Possible Signs Of False Flag In Brussels Now Emerging

brussels lockdownBy Brandon Turbeville

Yet another terrorist attack in Europe has been blamed on Islamic extremists and ISIS and yet another instance of the suspects in the attacks having been previously known to security services and intelligence agencies in the years, months, weeks, and days leading up to the event. That is exactly what happened in Brussels, Belgium on March 22, 2016.

Lending credence to those who suggest that the Brussels attacks were false flags (meaning directed, orchestrated, or allowed by Western intelligence agencies), it is being reported that, yet again, the perpetrators were known to police and security services prior to the attack. This suggests a number of possibilities in the false flag vein such as:

  1. That the security services knew an attack was being planned and allowed it to continue.
  2. That the intelligence agencies organized the attack from the very beginning.

Building a case for the false flag argument sees a number of points to be made that, while not conclusively proving that such is the case, they do provide a good reason to question the official narrative.

The identities, criminal history, and jihadist history of the assailants were already known to security services prior to the attacks.

Khalid and Brahim El Bakraoui, the two men suspected of being blowing themselves up during the attack on the airport, had been arrested for violent crimes in Belgium prior to the attacks but were both curiously released.

Brahim El Bakraoui was convicted in 2010 of shooting at police officers with a Kalashnikov during the process of committing an armed robbery. Brahim was sentenced to nine years but was curiously free and able to commit a terrorist attack only six years later.

Khalid was convicted for a number of carjackings in 2011 but only received probation and was thus also free to commit terrorist acts in 2016.

While records of violent crimes is not a direct connection to terrorism, both brothers were known to authorities prior to the attacks and were considered “wanted” by police. Indeed, an anti-terror raid at the brothers’ apartment complex took place in mid-March where an Algerian immigrant with ties to ISIS was killed.

Consider how the killers were represented in The Telegraph on March 23. The paper reports:

Khalid Bakraoui, 27, is suspected to have rented a house under a false name in the Forest suburb of Brussels which was raided by police last week in connection with the Paris attacks.

Mohamed Belkaid, a key member of the Paris plot who had accompanied Salah Abdeslam on a trip to Hungary and who transferred cash to the plot’s mastermind, was killed in the raid, and an Isil flag found next to him. Two men got away.

According to local media, both El Bakraoui brothers were known to the police. 

In October 2010, Ibrahim was sentenced to nine years in prison for opening fire on police with a Kalashnikov rifle during an armed robbery on a stockbroker.

Khalid was sentenced to five years probation in February 2011 for car-jackings. He was found to have Kalashnikovs when arrested.

He is now one of Europe’s most wanted men who gave police the slip last year when he returned from Syria.

He was also in the car with Belkaid on the return trip from Hungary. [emphasis added]

The Incriminating Material Found After The Attacks

As any good pair of patsies would do, the suicide bombers were careful to leave a trail of bombs, ISIS flags, and suicide notes behind them ensuring that their connections to ISIS would be found and used to maximum effect.

According to the Associated Press, Belgian police found nail bombs, ISIS flags, and “chemical products” in an apartment where the brothers were picked up by a taxi.

Perhaps the most interesting “coincidence” is the discovery of the suicide note on the computer of Brahim el Bakroui which was allegedly found in a trash can by a cleaning crew . . . or by investigators. Media reports have actually been unclear as to who actually found the computer and the note.

RT reports:

Brussels suicide bomber Ibrahim El Bakraoui has left a note on a computer found in a trash can during an anti-terrorist raid, Belgium’s federal prosecutor said. The terrorist reportedly wrote that he felt increasingly unsafe, didn’t know what to do and feared going to prison.

. . . . .

Before the attacks Ibrahim left a note, where he wrote that he felt increasingly unsafe and feared landing up in prison. El Bakraoui said he was “in a hurry, doesn’t know what to do” and was “surrounded by all sides.”note was found on a computer in a trash can in Brussels’ Schaerbeek neighborhood.

Earlier reports in Belgian media emerged that a computer with messages allegedly related to Islamic State militants had been found in Brussels. The contents of the computer were described by police as “interesting.”

