We know and understand something in totality only by experiencing it. The succulent taste of a juicy fruit is best understood, not by reading or theorising about it but by savouring and relishing it slowly. Similarly, one would have heard or read about the expanse of an ocean, but only when he stands before that vast blue does one really ‘know’ what an ocean is.
Humans are creatures of experience. One of the purposes of our lives is to experience the diverse life on this plane. In fact, we the Souls have arrived from our Source so that we can experience the rich and varied life that has been created here on this planet. We grasp these experiences through our senses and make meaning out of them through our faculties of feeling and understanding.
This process of experiencing occurs at various levels, from the gross to the subtle. We experience the gross in the course of our everyday lives, in various physical sensations of sights, sounds, smells, taste and touch. A slightly elevated experience happens when we are moved by a melodious musical note or by the beauty of a Sunrise. A further refined experience occurs when we feel love and affection towards another individual.
The highest and most refined experience happens when the Soul experiences the subtlest aspect of all Creation — the Light that shines deep within everything! This experience of Light is the greatest experience that a Soul can have while still existing in a physical body on this Earth.
Why Experience Light?
The Soul is equipped with unlimited capacities to experience Creation. But since it has to survive in the diverse environment of Creation, it is surrounded by the sheaths of the body-mind-intellect of an individual. These sheaths restrict the experiences that a Soul can have because of their own limitations. So a Soul can perceive only a part of the experience which can be grasped by the mind.
The mind, which is a wonderful tool of perception, is not unlimited like the Soul in its capacities. It can perceive experiences only to a limit, and beyond that, the excessive experiences form a residue around it. These residual experiences, also called as Karmas, force the Soul to incarnate again and again in various lives in order to go through or clear those experiences. The Karmas gathered over innumerable lifetimes, form thick layers over our mind. They hinder the capacities of the mind and also block the channels of communication of the Soul with the Higher Intelligence.
So the awareness of an individual remains, most of the time, at the level of the body-mind-intellect. The person perceives himself not as the radiant Soul, but as an ordinary human being, living a life of struggles and triumphs between life and death. Being cut off from the higher intelligence, the individual leads his life as per the directions of the collective intelligence of his body-mind-intellect, also known as the Ego. This limited awareness continues in every lifetime and the individual gets caught in the web of life, restricted by the laws of Creation and re-incarnating again and again according to his Karmas.
The experience of Light breaks all these limitations and awakens an individual to his divine nature!
When the individual experiences Light for the first time, it is similar to waking up after a very long sleep. The awareness shifts from the limited self of body-mind-intellect to the unlimited, luminous Soul. Along with experiencing Creation, the individual will also experience the divine Light that pulsates within everything that is created — even a blade of grass or a raindrop. His perception and hence his entire life undergoes a profound transformation when this higher experience happens.
The processes involved in this experience of Light also results in clearing of Karmas and opening up of the blocked communication channels with the Higher Intelligence. The individual Soul re-establishes its contact with the Ocean of Light — God Himself! Many dormant faculties become activated and the individual gains access to great Knowledge, Energies and Wisdom. He breaks free from all limitations and confinements of this world, and continues to experience life and reality here, while being established in the permanent reality — Light. He regains the freedom to move through the innumerable worlds and dimensions of Creation and becomes a truly unlimited being, radiating the light and love of the Supreme Intelligence.
This extraordinary experience is the birth-right of every Soul! Internal purity is the main requirement and the doorway that leads one to this experience. Meditation is one of the main ways through which this can be achieved.
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