8110241670?profile=originalOne of the greatest lies ever sold by the Mainstream Media has been the lie that the Mainstream Media is exclusively a 20th century phenomenon. We´re told equally exclusively that the Mainstream Media was created on 2nd July in the year 1947, or on some earlier date, followed with ´reports´from what wasn´t even then officially called the Mainstream Media but just the Media or simply the Newspapers and the Television.

Two great coverups have been exposed thoroughly over the course of many years - the UFO - ET coverup, and the coverup that the Earth is hollow.

The official version of the UFO - ET coverup has been the one that the U.S. government wants people to believe in space aliens.

The fact is the U.S. Government doesn´t want people to just get the heck outta here and never return with no one left to control!!

There is then the other coverup, with the U.S. Government not wanting the Fifth World to be created - the Polar Alliance.

The Polar Alliance will be so powerful that the U.S. Government will be unable to stop it because we will control whatever remains of the world´s freshwater supply.

People do not like sentences like ´we will control whatever remains of the world´s freshwater supply´.

Well we Fifth Worlders have an advise for those amongst you who don´t have access to fresh water - make some!

So what´s that David Hume thingy got to do with the Mainstream Media of today´s times?

Well, it´s got to do with what is your view of art and taste.

The official version of who you are is pathetic. It says that not you, but the State should determine to what extent you´re knowledgeable about art and taste, as opposed to you, the individual, the ´I´.

David Hume exposed this coverup with two works he wrote, one about religion, the other titled An Essay Concerning Human Understanding.

The David Hume Coverup has been so successful that it requires no billions of dollars to keep it going on, unlike the UFO - ET coverup or the Hollow Earth coverup.

The David Hume Coverup can only continue to thrive as long as you, the reader of this article, provided you´re already un - enlightened about David Hume, do not research him.


Are people beginning to realize what I mean?

Even well versed Hume researchers have escaped the notice of the David Hume coverup.

Perhaps because nobody else than me has been successful enough in his research to coin such a brilliant phrase to define such a coverup in the first place.

The orchestrators of the David Hume coverup had no idea what to call it, so, they had no victims to specifically choose for assassination, like carreer assassination, unlike the UFO - ET coverup or the Hollow Earth Coverup.

The David Hume Coverup worked therefore better than the UFO - ET Coverup, the Hollow Earth Coverup, and the Holocaust Fraud!

The David Hume Coverup was unique amongst all coverups in the world to the extent, that sometimes it´s orchestrators were unsure they were even covering up anything about David Hume, because the continuance of the Hume coverup required people to be ignorant about their own ability to come to terms with their sense of what is taste, and what is art.

A good example sounds something like the following; there are people on this site who feel that I am unwelcome here.

David Hume says, in works like An Essay Concerning Human Understanding that our ability to discover the beauty of things is not determined by the State or by means of divine intervention.

Awareness of this caused the Royal and Political Elite in his time to have a nightmare of nightmares.

It became a worldwide awareness which resulted in Hume´s phenomenal success as a philosopher.

Suddenly no one doupted anymore about their own abilities to come to terms with their definition of what is tasteful and what is not.

If an elite misbehaved, the official explanation was that this particular elite was behaving distastefully towards his / her fellow civilians.

Later generational elite were required to specifically blend into crowds so that if they had any distaste towards their fellow human beings, they´d not notice it.

Hume´s definition of the concept of taste reached the collective human conscious to the point that people began to cease noticing that it was due to Hume´s excellent research that they had could tell the King what they felt about his view of art.

The David Hume coverup became so successful that it escaped the attention of none other than Christopher Everard himself!

Christopher Everard wrote an amazing work on aesthetics known as Stone Age Psychedelia, where he exposes the Neanderdthal myth amongst other myths.

Imagine what life has become like now in the post - Hume world.

For years, you´ve been told since child by people who had no idea they were telling you so that you´re in fact living in a post - Hume world known as the World World.

So no wonder it´s been so easy for world governments to deceive large masses of people - by the creation of coverups like the Hume coverup it became possible to create the kind of governments and political institutions which exist today in societies like modern day America.

