If you are a Democrat or Liberal, you are now fully represented and controlled by an artificial government “party” that has no real politicians making decisions anymore, and nobody with any history of anything that doesn’t fit the current narrative. There is no real person running for President, only a robot that was made “popular” overnight, with thousands of “bot” followers and subscribers to the new AI-run communist party of Amerika, the Democrats.


Yes folks, history was rewritten entirely in just a couple days, as Resident Biden handed over all his powers (he had none to begin with, it’s just a show) to his vice-puppet-in-command, Obamala Harris (the New Obama face). Do not disagree with anything it says, or you are automatically labeled a sexist and racist by the Artificial Intelligence Big Media Complex (AIBMC).


Joe Biden is C3PO from Star Wars, and Kamala Harris is Obama in sheep’s clothing

Like never before, actual fake people are propped up in Washington DC and have their fingers on the nuclear codes and the money printing machines. The feds print money through the QE program, quantitative easing (purchase of debt securities), with the artificial “effect” that prevents panic by the masses, who incur horrific inflation in their real lives, not the artificial construct the politicians live under.


As the Democrat AI politicians support proxy wars all around the world, U.S. taxpayer money is sent overseas, to the politicians’ offshore accounts, and to terrorist organizations that help the globalists create havoc everywhere, for more control and more money. It’s a vicious cycle, and it’s all controlled now by artificial intelligence.


Politicians, history, money, weapons, social media, Google and mainstream news are all AI-run now. The script C3PO-Biden reads, and the communist playbook Obamala Harris follows, all AI constructed. Seemingly professional articles about food, medicine and politics are all AI-written now. Go ahead, check it out.


Everything Kamala Harris has said and done that’s completely extremist Leftist, radical, communist and freakishly stupid has been erased from history by artificial intelligence. Now, AI portrays her as a moderate progressive. A normal lady who just wants to protect democracy from the very guy who can actually save democracy and the guy the Democrats and the Deep State just tried to murder.


There is not now, and was not ever, a “Border Czar” according to artificial intelligence. She never existed. The position and any news that covered it is misinformation, according to the misinformation party. Anyone with proof is a conspiracy theorist. The border is closed and secure, according to artificial intelligence, and it’s just as “safe and secure” as the 2020 election was. The tens of millions of illegal immigrants who entered the USA over the past 3.5 years do not really exist, according to artificial intelligence. They are all U.S. citizens who will be voting in the November elections (for more free stuff and instant amnesty from the AI party).


Kamala Harris has never spoken a word salad before, according to AI. She is unburdened by the past and what is to be, because she can no longer be guilty of anything bad, since she is the new “leader” of the artificial party. The country is very excited about the new Clone-in-Chief, according to AI sources and millions of bot subscribers. Obamala Harris is trending on Fakebook too. She has gone “viral” like a novel virus hatched in a laboratory. She’s the Wuhan Candidate and she has “gain of function” ability to read teleprompters and laugh uncontrollably at nothingness. No need for a campaign tour at all, because there's virtual Obamala selling more Bidenomics. No need for democratic voting processes, because AI and the investors chose Obamala. It's all virtual now. No more rules, laws or rights of citizens.


Enjoy the virtual campaign of the artificial party. They have artificial ballots used for voting by the ten-thousands in all swing states. Be sure to bookmark to your favorite websites for truth news real candidates vs. virtual AI puppets and robots, the latter of whose mistakes and lies are being censored from mass media while you read this. Here's a clip of the virtual president, who's really a cloned robot whose blood is mainly comprised of genetically mutated spike proteins.


It's the ULTIMATE WEIRD party of clones, drones, misfits, demented pervs, gender-fluid queers and wanna-be-tyrants.

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