Malcolm-spritists say that automatic writing is done by wrapping the arm around the writer and down the writers arm-that looks like a hand on Cruzs' jaw
"RFK. Jr talks here about the toxic ingredients that are in the food supply here in the US and how these ingredients have caused many problems. How these ingredients in these foods are used to draw people in and make people addicted to these foods…"
"RFK. Jr talks here about the toxic ingredients that are in the food supply here in the US and how these ingredients have caused many problems. How these ingredients in these foods are used to draw people in and make them addicted to these foods will…"
"RFK Jr. talks here about the dangers of seed oils and processed foods here and how seed oils and processed foods have made the US population unhealthy."
"RFK Jr. talks here about the dangers of seed oils and processed foods here and how seed oils and processed foods have made the US population unhealthy."
Join us To Experience 'The 5 Elements & The Genesis of Alchemy Each of the 5 elements relate to the organs of your body - and eons ago the Taoists discovered how to combine these 5 elements to create something new - an 'elixir of…
"ERROR CORRECTED .. Mercury was not in the retrograde phase in Aries during the Waco siege, but Venus was (and was rising over the eastern horizon at the time the siege began). This Waco "Lucifer Rising" morning star placement (over the eastern…"
Malcolm-spritists say that automatic writing is done by wrapping the arm around the writer and down the writers arm-that looks like a hand on Cruzs' jaw