You have many dreams for yourself and our world.
Now imagine what you could create if you could master the power of an intention that is aligned on all levels of your consciousness, harmonized with your environment, both human and energetic, and nurtured by a circle of loving and visionary co-creators.
That is what Conscious Evolution Coaching will assist you to do.
Our core mission is to empower you with the infrastructure, tools, processes, and practices to realize your dreams and to serve the world by changing yourself through deep mutual support.
- You’ve taken the responsibility to heal yourself.
- You’re progressing on your spiritual journey.
- You love yourself and others unconditionally.
- You’re aligned, congruent, nurturing and empathetic.
Metaphorically speaking, you’re at or nearing Everest Base Camp before making the final ascent.
We now ask you: Do you wish to
align your dreams with making the greatest possible contribution?
If so, are you willing to
accelerate the expansion of your consciousness through deep mutual support?
Whom would you recognize today as being deeply connected, and who has made or is making a great contribution in shifting consciousness? Gandhi, Mother Teresa? The Dalai Lama?
Do you believe that you could reach the same degree of connectedness and make a similar contribution in serving the world?
If the answer is: No, could you accept that this could be a limiting belief? That with the right intention, tools, practices and support you could change this belief and actually expand your consciousness to their level, and beyond?
This is what we do at Conscious Evolution Coaching. Within our community of practice circles, we empower each other through deep energetic engagement to remove the blocks and limiting beliefs that prevent us from realizing our souls’ full potential. This is to promote harmony within ourselves, our communities and humanity. Together, we co-create harmony in the world.
How do we embody this?
What does it mean to activate and expand your power of consciousness?
How does it feel? How does it work?
We find these answers when we commit to joining a Circle and engaging in intensive shared practice.
However, you may not be ready for this level of commitment. So, this is a simple way to have an experiential taste of what happens when you do participate.
As the founder of Conscious Evolution Coaching, I am inviting you to attend one or more of our weekly sessions during November. These will be based on my experience as a Circle Leader. They are free and without commitment.
The sessions are called Experience Being One – Integrating Separation with Unified Consciousness.