It is not yet clear whether the computer found by cleaning services was the same one mentioned by the prosecutor.

The note was found by Bruxelles Propreté cleaning team, Dernier Heure newspaper reported. The company’s employees immediately contacted officers from the Montgomery area in Brussels.

While the information above is not evidence enough to conclusively demonstrate that the Brussels attacks were false flags, it is enough to suggest that the official narrative of the events be looked at through skeptical lenses, particularly when Western intelligence agencies and governments have repeatedly sponsored false flag terror attacks in the past in order to justify wars or police state crackdowns at home.

Also Read: 9 Reasons to Question the Paris Terror Attacks

Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of seven books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 650 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s radio show Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. His website is BrandonTurbeville.com He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) gmail.com.

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  • since europeans don't have 1st and 2nd amendments what could be the end game for the globalist cabal-stasi style security services all over europe?  I think part of this is oil money being spread around europe and the us to politicians in one way or another to take more and more middle eastern muslims out of the middle east because of over population and the isisl nuts and others just want a world wide caliphate and are killing whoever they please in the name of allah-I know-it's all isreals fault

    • I didn't see many Muslim families coming to Germany, Denmark, and Sweden in this century. I saw a lot of single men according to photos, and most of them were either military age or college age (depending on your perspective). These are not the same Muslims who came to the U.S. in the 20th century with credentials in engineering and scientific research.

      I am starting to wonder why the hell Merkel and these unrealistic left-wing government idiots took in this type of crowd. They either wanted chaos to take place (so they can usher in martial law) or because they felt some guilt for creating this mess in the Middle East in the first place. And they probably thought they could feel "less guilt" by allowing these violent religious fuit-cakes a second chance at life in a peaceful environment.. 

      These are people with no major work history since they are from areas with leadership based on (and run by) religious extremists who stress physical and sexual violence as part of one's mission in life for God.

      Hence, these are bad boys, and their thing is the use of generating "fear." And nothing generates fear better than the fear of getting your head cut off or receiving stab wounds by nails from a suicide bomber (via vest, back-pack, or special delivery).      

      • it doesn't make sense-like you said Malcolm-guilt or just palin political correctness and wanting us all to hold hands and accept-or meanwhile the young guys are the refugees but this could also be a need to be the bread winner and send money back home and /or apply for their families to com to europe-germany recently suspended that policy-it's probably a combo of altruism, political correctness, a vision of all peoples living in harmony, borderless world, blah blah blah-mafias are shipping these people over the meddeterian so the money is coming from somewhere-I'd say saudis, united emerites, kuwatis -who else would want to ease tensions in the region to keep their kingdoms intact?

        • Maybe new NATO affiliate Turkey is blackmailing NATO countries (i.e. France, Germany) with the export of violent offenders for a consideration for working with NATO.  Fidel Castro did a similar gesture with Jimmy Carter in 1980 with the clearing-out of his prisons and sent them out of Cuba as "qualified to immigrate."

          Some of these "new immigrants" formed the basis and inspiration for the Cuban mafia of murdering drug dealers in the movie "Scarface."

          8116086294?profile=originalMaybe we can copy this glamorization of this criminal thug (OF WHICH MEMORABILIA OR VIDEO NOW ADORES A CENTER-PIECE PLACEMENT IN THE CRIBS OF MANY A CRACK-DEALER AND METH COOKER).


          We can create and call the new movie "Thirty Virgins Or Bust (Or Both In The Press Of A Button, Says My Globalist Master)."

          I want 10% as a royalty payment, but do you really think I stand a chance at collecting this royalty??? 

          • Erdegwon-bamas ultra conservative buddie-talk about a scewball world!!! a commie and an ultras right wing islamist!!! Conspiracy theory?  more muslims spread out into christian countries to create chaos and create the need for a severe crack down on open societies and personal freedoms, gun ownership, etc -commie playbook, divide and conquer while making a few bucks

            Royalties? you'd have to have something on them-or point a gun at them and say

            Meet my leetlle friend!!!

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