FBI calls half of populace with 9/11 doubts potential terrorists
"Excusing violence against Americans on the grounds that American actions provoked the problem."The latter is an apparent reference to thinking such as the "blowback" doctrine, which criticizes US foreign policy and links alleged errors in that policy, such as the invasion of iraq, to terrorist activity.The document cites "fury" at the "global policies of the U.S."Among well-known doubters of the official 9/11 account are many military officers, law enforcement personnel, firefighters, and pilots, all working through affinity groups. One is US Army Major General Albert Stubblebine, who has said of the three buildings which fell on 9/11:
"They didn't fall down because airplanes hit them. They fell down because of explosives went off inside. Demolition."Most recently, former Fox News anchorman Ben Swann has questioned the official 9/11 story.This September 11th a group of citizens, architects, and engineers, led by families of 9/11 victims, unveiled an international ad campaign questioning the official version of 9/11. The campaign is sponsoring signs and billboards around the world which ask the question: "Did you know a third tower fell on 9/11?"
Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/358624#ixzz41VTs8Wm8
Well Judge David Wynne Miller, Academically proved how it was done, physically how it is done, methodically beyond a definition beyond a doubt lawfully as he has a degree in engineering and law in both the U.S.A and England, made a seminar about it, and knows it is not the cause of a plane's jet fuel that toppled the buildings over but thermate and thermite that caused the buildings to collapse.
911 was deliberately done by an inside job asked George Bush juniors brother Jeb Bush about it and how he instigated the bombs inside the elevators within three months before the buildings collapse, it was to get rid of evidence of the n.e.s.a.r.a. act which went all the way to the pentagon halls of any evidence in relations to the Japanese gold and all other hidden information about banking and all illegal criterias that went with it, it all went way up the to the federal reserve banks fiat-ursury notes and algorythmic computers, and lack of real true gold, which by the way jeb bushes goonies stole out of the world trade centre before it went down in a pile of rubble. This was a satanic act too.
Well said Jason. A little bit of Sataniism, a little bit of Kabbalah symbolism, and a whole lot of greed.
George H.W. Bush now requires a wheel chair for every place he goes, Jeb Bush got booed at the Republican convention, and George W. Bush cannot show his face in the public due to questions about the lies (i.e. nuclear weapons) that arose from Iraq War mess.
MY QUESTION TO THE BUSH FAMILY IS "was all that money made from these Middle East conflicts (via the Carlyle Group) actually worth the public dismay and health issues you are now faced with?????"