantras in devotion to his Lord Vishnu.




          • Cool, thanks KK....will check him out...seems more interesting than Pane, lol, and thank you for the compliment by the way...I do spend a lot of time researching stuff, lol...waaayyy too much time on my hands, but I am fascinated with science...the more complex the better....I don't know anything at all about the now I have something new to dive into....

  • Pane is all about December 23rd, not the 21st.  Why is that?

    • Yeah, I've wondered that too.  He doesn't paint a very pretty picture but I believe he is genuine.

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