It was due to the research of David Hume that people can go to pages such as mine and tell me that I am unwelcome here because they are convinced that nazis must not be welcome here, as opposed to ask me whether or not I am a nazi to begin with.

What they are really saying is that I am behaving disgracefully / distastefully - but when asked ´what is distasteful´they will usefully have no idea because they haven´t researched why people use terms like ´tasteful´and ´distasteful´. There is also the famous terms ´graceful´and ´disgraceful´. Yet we know that ´disgraceful´and ´graceful´don´t quite mean the same.

It was due to the research of David Hume that people can create mythical organizations like the Ashtar Command and attempt to convince themselves, that such organizations exist even though knowing that they don´t!

And here is why.

Before Hume, that was mostly the business of organizations such as the Church and people such as the then existing Jesuit societies.

Like some Christians are ok and some are not, some Jesuits are ok and some are not.

Today´s Christians and Jesuits are quite capable of self - deception without the aid of any force or entity they regard as a finite authority or a mandate in their lives - all because of the research of people like Hume and Kant into stuff like aesthetics.

Ever thought why there is so little taught in the works of David Hume?

You´ll find out that it´s because there was an outcry in his time when people accepted that the Royal and Political Elite in their society had been lying to them all along.

Ask yourself - why is it that the U.S. Federal Government keeps education centralized?

Because centrists want you to believe they have the right to tell you through their support of the State whatever they want you to know, and keep from you whatever they don´t want you to know.

And as we all well know an ignorant society is easier to control than a society which isn´t ignorant - especially the people in that society are unaware of their true feelings about things like taste.

The people who told me I am not welcome here ´because you´re a nazi´had no idea why they were actually telling that because they were mostly unfamiliar with Hume´s and Kant´s research, such as Kant´s explanations for what causes the Four Moments of Taste. Hume concluded they occur in our own thought processes.

When I had learnt to familiarize myself with them briefly, I became a bit knowledgable about my own sense of taste.

As a result, no one can tell me anymore what I find to be beautiful or ugly, smart or stupid.

If millions of Americans and British, especially British, knew that they were living in a post Hume world, they´d all start familiarizing themselves with Hume´s theories and research, much like they did in the 1880´s and earlier, when people were far less governable than they are today - even though it was easier to control them on many levels than today.

Of all the philosophers who appear in modern British films about philosophy and so on, David Hume is one of the least mentioned.

I wonder if it is a coincidence why, as I don´t believe in such things.

David Hume´s revelations hit western, mainstream society so hard that the Royal and Political Elite had to do something.

So they decided to start depicting Hume as someone who didn´t want people to think and feel for themselves in terms like religion or philosophy.

What happened was that schools and other educational institutions would tell people that their ability to determine what is beautiful and what isn´t, had now been set free by Hume´s research and that of Kant and other philosophers before and after them.

The official explanation for whom Hume was became a sort of ignorant atheist / materialist, as opposed to an independently minded free thinker.8110241497?profile=original

Immanuel Kant was one of the most influential philosophers of all time and discovered the Four Moments of Taste.

Today, Hume is accepted as a major influence on the Freethought movementh.

Hume said in his work on miracles, that it was human beings themselves who define in their lives what a miracle is - not God.

This revelation removed the Church´s ability to keep people convinced that they must turn to the Church in terms of explaining events in the lives of Jesus or the Saints which to them appear or appeared as miracles.

Hume was thus not asking them to think that miracles don´t exist or that they can´t happen - only that there´s no Heaven and no Hell because Heaven and Hell in Hume´s system are human inventions.

All Hume had got in his hands to conclude this had to do with the fact that our conclusions in terms of what we determine about things like taste and beauty, are derived by our own thought processes.

God can thus not tell us whether or not to think something is beautiful.

And that means, that the State cannot tell us either.

Only we can decide for ourselves when we confront the Four Moments of Taste, what is beautiful and what isn´t, and thus no State, and no deity.

In my opinion if anybody deserves to be titled an Ascended Master on Ashtar Command, it should be David Hume and Immanuel Kant, and authors like Simone De Bevoir and Ayn Rand.


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