There are lot of fake beings and coorporations nowadays, what was made to keep us busy, to take away our time, and in this way we will not improve, we will not reach the liberation. These fake persons ( Ashtar Sheran, Aurora Ray ) were made business from the improving, and from the Galactic Federation of Light. They offer knowledge and „ufo ride” for money. If somebody is from the Light, always gives free will. Real lightworkers like Alaje and Laura, they are pleiadians, offers their knowledge and help for free, but anybody can support them with money. I think the petitions are also fake coorporations. This is another trick to keep us busy. Galactic Federation of Light doesnt need petitions to get to know who would accept them if they would come. I think Cobra is also a fake person, person of darkness. He offers meditation cds only for money. 

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  • YES! I wroten about this a lot, and I try to be clever and see what is the good way. I try to help to others, also. Facebook is a system of cabal, to prevent everything. So sad.

    • "I think Cobra and his optional chances to the victory of light is just made, to keep us busy, to give hope that we can change our future. We cant, because the future is determined. Not the whole, but the most important endings, for example the ending of dark age, and the beginning of golden age, is already determined, by The source. We can change, if we dont feed low-frequenczy beings from etheric level, by our hope and light, but we help to others, we work for a better future, we connect with our higher selves, we meditate, and we listen to our inner voice, and we try to hear our Galactic Family. Every another happening is just a trick from the dark ones, to keep us busy, and to prevent the victory of light. Everything is determined, but the dark ones can control us, through the time. This is their prison to us. Please see with your heart dear ones, and dont believe that if we dream a better future, we will get it. The way of the better future is working as one, the whole humanity, and dont let that any false person or happening prevent this process, to delay. The light and the GF of l will come. The time is our decision. Time to wake up and work. Namaste"

  • Dear Aniu, I mean not the real one :) He is cleverer than registrate on fb for example, and make business. Here you can see, 111dollar= ufo ride. If you pay, not will happen anything. We know, the real GF of L dont offer such things. The worst that lot of people believe that this person is the real Ashtar. Namaste, Ty 

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